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  1. Go and ask at the Thai Post near your place.
  2. The best way to find out what food you take can affect your blood sugar value is to do your own "experiment" at home. Test your blood sugar value before meal. Take another reading 2 hours after you have consumed the food. Use one of those home kit for blood sugar testing (e.g ACCU-CHEK, Omron, Sinocare, etc). It is tedious and requires discipline. I have developed it into an "art". I weigh my dry pasta before I cook it so that I control the portion size. It's not just the type of food you eat but also the portion size that can affect your blood sugar level. The HbA1c value only gives you the average blood sugar value for the past 3 months (your 6.0 to 6.2 values are very good). Some food release sugar to your blood faster than others (Glycemic Index), which you have to be aware of (e.g. refined sugar, etc). As a diabetic, you should avoid this type of food as sudden spikes in blood sugar level over time can damage small blood veins especially in your eyes. It doesn't mean that as a diabetic your cannot enjoy your food. Eat everything in moderation and some type of food less frequently than others. Good luck in your effort to control your diabetes.
  3. It is their computer system problem. I pay rental for a second router from 3BB and paid the rental for the whole year. They still send me a bill every month. I just ignore them.
  4. Why do you accept delivery when you know it was the wrong weight and size? Just tell the delivery guy to bring it back to his office. That was what I did. No problem at all.
  5. I always buy COD on Lazada. If the size/weight of the package is very different from what I have ordered, I refused to take delivery. This happened only once in my ten years of ordering from Lazada. But nowadays, scammers are everywhere.
  6. Another is where to buy a Pixel brand mobile phone. That brand is not popular at all in Thailand. But WIN is searching. Any time he goes into a mall, he'll ask around at mobile phone shops there. Never heard of Lazada.co.th? https://www.lazada.co.th/catalog/?spm=a2o4m.homepage.search.d_go&q=Pixel phones
  7. OP wants his baguette before 8am. Here is a tip. I buy the half-size baguettes from BigC, freezed them in the fridge. The night before, take out from the fridge and they are fresh as new the next morning.
  8. If you are permitted to stay until 28th, then you can leave on 28th.
  9. BigC Extra in JungCeylon opens from 10am to midnight.
  10. Try the in-house bakery of BigC Supermarket in JungCeylon.
  11. As part of the document check process, the staff in Room 103 will check your address registration. If not up to date, they will advice you to go to the 'Drive through' 90-day reporting booth to get it updated. No extra document needed if you are staying at the same address.
  12. I have a 3BB Optic fibre package of 1000mbps down and 100mbps up. When I use wifi, I get 400mbps down and 100mbps up. When I connect to the router LAN port I get 1000mbps down. You don't get the full 1000mbps download speed when you use wifi.
  13. Yes, it never fail to amaze me each time I go for my retirement extension. There will always be some new requirement. The google map screen shot of where you live (including lat/long) is new this year. But I have to give credit where credit is due to the staff who are checking document. If you do not have the google map, they will use their mobile phone to search it for you and send the screen shot to the photocopy shop for printing out. One more requirement, is that you need to update your address before your extension. At the 'Drive through booth' they will give a dated stamp on the slip. I updated it in early November, went for a short holiday in Koh Lipe. Today, they asked me to do it again because the hotel has registered me to the Satun immigration. All those talk about no need to re-register if you go back to the same address. It certainly discourage expats from taking holidays within Thailand. All these annual stresses are taking a toll on my desire to continue to stay in Thailand.
  14. When you are leaving, the IO will not check whether you have done your 90-day report or not. Don't worry, I have done it before, same situation.
  15. I rest my case.
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