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Posts posted by SDM0712

  1. The contract doesn't need to be in Thai for it to be legal.

    This is correct, but it needs to be translated by a Court approved Notary Public or similar to be admissible in Court, and unless it's in Thai the Police won't understand it, in the very unlikely event they show up.


    • Like 1
  2. If the contracts are not in Thai then get them translated by a notary public, included your sign off amendments, (happy to recommend one) and in the very unlikely event of the rozzers showing up just show them the translated copy. After that maybe it's time to get out of Dodge, these nutters can be unpredictable.


    How much will that cost ,more than 12 days rent?

    No idea. I doubt it though, probably charged on an hourly rate. But if the contract is not in Thai and there's no official translation, it is useless.


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  3. tell them about your Aunt May and her dog called Trixie. Compliment them on their nice dress sense.

    Why does this make me think of " My Aunt, who I lived with, had a parrot...."


    PS www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTv5ckMe_2M&sns=em

  4. If the contracts are not in Thai then get them translated by a notary public, included your sign off amendments, (happy to recommend one) and in the very unlikely event of the rozzers showing up just show them the translated copy. After that maybe it's time to get out of Dodge, these nutters can be unpredictable.


  5. They do it mostly out of ignorance....

    I am a Dutchman, and I for one am extremely grateful to the Americans for 'helping us out' with the horrible WW-2; if it wasn't for the US of A, I (and all of my European counterparts) would be speaking German now .............. Whenever & wherever there is a 'hot-spot' caused by callous governments, dictator or natural disaster: who jumps-up and rushes to take the required action ? ? ? It's always the USA ............... Also; I have to laugh when I read here that Kiwis & Aussies are believing they can score point with regards to the American's Language ? ? ? ? - That is a classic case of the Pot calling the Kettle black ! ! ! !


    I was going to throw my 2 cents in but you've pretty much said what needs to be said in good fashion.

    I'll throw my 2 bob in;

    I studied WW2 at school and from memory US public opinion was very much against the country entering the war as it was seen as a European problem. If anything we probably have the Japanese to thank for the US entering the war with their surprise attack on Pearl Harbour in 1941. They really did "awaken a sleeping " giant culminating for them with their surrender after the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Having said all of that it's quite right that without the US involvement we would probably all be speaking German, Japanese or Italian and all Jews, Gays etc would be dead.

    It terms of these " 'hot-spot' caused by callous governments, dictator" it seems to me that invasions and regime changes in countries like Iraq and Libya that had unfair but reasonably stable dictatorships before hand, are left in chaos and more of a danger to us then before there was any interference.

    Language, what American language, or Kiwi language, or Australian language ? Unless this means one of the Native American Indian dialects, or Aboriginal/Maori dialects, I think you mean English, which is what the majority all speak.


  6. Envy plays a huge part here. "Ok, you invented internet, GPS etc, "

    Actually I always thought the internet was invented by an Englishman *

    The GPS satellite network is a wonderful free gift to the world from the US Department of Defense and especially for people like me with no sense of direction, but it is a "wolf in sheeps clothing". The network apparently transmits it's regular civilian signals received by our TomToms, Garmins etc, but also no doubt military coded signals for use by missiles etc. it stands to reason that either can be switched off by the networks owners.

    Personally I don't have a problem with any of that, but it is not the free no strings attached gift that many think it is.


    * http://inventors.about.com/od/bstartinventors/p/TimBernersLee.htm

  7. If people want to be over generous and over pay that is all well and good for them and great for the receiver of their generosity but unfortunately establishes a new benchmark for what our Thai hosts expect from a foreigner. Personally I make a practise of paying what a Thai would pay, or tipping what a Thai would tip.


    • Like 1
  8. Here a property is worth what an owner thinks it worth,...

    Actually it's worth what someone will pay for it. What the owner thinks is irrelevant.

    Completely right here and everywhere.

    You can gauge an average baseline value from the asking prices, which although will all be intentionally high to allow for offers, it will tell you if something is way out of line with the norm. There's lots of property around, offer low and see what happens, they can only say no.


    • Like 1
  9. I'll just chime in with some general advice.

    The guys are right, book some accommodation before you arrive, can just be for a night, because you will have to fill in an address on the immigration card. At the airport you can get metered taxis at the taxi desk, limousines book in the baggage claim hall (about 1500 to downtown BKK from memory, not been to the city for a while), and a really good train service that links to the Sky Train in the city and takes about 30 minutes and runs every 30 minutes. If you have booked a hotel they can probably collect you for a fee, might be worth it if you have no idea where you are going.

    In the 15 plus years I was coming here as a tourist before moving here I have never been asked to prove funds once or even been asked to see a return ticket. Don't worry about that at all.

    On money don't carry large amounts, and don't flash it around. I always used ATM's because we have them everywhere. If they ever become sentient there are enough in number to take the country over.

    Thailand is generally speaking as safe a country as any of its European equivalents or North America. But for some reason many foreigners seem to leave their common sense in the baggage claim. Act as if you would do at home and have a lovely time.


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  10. Thanks for the answer.

    I'm actually staying in Thailand with a non-o visa, but as I'm getting a little bored, I'd like to do a bit of web programming (my last job in Europe).

    I'm looking for the cheapest way to to it as I'm not expecting io get a fortune out of this job.

    You may as well set up a company.

    Have a consultation with a lawyer, happy to recommend one. It's so much easier when you are married to a Thai to do this.


  11. Their is a British MP called Hilary, the son of the late Tony Benn.

    Hilary is actually a mans name as well as a ladies, or have I missed the point, I have the feeling I have.



    But just google "Hilary" just look under images, most are well blessed blonds...


    It's a very old fashioned name for a man,

    The only one I know of in modern times is Dr Hilary Jones, http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilary_Jones_(doctor)

    Other examples are Vivian or Shirley


  12. i wanted a contract as i was tired of 7/11 runs and wanted a data plan included, it was only available if i had a work permit, simple solution was to put it in your girlfriends name and then select a plan, i took a 100 mins talk time with unlimited internet at a cost of 299 baht per month, but was then told it was half price for the first 12 months so it was 150 baht per month, very happy with it all so far

    I use 12GO (pay as you go) and never do 7/11 runs, just do a top up via Internet banking (can also do at ATM) and for the data plans just call 1175 and tell them what I want. Never been asked for a walk permit, I guess you would be added for a contract though.


  13. I've only ever used pay as you earn phones, never has a problem and very easy to top up. Is there an advantage to having a contract that I am unaware of ?


    As the Original Poster currently lives outside of Thailand, perhaps he or she is accustomed to having a contract with a phone service company. And, paying as you go is much more expensive there than here.

    I always wonder if I am paying too much, in have two 'phones, a BBZ10 and Galaxy Win. On the BB I have a monthly 3G unlimited internet package for 799 plus VAT and because my internet use in the Galaxy is very light, just LINE and what if, plus a couple of non-streaming others I have a 500MB limited 3G package for 249 a month.

    Anyone got similar services on contract ? Just wondered about cost.

    I top on via Internet banking so don't have to get a voucher from 7 or similar.

    My main number I have had for about 15 years, well before I moved here full time.


  14. Wasnt trying to offend or belittle you, too be frank and not trying to patronise you, you at least aint speaking with a forked tongue.

    You have only the wide boys and spivs representing your profession who have gone before you in Thailand to thank for the reputation your profession has.

    Yes you have answered all my questions, thanks.

    Please feel free to send me a PM with your companys name and location, I will pass it on to the farangs I know.

    Unlike some of our former barrow boys from Billericay market who re-invent themselves upon arrival on these shores, you at least appear to have some principals.

    Don’t worry I’m not offended by you in the slightest, that wsnt what I meant, and the suggestion is valid from what I have seen here, which is one of the reason we don’t like to work with anyone else. I’m old school and come from a time and a place where to be an Estate Agent was a respected profession and from a country where we actually have a Law called The Property Misdescriptions Act, that make it a criminal act to describe something incorrectly, or even alter a photograph in any way. I’m also very lucky in that I work because I enjoy the job, I like to work but I don’t need to work.

    The more senior I’ve become in my career, the further back I’ve been pushed from the stuff that I enjoy, in dealing with people and properties. Its quite refreshing being on the front lines again and sellers seem to like my brand of “telling it as it is”, I just wish more would actually take my advice!


  15. I did once hear in my youf of a fanatical "Gooner" giving his son four middle names, I really can't remember the first and last, but the middle ones were Arsenal One Tottenham Nil.

    I really didn't make that up or this;

    I had a buyer once called Sarah Connor, who was not amused in the slightest when I asked her to wait, telling her that I would be back, in an Austrian accent, after leaving the keys for the house she was viewing in the car. It was a bet and I had done it on purpose. She didn't buy the house.

    Also had a buyer called Ben Kenobi, an older gentleman from Africa or similar, who after being asked many times by my collegues and I if he had a relative called Obi Wan. We thought it was hilarious (we were young) and eventually I asked him if he had ever heard of Star Wars. He hadn't but I'm pretty he did a bit of research because we never saw him again.

    I used to have dealings with a lawyer called Andrew Payne, from a firm called Wright Hassal & Company in Reading. So I was dealing with "a pain from right hassle and co"

    All true.


  16. I have to clarify: I am not worried about divorce as it is her property /land anyway. What worries me if she dies before me and the dreaded family leaches come and kick me out. Her immediate family are OK (mom, dad and brother) but extended family are hard core leaches. The one advantage I have is we are long distance away from the family.

    I did come across this once a while ago.

    As far as I know as next of kin, unless there is a will to the contrary, direct ownership will actually revert to you, but since you are not Thai this is only a temporary situation and you will have one year to sell the land on. I suppose in theory a Thai "company " could buy the land from you and lease you the house and/or the land.

    Check with a lawyer because I'm admittedly a bit shakey on that, but I'm pretty sure it's correct. Use the "Ask a Lawyer " section to ask a lawyer here for free.


  17. It's very common, I dread having to bring my car to Patong. The only places I use are The Kee (80 baht one off), Patong Promenade (FOC for an hour and then an hourly charge), Jung Cylon (FOC* for three hours if I spend 100 baht there), beach road if I'm lucky (FOC).

    Really for Patong bike is best.


    * Free of Charge, not Friends of Carlotta

  18. Can we all come down as spectators or part of a sting ? I'm not far from you I think and have an overcoat, hat and dark glasses.

    It was something on Pulp Fiction, the quote is not relevant but the spirit of what JT said applied in this case, that it was almost worth the crime being committed so you could catch the thief red handed.

    Personally I can't believe that anyone who wanted a iPhone wouldn't know of it's trackability. I wonder if it's been sold on already to hotel staff.


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