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Posts posted by HeijoshinCool

  1. No, no, no.

    Okay, forget the topic title.

    The cops are telling the truth. They are out collecting info on all foreigners (not just me) in this area in the event one is murdered.

    No specific threats.

    They just don't want to be embarrassed (imagine that!).

  2. So I'm getting ready for my trip and there's a knock on the door.

    Three, count'm, three (3) cops in painted-on uniforms and sunglasses and each had sidearms.

    Big smile (me, they didn't).


    You will please come to police station with your passport.


    He starts hemming and hawing. I call GF.

    She tells him (nicely) that only immigration can require a passport, but he persists, saying they need all the info, where I've been and, yes, he said this: where I'm going. blink.png

    But especially the passport number.

    My GF was firm. Why did they need this info.

    One sighed and said, "Too many embarrassments for Thailand, the (title of some big cheese) wants all local farang in the database."

    Why, what embarrassments, she persisted.

    "When Thai men kill farang, and we don't know who the farang is."



  3. I have to admit.

    I am getting worn out by all this corruption.

    That makes two of us. To me it seems openly crazy that money talks, for the world to see. sad.png
    Make that three.

    ...and since it is not getting any better and there is not the slightest change in sight, it is not the first time, I think about packing up and leaving.

    ...and I only came here 5,5 years ago...

    Nearly 17 years, and starting to lose that loving feeling

    Yeah, me too.

    Familiarity breeds contempt.

    The honeymoon's over.

  4. Disgusting. He may have escaped prison, but i pray he and his parents are tormented by their guilty conscience for the rest of their lives and society shuns them.

    What guilty conscience?

    No one shuns the wealthy Thai.

    But, if it had been my loved one his "inability" to drive while under stress killed, I'd be very, very thankful his prison sentence was suspended, and he was walking the streets of Bangkok.

  5. If you hover your mouse over the stars all will be reviewed. wink.png

    It is your member rating that is determined by other members who click on the appropriate star, 1-5. It is an average of all votes given. It could mean they consider you a good contributor, an interesting poster or that they just don't like you. biggrin.png I find it not terribly useful as it can be manipulated or just accidentally clicked on the wrong star as they also don't know what it means.


    Okay, thanks much, but, I have hovered and hovered and clicked and dragged: nothing. Tried each star individually, even.

    Any ideas?

  6. I would say it's unlikely to be just vandalism.

    sure. i bet there are a few people around here who don't like you. no surprise there.

    Well, with 91 posts and a comment like that, I'd say you're off to a dubious start yourself, bud.

  7. <Snip>I have read virtually everything available by Thai, Khmer, French, Chinese, Vietnamese and American scholars on the subject, <snip>


    I'm always interested to learn more. I'd be most great foul if you could recommend a good book or two on the subject.



    If you ever travel to Phnom Penh, you can find tons of books at excellent prices. Also, take a visit to S-21, which is worth a thousand words.

  8. Walking across the border into Malaysia next week.

    I'm finishing up a project and the multiple trucks sitting outside the "Campaign Headquarters" for the appropriately named "Number Two" candidate, who lives one house down from me, are set on distort and are challenging my ability to live up to my name.

    Hence, I will cross the border and immediately begin looking for a quiet, beach. I don't care about services (other than a reasonable restaurant and a cheap bungalow). I'm not interested in sightseeing or partying, this is a "working vacation" that requires serenity.

    Having said that, budget accommodations are desired as I'll be staying a month.

    I can go down the coast a ways.

    Any suggestions?


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