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Posts posted by boisian

  1. thanks geo.

    The kid was cleaned up by a motorbike and went in to hospital early this year or late last year, and at that time the ex hubby / father was paying back to borrow again - he is in the same area so there was an earlier redistribution. I'll enquire.

  2. krisb, did they pay interest for a period then a lump sum repayment? or did they pay back in installments?

    My GF is worried she will be the only one in the village not on time to pay back.

    So every year they need to pay back in full but can promptly reborrow.

    Apparently this year they are not permitted to reborrow.

    The interest rate for this gov't loan seems to be over the top as there is the 8 % interest then the annual mafia short term money lending margin of 1500thb to borrow 30000 for a day or two. My GF family are certainly worse than I am about managing finances (and that means pretty bad financial management)

  3. Is it guaranteed by a land document?6

    From what I can gather, no land document guarantee. Do you ask because a land guarantee was required to access the loans or because without a guranatee there is no pressure to pay back?

    The land the mother was on 8 years ago has been sold. The land they live on now is my GF sisters place and was purchased 6 years ago.

    Totser, when was the money released in your village? last year? Apparently this is because of the current political hooha, but I am suspicious of the timeframe....need to pay back in 1 week.

    I am telling the GF to do a bit more research other than accept her mothers advice that this came out of the town meeting last night. How can gov't give a weeks notice to pay back a loan? Weird.

    edit - thanks khwai for the confirmation - did you get a timeframe?

  4. seeking verification.....

    8 years ago my gf's mother borrowed 30,000 thb from a government scheme. Apparently a pool of 1million thb was made available to each village from the gov't at the "cheap" rate of 8% (I guess this was the Shinawatras purchasing political capital)

    So yesterday the council held a meeting informing villagers that due to all the political problems the gov't require the loans to be paid back......


    the Million Fund news is somewhere in the above thai page?

    anyone heard of this dilemma?


  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Lets not lose focus on the original reason of OP's question. He said he was appalled as to why his girlfriend has an indifferent attitude as to against his own.

    As much as I admire his willingness to help the abused, the fact remains his gf knew what was at stake, and to fault her for her stand when she had only the OP 's well-being in mind, to me is a mistake!

    Sent from my GT-P6200

    Good point - GF may have had 2 motivations - protect farang boyfriend and someone else mentioned it earlier.....

    Thai's care for their family - not their neighbours. Their familial ties and bonds are stronger than farangs, but their concern for others outside of the family is lower...


    I asked my GF if her mother had many friends in the village, and the response went along the lines of, the mother doesnt have big money so neighbours don't want to be associated with her, and if she is not their family, they wont care about her and she wont care about them. The GF has many friends not in family, but I wonder about the value placed on these friendships - not as deep as mine perhaps.....

  6. The boat men, members of the Patong Longtail Boat MAFIA Association. Over and over stories with ALL the same root causes: corruption, no rule of law, no control, mai pen rai attitude. Thailand golden years are finished. Too much laxism and corruption, too many abuses without any authority and control > Thailand service level is going down the hill, Thailand scams and craps up the hill. I am really deeply concerned by Thailand future and outlook. Everything is like this and people and tourists will start to realize and go somewhere else.







    and so on and so on...

    No standard, No control, No safety, No authority, No implementation or respect of laws and regulations. All about corruption and money.

    Above is a real summary of Thailand development in the past decade. Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, Samui. Krabi and Koh Chang on the way...

    you missed a couple.....


    oh I just saw the "and so on and so on"

  7. My friend just asked for a loaner (we all lend each other dosh in times of inconvenience or opportunity or extreme hardship) and i was quite embarrassed to let him know I could not assist due to my TGF's family draining my resources.

  8. Some may not be aware...but dumping stuff in the ocean can sometimes backfire. I once has a bad case of diarrhea..(local food) and made an emergency offload while swimming uptide. To my amazement, there was not one portion of the beach that did not contain remnants. If one man can do that..think of what a whole community can do.

    took a dump in the surf once and got whacked in the back of the head with a foot long floater. Bass Straight, from memory. No need to use a bumgun.

  9. No, nanny state fans, there is nobody to blame here but the guy himself, no need for new laws banning dancing on a bar.

    Shit happens. RIP to the guy, nothing wrong with that way of losing one's life, it's just bad luck following risky behavior. I feel sorry for him, but everyone takes his own risks.

    now this comment is social darwinism - using the theory to avoid reform......

  10. this may be simplistic, but why don't the opposition simply employ campaigns to appeal to the masses of rural poor, and campaigns based on good economic policy? Surely helping people away from abject poverty will only stimulate the economy. If they have money, they'll spend it.....

    That is democracy, innit? Manufacture a bit of consent? What are the policies of the opposition?

  11. There are card games and illegal casinos everywhere in Thailand.

    You should take a look around you more often.

    Yes, I'm sure that's what you've heard. Me too. Have you actually been to one? Seen these girls with gambling addictions going at it?


    What sorts of card games do they play? How much are they playing for? Genuinely curious.

    High Low. 1000 baht a flip.

  12. There are card games and illegal casinos everywhere in Thailand.

    You should take a look around you more often.

    Yes, I'm sure that's what you've heard. Me too. Have you actually been to one? Seen these girls with gambling addictions going at it?


    What sorts of card games do they play? How much are they playing for? Genuinely curious.

    High Low, 1000 baht a flip

  13. Sorry for your loss, but happy to hear that you seem to be learning from you past.

    Two quotes I have lived by but still have gotten into a fair spot of trouble...

    1) "I wouIdn't tie my shoes without a backup pIan" - David Mamet, screenplay writer

    2) "If you want to stay a millionaire, never get married even if you have the best prenuptial agreement in the history of the world" - an LBO financier of the 1980s that will go unnamed.

    God knows what and how many more difficulties I would have set myself up for had I not followed these words.

    Hope these words help someone more than myself.

    Looking at marrying tgf in a little while in Thailand.

    Where do I go for a good pre-nuptual agreement?

    Should it be in Thai or English?

    Basically I have next to Nill assets now (recently divorced....facepalm.gif ) - will a prenup be of any use?

  14. really out of curiosity, i notice that you did have more than 3000 messages on tv, so here my question: Are you one of those members

    who spent their times claiming how much their gf/wife is different, that she come from a good family, she is so honest, you can trust her with you life, she will never harm you, she is the best thing that did happen in your life, and she love you maak????!

    (Well inspite of warning, the cultural gap, language barriere, difference of wealth, her family, etc etc)

    Because if you are one of them, who spent his times to spread myths and &lt;deleted&gt; on tv, well in fact you might have fooled some other members, but the biggest victims is...you!

    Now its time for some weeks holidays, and after to start to build back yourself, and dont run again in the same problems as it seems that some never learn.......

    That is a very interesting post.

    I'm one of the guys who didn't discover Thaivisa (or really know anything about Thailand) until AFTER I married my wife.

    Now I would actually say my wife is very DIFFERENT because most Thai people are not evil monsters with NPD.

    your wife is Different to most who are not evil NPDers? Damn, bad luck. Bet u wish you had known about TV

  15. This is what balconies look like at Shangri la BKK.



    This balc. does not comply to australian building regs as both the bottom rail and the top of the rendered concrete upstand are climbable. Prolly one of the many small reasons why y'all r living in LOS and not this nanny state where you cant wipe ur butt with loo paper unless its been signed off by the surgeon general in triplicate. Jumper must 've been threatened with one of those blue drinks, and took the easy way out.

  16. Let's hope for the the scammers sake, that they havent pissed off the wrong Russians wink.png

    I trust these Russian men have connection here, I suggest if they read this they should go back to the beach rental unit and take some pictures of the group...once having this they should go to a Russian restaurant and see whom owns it...explain to the manager the problem and show pictures of group, or course they will explain the situation over a Vodka and dinner...I not need to say anything more...like table salt sodium Chloride..it is safe..separate they become deadly elements..lets hope the Russians will deal with theses thugs...Like Russian Row let..the Russian will have a full magazine pointed at the heads of the thugs..

    Why do you believe that most russians have "connections" here? Russian tourist are no more "connected" here in LOS than any other tourists visiting.

    cos there are only 2 kinds of ruskis with the dough to travel, the aristocrats and the mafia. By the way, they killed all their aristocrats.

  17. Let's hope for the the scammers sake, that they havent pissed off the wrong Russians wink.png

    No, let's hope they have!

    If it was the wrong Russians they would not have gone to the police

    Oh yeah, thanks so much clap2.gif

    My day will be so much better now after your little, pedantic, stating the obvious comment.

    "No, let's hope they have!" was a little, pedantic, stating the obvious comment too. As was my, ""No, let's hope they have!" was a little, pedantic, stating the obvious comment too." too.

    edited because the loops did my head in, so I added the last "too" for clarity.

  18. If I had a business that was interrupted due to the protesters and consequently failing, I think I'd be pretty angry with the anti-government protesters as well.

    The fact the he was wearing political clothing does not indicate any political opponents were behind this. It could have been any reason for the killing. That's what the anti-government protesters don't understand. When you block the streets and drive away customers, then you make more enemies than just the government and their supporters. And the mafias don't like to see their income streams disrupted.

    If I had a business that was interrupted due to the protesters and consequently failing, I think I'd be pretty angry with the anti-government protesters as well.

    Are you saying you would murder people if you were in the same circumstances?

    If I wanted to murder someone I had a grudge against, now would be the perfect opportunity, as there are so many thousands of people with motive it would be less likely that the case would be investigated thoroughly beyond the easy answer of political malice.

  19. You lucky bastard.

    I've been supporting my GF her kid, her mother, her father, her sisters 3 kids for 2 years and trying to get her pregnant and it ain't happening.

    Have the first and follow it up with a second you can be sure is yours ASAP.

    <Edit> I know a chick from Pattaya - friend of my GF - who has a guy in Britain been paying for her kid for many years now, the kid is not his - is actually 100% Thai - and she has now married another farang. Admittedly her Thai hubby was typically useless, and although the Brit might not know it is not his, she did need his help. I'll have to find out if now she is remarried she is still fleecing this guy. It is a good thing he did for her nonetheless. I removed names and dates to protect the innocent.....

  20. in Melbourne i'm paying equiv 100 baht a kilo for green gassed bananas and feeling like I've been touched red raw every purchase.

    Go back tomorrow give the next door vendor 500 tell her to keep the change. Hit the vendor on the other side with 500 keep the change. then buy one banana for 10 baht correct money.

    then fart and walk away.

  21. i am pretty sure that the foreign bank will be glad to learn that the main culprit, a police officer, is actually walking free

    and ready to skim again...

    Bender, I object to your use of the term "police officer" to describe the culprit. I object because in the English language, police officer implies a person that can be trusted, has morals and ethics, and will aid you in times of need.

    Much better to refer to him as a BIB or a member of the RTP - that leaves no room for misinterpretation. smile.png

    Which English? Certainly not the Queen's English, which we speak in Australia.......

    Drugs, Guns, Cash found in ceiling of St Kilda Police Station, Carlton Police working closely with the "Nightclub Owners Association" aka Mafia, historically even the Royal Commission (Fitzgerald Enquiry) in Queensland exposing why there was a brown paper bag shortage up north, and Sydney is no better, except that the pollies are nearly as bad in NSW so the cops don't stand out so much. Look up Walsh Street Police Shootings to see what happens to police that don't play dirty. And don;t think it was the ratbags the police shot that really murdered the two victims......

    Police means moo in any language

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