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Posts posted by SDM0712

  1. SDM0712 Escort RS --- Profesionals !

    Everyone wanted to be Bodie (silver Capri 2.0s) but Doyle (RS2000) went on to become a Judge and 3-7 disappeared, and sadly died last year from cancer.


    PS Off topic? They are all Fords and were very cheap.

  2. I think we are all adult and intelligent enough to know that you are not taking a job away from a Thai, are not doing business in Thailand so in effect are not working in Thailand

    What we know, or believe, is as irrelevant as our opinions and interpretation of the rules. The Law is specific and unaffected, we cannot do any form of work here without a work permit, there are no caveats or exceptions.

    Although I think this is a really interesting point and wonder if " cyber"' work done electronically in another country from here has ever been tested legally in terms of working without a permit. It could be quite easily argued that to work over the internet is no different in principle from a holiday maker answering an email on a smartphone or making/receiving a telephone call from his work at home, but is that in itself illegal, probably yes technically.

    However the point is that we cannot work here without a work permit, and although the cyber activities result in money being generated in another country we are physically here and engaged in a working activity here, even if that work has no impact here. The Law does not say we cannot engage in a working activity if that activity takes a job away from a Thai, it just says we can't work.

    It must be extremely difficult if not impossible to prove if the person working is using cloud based software and systems where the servers are abroad in anycase.


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  3. Actually, I can't understand what your problem is.

    Because you got a telephone call from the Bank asking your clients number?

    Was it such a big inconvenience to you, as to make a hole thread ranting about Banks and Thai employees?

    You have lost no money, only 3 minutes of your precious time.

    I can only see it as another attempt to bash Thais and Thai institutions.

    I don't really have a problem, I thought it was amusing and hardly a rant. Also since the event is true and not over sensationalized in my post I can't see how I am attempting to " bash Thais and Thai institutions". If the event were untrue or exaggerated then I might agree with you. Also it really isn't the fact that they made a mistake that bothers me, it is what they would say to my client. How do you say to someone we think that you short changed the bank, definitely in error we are sure, but can you bring another 2000 baht to us? I cannot imagine how that 'phone call would go.

    A question to you, in your opinion if anyone talks or writes about a genuine incident, is that an "attempt to bash Thais and Thai institutions" ? The point is do you believe that if a positive situation occurs that is ok to talk about, but if it's negative better to say nothing ?

    Like all posts here, you do not have to read them and if you find a poster offensive it is a very simple thing to block their future posts.

    To put the record straight I don't "bash" anyone, whatever that even means.


    PS As an afterthought it occurs to me that I recounted am amusing tale regarding an Airbus employee. Why haven't you accused me of attempt to bash a European institution ?

  4. I suppose it's an easy mistake to make, counting to 18. Maybe the money counter needed calibrating that day. Could happen to anyone.

    A few years ago I had a client who worked for Airbus Industries over in Germany and I received an email from him listing his tenants arrears for me to meet with with tenant and sort out. It went something like " Keisha * was £400 short last month and £200 the month before. I make that a total of £800 she needs to pay to bring everything up to date"

    My response to him " I will call you after I have met the tenant, but out of interest what is you do at Airbus". It turns out he worked on one of the design teams for the A380. So I think I can forgive the bank, and next time I'm in will suggest they go into aircraft design, it pays better.


  5. I have a business that maintains a Trading account and a separate Client bank account. The trouble I had explaining the Client account was hilarious. "Why don't you must put client money in your personal account, no one will know "? Which was actual advice I was given by one bank that I won't mention (K)

    Anyway, on Friday I had a chappy making a final payment on a deposit of around 18,000 baht. He went to my home branch, filled in the slip, paid the money and the amount was credited to my account. All is good, the final money has been paid, it's not raining, the world is alive with birdsong.

    Today one of my native staff gets a call from the bank, can we do them a favour. Apparently they are 2000 baht short on that day. They think that my man paid in 16,000 although 18,000 was on the slip which they stamped, and 18,000 added to the account. They wanted the gentleman's telephone number so they could call him, I told my staff to just say we can't give numbers out without authority, which we can't or won't. I was just pondering what they might even say to him since clearly he thinks he paid in the correct amount and has a receipt to show for it.

    Also I'm pretty sure that when people make deposits in the branch they have to put their number on the slip anyway.

    I wonder what kind of qualification might be required to work in a bank here, I would have thought at least an ability to correctly count to 18.


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  6. Never bothered with a Joint Bank account with 'er indoors, we just have our own accounts. Transferring money takes a couple of minutes via the interweb, (mobile or PC),

    And to anticipate the next question I didn't need a work permit to open accounts at Bangkok Bank or Krungsri. Staff in both asked for one and I just said I don't have one, and why would I need one as I didn't (at the time) work here. In Thai style they have been told by their manager that applicants must have a Work a Permit to open an account so the staff are just doing what they have been told, very similar to on one occasion when I wanted to buy a cone without any ice cream from an Ice cream seller at Dom Muang Airport and was told I couldn't, but that's a different story, that ended in tears (not mine).


  7. Don't put a condo in a Thai persons name, it makes a lot of complications and you then need all the bills in the other persons name and you can't get the yellow family book.. which you want.

    As far as I know you do not need to own a property to get a Yellow Book, you just need to show that you are a permanent (or rather not temporary) resident. I have a Yellow Book, yet I do not own my house for example.

    With regard to not putting it in a Thai name, the only methods I am aware of, and I am interested in what you have in mind, if only from professional curiosity ;

    1. If the the building is registered under The Condominium Act the 49% of it can be registered in a non-Thai name. But as far as I am aware the building cannot be registered retrospectively, so unless it was registered when it was built this option is not available.

    2. Setting up of a Thai company to act as as a vehicle to retain control rather than complete ownership. Even though there are many difficulties with this method now relating to the illegality of nominee shareholders and the like, the process is still common.

    3. As described, registering in a Thai name and then leasing it back from them as I have described.

    Rather than PM it, it would be very interesting to know what other methods you are suggesting if they are not covered here.



  8. This topic goes round and round is always a conflict of what can and cannot be done.

    In theory your friend can buy the condo, and lease it to you for 30 years and then give you a contract promising to extend the lease by another 30 years at the end of the first 30 and then another 30 at the end , so effective ownership of 90. In Law you cannot have more than a 30 year lease, but the Law does not forbid another lease to be granted at the end of the period. You should also have built into that a power of attorney giving you the right to sell it and sign the relevant paperwork, although in practice the POA is not always acceptable to the Land Department. One danger is what happens if you fall out with your friend or something more serious like she dies. Technically she owns your condo, which could pass to her heirs.

    Rather than take too much advice here go and see a lawyer, and one that's been recommended to you, and not the cheapest !


    PS It sounds very cheap, which always makes me wary. Any big cracks, is it very small, in terrible order, or off sniper alley ? Does it have enough power points ?

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  9. Townhouses are difficult to rent out as many people don't like them due to the noise, location etc.

    I have 3 free standing houses ( 3 bedroom/3 bathroom and 3 bedroom/bathroom) in the rent in Kathu and they are doing about 24.000 Baht a month each.

    What i normally do is rent the house out via a agency for the first year and if the costumer want to stay longer make a contract directly with him and give him the provision as a discount.

    This works normally very well and one of my houses is already rented out to the same person for 5 years.

    I suppose it depends where in Kathu they are, but I think your tenants have done very well. The last two 3 bed, 3 bath houses we rented out in Kathu were just off Soi Namtok and got 35,000 PCM each. One 4 bed I know of also off Soi Namtok with a pool got 48, but not via us.

    Having said that in my experience it's not a bad thing for a landlord to ask under market rent because they can attract a great deal of interest and the landlord can have their pick of tenants. As any seasoned agent or Landlord will tell you the quality of the tenant is more important than getting top rent.


  10. I cant seem how comparing it to your home country helps. You need to be comparing it to similar properties in the same area in Phuket. Different areas in Phuket different rental prices.

    It doesn't help.

    In my Harrow branch (NW London) I have studio apartments of around 35 m2 that get around 35,000 baht a month (equiv), in my Phuket branch I can give someone a 3 or 4 bedroom detached house with a 2 or 3 bathrooms for the same money. Also prices vary tremendously depending on whether it's near the seaside, a Thai area or an expat area.


  11. It depends whereabouts in Kathu it is, the price seems about right. To give you an example we get around 12,000 a month for our DCondos, which are only around 35 m2 studios !! And 16,000 for 2 bed condos at Phuket Country Club.

    What she needs to be asking is more how is it being advertised and where, is there a sign outside, that type of thing. After 25 years in agency both here and London I am continually amazed that people thing we do nothing for our money. To anyone that rents their own property I ask how about the contracts, inventories, photographs, advertising. People take photos on their iPhones and upload them, to be honest they are better off using nothing at all. The TV classified section is all very well for free but many of the good websites cost money and are not cheap. For examples Ddproperty.com is very good, but the free adds appear at the end of a list of hundreds or thousands. To get near the top you have to take a package, and if you a serious you take the top Platinum Package as we do, but for the private advertiser that's no good even if they wanted to spend the money as it gives you 150 top ad spaces.


  12. +1

    Well...... We had Tiger (on the corner opposite Tai Pan) and then they built a new Tiger (as I said just known as Tiger 2 locally, we do have imagination) in Bangla with a nightclub on the first floor, but the nightclub didn't open until the original Tiger burnt down. However before the fire and opening of T2 another Tiger complex was opened on the "third "road with a hotel and next to the new Bangla Boxing Stadium. But no one even went there so it didn't have any local nickname. It is now purely a restaurant.

    Now more recently the original Tiger has been re built and re opened. However I'm not sure what we are calling it locally. I just call it the one that burnt down.

  13. No.

    The bar you have shown a photo of, Freedom Bar, is in the Tiger Complex, commonly referred to here as Tiger 2. The Soi I mentioned is Soi Freedom, formerly Eric, and nothing to do with Tiger.


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  14. Hmm not updated much is it.

    Bars here and in T2 especially don't bother with FB too much, although you know where it is now. If you go there take a wallet full of cash, which you won't have when you leave !!!

    Enjoy !


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  15. Looks like a lot of wild women....you sure you want to go there?

    Anyways, when you are sitting there you will see the sign, Freedom Bar, Soi Eric. Now called Soi Freedom


    Thanks for the map but after saving to pc I can't open it. Complains about Photo Viewer not supporting this format yet I can see that it's a jpeg file.

    you can just drag and drop it on your desktop.

    you can rename it sign.jpg or whatever...then it will load.

    It's a little bit out of date, a few of the Sois have changed. As mentioned Soi Eric is now Soi Freedom... I have 11 bars to sell down there if anyone wants one !

  16. Looks like one bars in Tiger 2 (the one with the nightclub on the first floor). At a guess I would say, if you are facing it, it would be the second row on the left towards the front, or it might even be a front bar. Perhaps next to Pink Lady.

    It looks like it was taken in the daytime and if so only the front bars are open in the day normally.


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