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Posts posted by Kitsune

  1. Ankara is accepting non-nationals

    Jacob Cassidy Can any national apply at any Embassy for the new METV after 13 November? Meaning can someone from the US apply in Ankara, Turkey? Or do you have to apply at an Embassy in your home country?
    Royal Thai Embassy, Ankara You can apply in Ankara.


    I wouldn't count on it based on that. Three questions answered with an ambiguous answer.

    The 3 different questions are a clarification of the same one.

    No one would count on that, and rush to the consulate from a comment on a FB page, it-s 2015.

    At least I am trying to get information, as opposed to lecture people on who should stay and who should leave the country.

    So why did you post it and say "Ankara IS accepting non-nationals"?

    Getting information is one thing but passing it as fact is another.

    Welcome back BTW. How was the holiday?

    People are clearly shown a FB page and the link is provided.

    Critic is easy, when was the last time you actually brought something new to this forum?

    Are you referring to a moderation action? Because I dont think that's allowed to be commented on forum.

    So if you are trying to make me comment it, that can be qualified as an attempt to troll.

  2. Ankara is accepting non-nationals

    Jacob Cassidy Can any national apply at any Embassy for the new METV after 13 November? Meaning can someone from the US apply in Ankara, Turkey? Or do you have to apply at an Embassy in your home country?
    Royal Thai Embassy, Ankara You can apply in Ankara.


    I wouldn't count on it based on that. Three questions answered with an ambiguous answer.

    The 3 different questions are a clarification of the same one.

    No one would count on that, and rush to the consulate from a comment on a FB page, it-s 2015.

    At least I am trying to get information, as opposed to lecture people on who should stay and who should leave the country.

    • Like 1
  3. Ankara is accepting non-nationals

    Jacob Cassidy Can any national apply at any Embassy for the new METV after 13 November? Meaning can someone from the US apply in Ankara, Turkey? Or do you have to apply at an Embassy in your home country?
    Royal Thai Embassy, Ankara You can apply in Ankara.


  4. Guys - You both had valuable things to say in your posts - And each of you added to the subject - This is not a vote for the guy with best point wins.

    Its all about contribution of information we can all use. Make the real enemy ignorance - And focus what you both did well - Giving a valuable contribution to the question.

    Thank you.

    That was my point, different points of views give a wider picture to the OP.

    There is no right or wrong, only different insights and everyone has a right to express theirs.

    • Like 1
  5. I think we know by know that what consulates say and what actually happens are two different things.


    I have never seen a consulate not applying what they require.

    If Singapore says only residents can apply, I will not go there to risk being rejected.

    If Italy asks $6000, I would not apply without a bank account showing that amount.

    I think that jspill is correct. For certain things what is written and what is required can be different. In this case I believe an onward ticket will be sufficient. Otherwise they can place this type of visa between the ones they never sell, which by the way could very well be what they wanted since the beginning, kill double and triple entry tourist visa, with nothing as a practical replacement.

    It only remains to be seen what they will do in the US and UK, which historically has been easier than continental Europe.

    Really? They sometimes don't apply the requirements? For which things? When ? Where?

    When you say "in that case", are you talking about the money or residency?

    It is true that it seems alot to ask suddenly, but as you also said,could it not just be their plan to just kill 2&3 TR visa?

    Yes we have to wait but mostly for Laos

  6. whistling.gif The new METV may mean big changes in tourist visas.

    There are a lot or rumors right now, but no general rules for that METV are issued yet.

    Therefore, no one can really say what the changes in tourist visas may be yet

    The new METV is supposed to be issued on 13 November 2015.

    Before that, probably in the first week of November a meeting of the high-ups in immigration is supposed to happen

    that will clarify what and how the new METV will be.

    And also that may clarify any changes in tourist visa policy.

    Until then nobody can really say what any new rules will be.

    No need to wait that long. As explained before, 8 Thai consulates have already published the new rules, and these are all the same or very similar. So, we kind of know already.

    By the way, there will be no "immigration high-ups meeting". Thai embassy and consulate are under the Minister of foreign Affairs (executive power).

    But... ...................but...but...but...Their own press release said the METV was in addition to the alredy existing 60 days TR visa.

    Not in replacement of...

    Surely they can''t be lying ?

    Can't they?

    But then again ...

    Press Releases : Thailand launches the Multiple Entry Tourist Visa (METV) scheme

    Thailand is launching the “Multiple Entry Tourist Visa (METV)” scheme. This new type of visa is an addition to the already existing 60 days tourist visa, and will be effective from 13 November 2015 onwards.

    The METV is applicable to tourists of all nationalities wishing to travel to the Kingdom. Applicants can apply for the METV at all Royal Thai Embassies, Consulates-General and Honorary Consulates worldwide. The application fee is 5,000 THB with a visa validity of 6 months and the duration of stay of up to 60 days per visit.

    The METV scheme aims to boost Thailand’s tourism industry and Thailand’s readiness for the ASEAN Community at the end of this year.

  7. Exactly. You have never been there. Never been to the consulate. So your advice is based on what exactly. The OP third point was about single entry tv from hcmc consulate. I suggest you in future advice on personal experience only, due to fact that second hand info is often rubbish. If and it's a big if single entry tv or METV are a future option then enjoy your trip to Bali for beach options. Stick to the OP .seems an issue for some

    Different people, different point of view, comprendo?

    My advice is based on posters including yourself who reported having singles only in HCM, which is for me not a good sign.

    You should just drop it because you are getting ridiculous: If you were to prevent all post non based on personal experience, you should start with moderators. They give advice all the time based on what people report.

    • Like 1
  8. It is very difficult to answer these questions as we don't have the requirements of most regional embassies about METV and TR visas

    1/ Nothing is official, we have info by default; ie members reporting being rejected at borders/ embassies because of too many TR visas.

    It is down to each consulate/border and sometime officer. I would say most have unofficial limits, however I am aware of one consulate that has stated no limits to the number of consecutive TR Visas (but most likely will revert to limit soon, given recent events).

    2/ Looks like it yes. Until people run out of embassies to apply in the region and get asked for METV.

    3/ Vietnam was not the easiest in terms of requirements (proof of travels, and only delivering singles/doubles) so far, compared to friendlier places, so again, unless recent events change things around, personally, that would not be my first choice. HCM not really an alternative as they now already only deliver singles, so not the friendliest.

    Will not even bother with your first 2 points. Being obvious. On did you bother reading the OP what has double or triple entry tv have a relevance. The OP referred to single entry tv. How many times have you been to hcmc consulate for a tv. The other poster mentioned an ed visa. Again irrelevant. I have been there many times and the require for single entry tv are this.

    Print out of plane ticket into los. And the standard stuff. Time on passport etc.

    The mist simple consulate I have been to.

    Also the details 're flight costs are accurate.

    If visa exempt countries it's perfect. If not still a good deal. Have you ever been to hcmc? Don't think so

    I never thought I would have to say that one day but, here we go : I am sorry that we don't have the same view as yours on HCM consulate lol biggrin.png

    No I have never been to HCM, but as I said, it was only MY OPINION, a consulate that -now- already only gives singles is IN MY OPINION not friendly.

    There is nothing to be upset about, I am sure HCM is a very nice place otherwise, and I am sure you had a great time there.

    Some people are different from you, and have different views, is that too hard to accept?

  9. It is very difficult to answer these questions as we don't have the requirements of most regional embassies about METV and TR visas

    1/ Nothing is official, we have info by default; ie members reporting being rejected at borders/ embassies because of too many TR visas.

    It is down to each consulate/border and sometime officer. I would say most have unofficial limits, however I am aware of one consulate that has stated no limits to the number of consecutive TR Visas (but most likely will revert to limit soon, given recent events).

    2/ Looks like it yes. Until people run out of embassies to apply in the region and get asked for METV.

    3/ Vietnam was not the easiest in terms of requirements (proof of travels, and only delivering singles/doubles) so far, compared to friendlier places, so again, unless recent events change things around, personally, that would not be my first choice. HCM not really an alternative as they now already only deliver singles, so not the friendliest.

    • Like 1
  10. This is the message I got to try to reach this topic

    I had to reload twice, before landing here

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    Check your proxy settings or contact your network administrator to make sure the proxy server is working. If you don't believe you should be using a proxy server: Go to the Opera menu > Settings > Change proxy settings... > LAN Settings and deselect "Use a proxy server for your LAN".

  11. The West is ravaged by capitalism.

    Every worker is under huge pressure by constantly having to compete with other work forces from low cost countries doing the same job for a fraction of the price. Everyday people are losing jobs, houses, families are broken.

    Most companies have relocated to low cost countries for their production. It only makes sense that workers now do the same.

    I say this guy is a modern hero for having found his temporally way out of the pressure and for adapting to Thai life standards.

  12. I have the basic 3BB package at 599 per month (631 with tax) with a router wifi located less than 2 meters away from my laptop only separated by a thin wooden wall.

    For Skype I have tried using it on my phone with the same home wifi, its the same problem, my dad in France never hears me or very badly.

    When I do the echo test Skype service to test my sounding settings, I hear everything clearly.

    I do notice that it is better when the weather is clear though...or its a coincidence lol

    Today is better on loading pages, but Skype is useless...

    Also I have yet to meet a friend in BKK that has great WIFI, true or 3bb, so I am wondering...

  13. Right now: yes.

    But it can change anytime....

    would it not be suspicious to chose a 3 months when you can get 1 year for the same docs?

    Some only need a single entry "O" visa as they intend and qualify for an extension of stay. Nothing "suspicious" about that.

    It is serial users of TV's who are suspicious .....................................

    Yeah I know I am very suspicious, I am surprised you have not called call immigration on me yet.

  14. Farang teachers will not have problem staying in Thailand.

    They just get "married", and head to Savannakhet.

    Those who are over 50, will go to Pattaya to get a Non-O based on Retirement, with the "help" of a Visa Agent.

    you know immigration is making home visits to surprise "married" couples and interrogate neighbors?

    I think they don't do that, if you have a Multi-entry Non-O

    So I would have to leave the country every 3 months just to be left in peace with immi?

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