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Posts posted by boisian

  1. i'm so fed up with the apologists both here and in pi ... sure there r many murders in other countries ...we just had a vicious murder in oz ....but surely here and in pi there has to be an acknowledgement that RIDICULOUS murders occur ....my german neighbour 20 years ago sold his house and was planning to return to germany with his thai wife .....he had the best house in the street ...he told his gardener of his plans and tried to get the new owner to keep him on...the new owner didnt want to ...so the german guy gave the gardener a very generous severance payment ...and invited him and his family to the farewell party ..attended by the street ...several days later the german and his wife and maid all found slaughtered .....the murderer .......the gardeners wife ..a chronic gambler who had blown the money and had gotten her BOYFRIEND ...to rob and extort the family and had strangled them with wire .....most expats have not got a clue about the jungle that is out there ..thai on thai ...and the ...up to budha mentality

    wow. i guess the gardener should not have given all that cashola to his wife. And a shame the german's thai wife did not keep a bush knife hidden under her pillow. Bush knive vs Piano Wire......
  2. Just back in OZ after a week at Gong Valley Organic Coffee Farm Bungalows in Kra Buri - what a stunningly beautiful part of Thailand.

    Feeling totally bombed though - luckily I think it was due to picking up a flu from sharing a shisha back in Koa Sahn Road, as opposed to malaria or Dengue. Too much mucus to be Malaria :)

    None the less, I might hit the docs on Monday for a check.

  3. Also how many of these little helpers have you seen going on about how poor the people they help are and how we should all strive to consume less and contribute more followed by pulling out the ubiquitous expensive iphone, mac book or ipad?

    Is that the same as the poor bar girl talking about she works bar to take care of her family and then a phone rings and she pulls out her new Iphone 4s....

    OUCH!!!!!! that really hit a raw nerve..... can't decide if I think that was a really funny comment, or I resent it. Prolly both :):(

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