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Posts posted by Kitsune

  1. I am not trying to brag, it was like that then, I did not like it no more than the bad attitude I get now.

    Sorry to say but black people have always had it rougher than anyone in the LOS, it's not new, not saying it's ok, just saying it's no surprise .

    As an "aryan" young female although I hate the term, I was treated better than most, and especially black people, its horrible but thats the way here.

    So these days it's awfull but you want to stay here?

    As I said, being treated overly nice or overly bad is all the same.

    It shows we don't belong here and never will be treated as equal, which, for me, does not make any sense anyway.

    So like everything here you take it with a pinch of salt.

  2. You are seriously delusional - check the dosage of your meds - there seems to be a problem.

    The number of tourist arrivals in 2000 was 10 million... LINK

    Yes there were 10 millions of us and we were treated like royals, but it was another decade another political system. I know it's hard to believe now but that's how it was.

    A/ Since 2000 the numbers of tourists have been multiplied by 3 and B/ Politically the country has changed enormously

    In 2003 you could get one year visa by just having a girl friend here, that's how much it changed...

    Funny how different it was when I arrived a year later - there must have been a sea-change in the politics, as from the moment I walked out the airport I was met by the usual sullen rip-off artists fighting for my business.

    Taxi fares (and attitude) were ridiculous then and still are today. Rip-off artists were everywhere, it was the least law-abiding country I had ever been to. (I am from Africa, so take a moment to reflect...) Everywhere I went I could feel there was arrogance and animosity behind the 'Thai smile' - just as there is today.

    Are you sure this was Thailand, or do people just worship you wherever you go? Must be nice to be a deity - in your own mind laugh.png Mommy tell you, you are special?

    I am not trying to brag, it was like that then, I did not like it no more than the bad attitude I get now.

    Sorry to say but black people have always had it rougher than anyone in the LOS, it's not new, not saying it's ok, just saying it's no surprise .

    As an "aryan" young female although I hate the term, I was treated better than most, and especially black people, its horrible but thats the way here.

  3. You are looking for tortuous explanations, when reality is much simpler -and unfortunately much uglier-

    They used to want us -long staying farangs- as well as Chinese. Now with 7.8 Millions of Chinese tourists per year, they can afford to get rid of us.

    It is simple as that.

    Thai people opinion has been switched regarding foreigners: They used to worship us as semi-deities, they now held us responsible for all the problems this country has. Getting rid of most foreigners here, is a very popular opinion among the majority of Thais.

    You only have to read the haters comments here to get an idea - a pale idea- of what the locals think of us....Where do you think they get it from?

    One of the daftest posts I've read in a long time. Semi - deities?

    I have numerous accounts of being treated like deity, did not particularly liked it but that's how it was 15 years ago. Now it's the opposite

    When I arrived in Thailand in 2000, I was not allowed to queue. Anywhere.

    Every time I would go and join a queue at a BTS, a bank, a food stall, any shop, people will always make a fuss that as a foreign guest I should never queue. I found it quite embarrassing actually and tried to refuse to be jumping queues but people insisted.

    Whenever I was fumbling my pockets looking for coins to put on the BTS machine, some Thai person would come along and give me their change.

    On many occasions i was given the best seats everywhere I would go,sometimes dislodging old grannies, it was sooo embarrassing.

    You are seriously delusional - check the dosage of your meds - there seems to be a problem.

    The number of tourist arrivals in 2000 was 10 million... LINK

    Yes there were 10 millions of us and we were treated like royals, but it was another decade another political system. I know it's hard to believe now but that's how it was.

    A/ Since 2000 the numbers of tourists have been multiplied by 3 and B/ Politically the country has changed enormously

    In 2003 you could get one year visa by just having a girl friend here, that's how much it changed...

    • Like 1
  4. You are looking for tortuous explanations, when reality is much simpler -and unfortunately much uglier-

    They used to want us -long staying farangs- as well as Chinese. Now with 7.8 Millions of Chinese tourists per year, they can afford to get rid of us.

    It is simple as that.

    Thai people opinion has been switched regarding foreigners: They used to worship us as semi-deities, they now held us responsible for all the problems this country has. Getting rid of most foreigners here, is a very popular opinion among the majority of Thais.

    You only have to read the haters comments here to get an idea - a pale idea- of what the locals think of us....Where do you think they get it from?

    One of the daftest posts I've read in a long time. Semi - deities?

    I have numerous accounts of being treated like deity, did not particularly liked it but that's how it was 15 years ago. Now it's the opposite

    When I arrived in Thailand in 2000, I was not allowed to queue. Anywhere.

    Every time I would go and join a queue at a BTS, a bank, a food stall, any shop, people will always make a fuss that as a foreign guest I should never queue. I found it quite embarrassing actually and tried to refuse to be jumping queues but people insisted.

    Whenever I was fumbling my pockets looking for coins to put on the BTS machine, some Thai person would come along and give me their change.

    On many occasions i was given the best seats everywhere I would go,sometimes dislodging old grannies, it was sooo embarrassing.

    • Like 2
  5. -----------

    The Westerners who stay actually learn the language, etc. Tell me those groups following the guy with the flag on a stick are not "playing disneyland" with Thailand. "No beer-bars" would take a leg off of their tour. Granted, they don't "spend money" there (and do any good for Thailand in the process) - but it is part of the tour. Don't forget 7-11 for meals and souvenirs. Very correct that they won't be helping poor Thai families, like Westerners do. Fact is, most Chinese on cheap package-tours spend less in than a Westerner. Subtract airfare to the Chinese Airline, and do you really think they have that much cash left to spread around?

    Back to the point, how does the METV help those Chinese tourists and/or how are the Westerners being inconvenienced by its rules in any way interfering in Chinese tourism? They come to to see Thailand "As It Is" - otherwise they could go to Lao and get the clean "temples and monuments only" tour.

    You are looking for tortuous explanations, when reality is much simpler -and unfortunately much uglier-

    They used to want us -long staying farangs- as well as Chinese. Now with 7.8 Millions of Chinese tourists per year, they can afford to get rid of us.

    It is simple as that.

    Thai people opinion has been switched regarding foreigners: They used to worship us as semi-deities, they now held us responsible for all the problems this country has. Getting rid of most foreigners here, is a very popular opinion among the majority of Thais.

    You only have to read the haters comments here to get an idea - a pale idea- of what the locals think of us....Where do you think they get it from?

  6. The thing is, you will still find some schools in BKK desperate to stay in business, selling you a year worth of ED visa and saying you will get extensions every 3 months. They have all the accreditation from the MOE, you will pay for the course, do the lessons, get the visa.

    But unless you get a multiple ED, and you can just do border runs every 3 months, you will have to go to BKK immigration to extend. and that's when troubles start.

  7. " he wants to just LIVE there for as long as he chooses. does the UK allow that? "

    but they already allow this with people over 50 by just having a sum of money in the bank?blink.png

    What difference does it make if it's a younger person as long as they can prove they have the financial means to support themselves adequately?

    The difference is that they stay.

    Why have farangs staying all year round and exacerbating xenophobia,when you can have a constant renewal of 2 week holidays Chinese spending 3 or 4 times what a farang would spend living here?

  8. Wow that's a lot of questions !

    1/ For ED visa I would say yes if you are outside BKK.

    2/Yes you can get a single in Laos, they used to limit the double back to back at 3, so you should be fine.

    3/ For SETV in row, we dont know yet the rule is new

    So you don't think it is time to panic yet and maybe start making plans to leave in Jan?

    And I live in Pattaya but just curious why outside bkk is better?

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

    Stop listening to scaremongers,If you are in Pattaya you have nothing to worry about.

  9. I arrive in Vientiane early on the 12th of November and was intending to apply for the old Double Entry tourist visa which I have used 4 times in the last 3 years. Will it still be availble then, 1 day before the changes come into place?

    They are usually telling to bugger off after three, but these times being pre-METV,some posters have reported general leniency regarding DETR.

    Try it!

    Although technically the visa will only be issued the next working day which makes it the 13th,so could be refused

  10. So if people have to go there twice as often (every three months rather than every six months) you think they will be less swamped?

    yes because Vientiane's rule is already 3 TR visa max.

    Maybe Vientiene will finally let us know what the financial-specifics are for the "blue stamp" - and then see more of us 2x as often?

    It would be easier to show "my papers" there, than have to Fed-Ex them back home with my passport for the METV, which still requires I take regular trips out of the country while using it.

    That's precisely the point of METV; make you go back to your own country after a couple of SETV, where your credentials (employment, bank letters, residency, etc) can be properly assessed.

    They used to complain they could not verify foreign docs, now they won't have to, they will just point us out to METV back home.

  11. I just came from 7-11, where a Chinese tour-group were enjoying dinner from the microwave, and doing a big "ohh ahh" over the little cosmetics section. I passed many business fronts "for sale" on the way. Chinese tourists will not fill condos, nice restaraunts, etc - no matter how many come on pre-paid tours with discount low-rate hotel-bookings. They also will not support a Thai family, even though they cannot "marry-in," due to the cultural / financial differences, impossible to own a house, etc.

    People like me do those things - as well as many who make considerably less than what I make, but still many times a Thai's salary. Many of those will now have to leave. There will be a lot of Tears - mostly Thai tears - thanks to this policy.

    I agree in terms of filling up condos, for now anyway.

    Yes 1.42 trillions baht that won't go anywhere near the pocket of your grannie landlord, it's all going to be chain hotels, restaurants and yes 7-11.

    But does Thai government care about old grannies?

    The number of tourists visiting Thailand for the whole year this year is expected to reach 29.5 million, about 700,000 above an earlier forecast of 28.8 million generating revenues totaling about 1.42 trillion baht – an increase of 20 billion baht from earlier forecast of 1.4 trillion baht.

  12. Someone earlier someone asked me when I said a step backwards. probable a tourist visa hater.

    I have been coming to Thailand 10 years.

    Now Lived In Chiangmai 2 years.

    Kept a old lady with and small guest house going for 2 years with a monthly rent.

    A small bike rental company going for 2 years with a monthly rent.

    There has been hardly any tourist staying at my place of residence.

    But I am a bad person a visa runner.

    Not retired but fortunate to stay here due to medical reasons.

    Shame on those ......idiots

    My landlady had been internally grateful for my length of stay. which is now coming to end by the bureaucrat idiots of Thailand and a government that's taking this country 20 years backward.

    Touching but irrelevant, they dont care, they are getting 5.2 Millions of kicking baby tigers Chinese tourists in nov-dec alone this year.

    And that whom they prefer you to.



  13. I want a job as a METV officer in Vientiane !

    Loads of time on Facebook ! biggrin.png

    The consular staff in Vientiane will not be happy with this.

    You kidding?

    It's the official end of their nightmare,they used to be constantly swamped!

    So if people have to go there twice as often (every three months rather than every six months) you think they will be less swamped?

    yes because Vientiane's rule is already 3 TR visa max.

  14. Interesting they include proof of marriage as one of the options, as usually such people would apply for a non-o. A 12 month ME non-o will cost about the same? Much better option compared to this 6 month METV.

    The real gotcha here is the requirement to show proof of funds, and employment, not limited to the country of your pp, but you need to be living and working (legally) in the country where you apply.

    Perhaps a flood of motorbikes, cars, huge tvs and many other 'toys' for sale soon? High-end desktops and sound systems are on my radar... laugh.png

    So if for instance I am an Australian over 60 but retired early, I need to be able to prove I am employed in Australia to obtain I double-entry tourist visa in my country? Even though I have no job but have enough money to support myself?

    There will be no double-entry tourist visa, only singles or METV.

    You will only get a single

  15. China is starting to look good. They are a grown up country that welcomes westerners and does not have a problem with visa running. Ten year tv for americans is possible. All you wannabe immigration agents who say that a genuine tourist does not stay for a long time please explain why two grown up countries China and India both offer ten year tourist visa for US citizens?

    Because unfortunately China's air is unbreathable and India's water is poisoned, not Thailand yet.

    • Like 1
  16. OK - Now think for a moment you are a fly on the wall at this this first meeting - Someone must have said at some point something like:

    "Our objective is to solve the problem we have, which is....(Blank)...."

    - "And if we make the long term tourists go home every 6 months this will be the solution."

    Question: Can someone fill in the (blank) with the possible problem

    My attempt is way too thin, but here are a few.

    a). Preventing foreigner employment without getting the right visa

    - But with just 0.56% Thailand's official unemployment rate (as of the end of 2014) can this be really seen as a problem.

    cool.png. Force schools to provide the correct employment based upon the right visa and no longer expect foreigner English teachers to work illegally through no option.

    - Possibly, but I have no experience to comment on this and might create more illegal over-stayers

    c). Not maximized revenues from the back2back multiple tourist visa users that could be achieved from border runs more often

    - OK this one is a wild and desperate attempt (especially since we also do not know if any back2back single tourist visa will be allowed.)

    d). Erosion of Thainess by cultural long term foreigners staying here

    - Possibly, but then this is not a problem being solved, but rather a fear being prevented and would be more similar to the recent stopping alcohol sales rule 300 meters of a school, which is more a moral judgement and not really problem solving.

    I am personally stuck with trying to find any conclusive answer to the (Blank).

    And hence if there is no real tangible problem being solved here and its just a moral standpoint - Who then will be next...The over 50's?

    They said it, they want to target ASEAN tourists. 5.2 millions of Chinese are coming this Nov-Dec alone.

    Translation: We have enough Chinese to get rid of the long stayers farangs

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