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Posts posted by DerringDo

  1. Had a great time BKK to CM a few times over the years. Always first class with the wife and kids. Food was fine. Toilets clean and shower head worked well. Liked waking up to see the lay of the land from Den Chai? Onwards. Cool and crisp in the winter and warm to hot in the summer. Always took a book in the beginning and now it's iPads for amusement.

    Time is never that precious that I'm in a rush to get to CM and I enjoy the train.

    We once travelled to Surat Thani by train and the only downside was the ripe backpackers. Missus' nose didn't stop twitching?

    Definitely trips worth repeating again and again though.

  2. I think that those on the thread lauding Al Jazeera are talking about Al Jazeera English.

    Al Jazeera Arabic is by no means non-biased, even when reporting on the same 'stories.'

    Perhaps as some have mentioned it's more about individual reporters and their personal beliefs than a corporate ethos. Mind you birds of a feather and all that so perhaps I'm wrong.

  3. What is going on, do not any of you realize what has happened here? Police drove into these 2 kids with their car effectively using it to kill them! The police should not be allowed to get away with outright murder, so sad to see this on a Sunday morning!

    You saw this first hand !!! The whole thing from start to finish?? If so ok if not don't speculate on your interpretation till the facts come out

    Do believe it is mentioned in the news article above your post.

  4. I waited until my second son was a year and a half and my oldest was 6 and there were no issues with getting them British passports. Except we had to do it all by post the same as everyone else does now.

    Fill out all the forms and translate everything Thai that they might need; marriage certificate and birth certificate. Your birth certificate to prove you were born in the UK. Photocopy it for each child and then send originals plus copies. Everything original gets sent back.

    It was rather quick return after approval.

    • Like 2
  5. Why is it that some people think the crack down is only aimed at westerners?

    Other threads and news articles quite clearly point out that the largest overstayers by far come from, in no particular order, China, India, Burma (Myanmar) and Cambodia.

    For many of those nationalities the penalties would indeed be harsh but it may be worth it compared to the poverty they may have experienced before.
    • Like 1
  6. Our sons have learned at different speeds in both Thai and English as well as maths.

    The oldest took more time to speak but went straight into both languages. The youngest started using Thai more quickly but that's probably because the oldest and his mother converse in Thai unless I'm around then it switches depending on how difficult I find to explain something.

    Don't worry about the kid(s) they'll be jabbering 12 to the dozen before you can shut the little blighters up. As another poster said you'll wish for the quiet times again ???

    Comprehension is more important than repeating a model sentence. IMHO ?

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