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Posts posted by boisian

  1. No way I'm going back to Koh Tao - I'll take my chances in Pattani.

    That is the best news so far.

    Please take some of these other (facetious) posters with you.

    and I'll leave the teary Tuesday post full moon cranky comedown kids to their bleached coral and plastic bottle beaches segregated by blockwork fences and littered with mafia run bars. Or you can always find respite in the "retirement village" housing dive masters, as long as conversation about how it's better than an office job doesnt get tiring.

    Can sit around with the collection of enlightened laughing at and lamenting for those for whom sarcasm is lost as the highest form of humour while imbibing G+T's and dodging machetes, bullets and motorcycle terrorists down south.

    So my response is, "Gladly"

  2. my first was a 386 with a math co processor with, if I recall, 4Mb RAM and a 20 Mb hard drive. I used Disk Doubler on the fly invisible compression to make the HDD work as a 40Mb hard drive. This messed with the extended memory manager, so I had to use QEMM386 - a third party extended memory manager by quarterdeck. AutoCAD 9 in DOS whatever. Banging around in Castle Wolfenstein when I should have been drafting.

  3. The 100K Baht agents fee is pretty much average for Thais working overseas whether it be Sweden, Japan, Taiwan, Israel etc. It covers visas, flights and other costs involved in the applicant getting the work.

    The Thais generally know the first year is payback and they do not start accumulating funds until into the 2nd and subsiquent years.

    TW's brother worked in a tyre plant in Taiwan for 4 years at the end of which he had saved enough to buy 40 Rai of land (now under rubber) and 2nd hand pickup. Came home for about 2 weeks every year.

    My GF's sister is in Taiwan at the moment, been there 2 years and making not enough to pay back the bank loans for the recruitment agent and the visa. She cannot afford to come home. The conditions are worse than promised as overtime is not paid like promised. If you have any directions to more reputable places of employment in Taiwan for Thai nationals I would be most appreciative as I would like to pass them on. She is in serious trouble over there, practically indentured and working like a slave. Feel free to PM me

  4. Debt is like a disease. She has already used up all her debt that she can think of. Your marriage with her, will allow her new territories to expand her debt. There is no limit to spending. Money is never enough. I don't care if you make six figures, your partner will step all over it and conquer it as her allowable margin. As it prolongs it will destroy your life. I agree strongly with "People who run up debt rarely change." There are only two people in this world. Those with debt, and those with assets. You wake up each day and make a decision which side you will be on. People with assets continue to lead their financially free life making more and more money. People with debt on the other hand, finds more ways to find more debt. Any source of money they will take it. It's just their mentality, it drives them further and further into negative territory. Even worse than drugs if you ask me. They never blame themselves for their mistakes, never admit it's their money management problem. They start protests, complain about low wages, etc.

    Make your decision, there is help and knowledge out there, seek to learn and you will be out of debt.

    Harsh, but I don't connect with people who is related to debt. The disease spreads.

    You sound like a wage slave. The only reason to work for a salary is to demonstrate capacity to service debt. Leverage against your income to access debt you can use to develop wealth. The greater the borrowed money to personal investment ration, the better your return on investment.

    Just pay off her debts then show her how to really generate wealth. Help her to look after her family, no skin off your nose.

  5. I do not think for one minute that my native country, Sweden, is better than any other countries in Europe, but one thing is for sure:

    A Thai Driving licence is NOT approved for a change to a Swedish licence. Every Thai who reside in Sweden has to go to driving school.

    And - by the way - my 5 y Thai licence is NOT valid for driving in Sweden as long as I am still in the social system in Sweden. I must have

    - completly - moved out of the country to make myselt able to drive on a Thai licence in my home country.

    And - I do not know , but belive - the rules of the European Union should be about the same in all countries ??

    especially when Turkey gets in. 5555

  6. "Chalermpol said the women were still holding hands"

    Anyone who can read this and not get choked up is inhuman.

    Your right, at first when read it I was also chocked, but meanwhile thinking on how a life jacket can get out if you hold someones hand.

    My opinion, they did not wear life jacket, the floating jackets where thrown in the water to clear the guard .......

    Perhaps they were holding on to each other in desperation after the strong currents had pulled the lifejackets off. Is there any need for you to be so cynical in such tragic circumstances? I think if they were not wearing lifejackets and the "guard" had just thrown them into the water their friends would have commented on it.

    you see someone fall into the water, the first thing you should do is throw them a flotation device - guard did the right action in that case.

  7. I sailed the return voyage for the Brisbane to Gladstone race - when in Moreton Bay we picked up a couple of fishermen who had swamped their dinghy and been floating in the bay for about 6 or 7 hours they thought - after having had several boats go past them and ignore them - even circle them. We found them at dusk, they are lucky to be alive.

    This kind of shitty behaviour happens the world over, Thailand and Australia too. Probably hard to pull someone out with longtail boat, and they just in a river - maybe Thai guys assumed they were ok - Aussie fishermen were in the middle of tghe bay where no-one swims.

    We made the paper for doing the rescue.

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  8. I never heard that term being used by anyone. So the silly Indian chick is to blame for it being in the public eye.

    Jeremy should sue her.

    I thought a slope was a curve or side of a mountain. Nobody in the USA uses that term unless skiing.

    I used to have a "Ski the Slopes" t-shirt with a cartoon of a guy carving down a mountain running over a heap of caricatures of Asians. I wore it casually as a 16 yo. without realising how insulting insulting can be.....then again one of my mates called me nigger due to my olive skin from my small amount of indonesian, and that was mildly irritating.

  9. Several years ago when I was teaching English to pharmacy students I suggested that perhaps one of them could compound a powder that would act as birth control and mild tranquilizer for soi dogs. Just a bit sprinkled on food put out for the dogs would work wonders. Regrettably no pharmacist has yet come up with such a magic potion. It is still probably a great idea and anyone who can compound such a medication could make a fortune just by advertising on TV.

    would be wasted on the Thai 4 legged variety.

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