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Posts posted by DerringDo

  1. The law is the law until it is changed or modified. What is illegal today may not have been in the past and may not be in the future. So all those carping about the law remember it can change and usually does under pressure.


    Juries are often made of people who live in the real world not necessarily the ideal world of law makers.


    Many a good/well intentioned law is abused and warped by agenda setters.

  2. Lots of Grauniad readers posting today with their distortion of history especially the dumbing down of the slave trade. Haters gonna hate as the saying goes.


    Made my way around the world owing to the former Empire legacies and feel absolutely no guilt about it.


    Whilst the famine in Ireland was terrible the average British citizen knew sweet f all about it.


    The Indian famine being just as awful was a wartime decision. If it made a difference in getting rid of Hitler then I would hope history judges it more kindly than a blind hatred of those not white and therefore non deserving of life.


    Some great comments in this thread. Long may it continue.

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