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Posts posted by boisian

  1. A waaaay cute work colleague in OZ had drongo BF who she left after an elongated patchy time, and he told her to come back or he'd neck himself. After being rejected, as he had warned he would do he crashtackled a train coming out second best. She mourned, we supported her, then she became a lesbian. His actions were unforgivable and it is my understanding in the Christian religion he will end up in hell for that.

  2. So if you married a Thai woman and had a child with her and lived in Thailand and then she died, would you be allowed to stay?

    girl was his stepdaughter, not that that would make a difference in family matters (unless he was woody allen) but obviously has legal implications in Denmark. But your question is still valid and interesting, if a different situation. I'll keep reading and hope someone answers.

  3. I make a modest salary selling things bought in Thailand on the internet. It is not easy and is very time consuming but it can be done from home and you are your own boss. The first year was a big learning curve and a few times I felt it wasn't worth the effort I was putting in but eventually I found the niche I was looking for and things are pretty stable at the moment. Certainly a lot preferable to teaching English IMO.

    Selling..........let me guess..........jeans?

  4. And here is an tragic case of what can happen when the "hang em high-and rusty knife brigade" are let loose !!


    yep they got the wrong guy.

    Here was here in Pattaya all along........ but the perps are locked up and won't be able to visit Pattaya to make right their wrongdoing. Maybe a couple of their likeminded community members will step forward in their stead.

  5. isrealis benefitting from cheap thai labour - as if that wasn't enough, I would be surprised if the lion's share of the profits didn't stay in Jerusalem. When the rave / trance scene was booming in Oz id didn't take long for israelis to become responsible for supply and distribution of about everything outside of amphetamines. No one would want to tackle the association of bikers, mafia, carlton and st kilda police.

    aaahhhhh the good old days.

  6. Clearly within their right to sue for breach of trademark, Starbucks highlight the reason why we need to fight all copyright laws.

    Coca Karma i first came across on GNN guerilla news network. Google Coca-Karma.pdf for a great, if long, read about Coca legally losing ownership of certain trademarks, but then bullying their way over the top. Multinationals do not respect the laws they use to protect themselves. These laws are open to abuse by the multinationals.

    Why not introduce a level playing field. I am an architect, I deal in I.P. but I do not believe in it. I do not want to hear about the benefits of profit driven research, which is already shown to be a poisoned chalice. A good idea gives the inventor a head start, and really that is all a good idea should be worth, IMHO.

  7. just fyi:

    1/ let's not forget that the thai have been supporting ALL major insurgents from burma (except for the communists) for ages. these very insurgents, more particular the ones from shan state, have been active in drug trade for decades.

    2/ let's not forget that tons of "pseudo" have been smuggled from thailand into burma in recent years so that meth-labs in the golden triangle can cook the dope.

    3/ let's not forget that yaba is supplied by thai factory bosses, truck companies, fishing companies, etc to their workers in order to stimulate "OT".

    4/ let's not forget that yaba was widely/legally available over the counter in thailand back in the days. (and is still subscribed in many western countries)

    my point is: this one african lady isn't the real dope problem here...

    so, what exactly is yabba?

    is it those "diet pills" that used to be available from pharmacies back in the late 80s early 90s? I thought it was just speed in a capsule, but are you suggesting it is actual pharmaceuticals? like ADD treatments? dexamphetamine or ritalin?

  8. Maybe they have just found what they are looking for, maybe they have given up and are tired of travelling and think thats as good as it gets.

    Maybe they are just happy doing what they want, doing it there way, who are we or anyone to judge them.

    Live and let live, as Thais say " up to you".

    "Up to you" is the furthest statement from "Live and let live" that a Thai person can say. It means the exact opposite. When I hear "Up To You" my Spidey Sense starts tingling because danger is imminent. "Up to you" is a warning, and probably the last warning you will get that you had better make the right decision. And unless you are looking for an argument, i advise to never use the phrase "Up to you"

    It is an oft-heard phrase, but it carries far more insinuation than the benign Live and let live.

    But then again, this is not a steadfast rule - it can be bantered filppantly (however I equate that to a demonstration of juggling knives blindfolded)

    Or maybe that is just the Pattaya regional use of the term.

  9. It has long been said that a Thai virgin is a girl who can outrun every male in her village, including her relatives.

    My wife of 40 years told me that she and all her sisters were abused by uncles and cousins. They were all introduced to the sex trade by an aunt and everyone knew what they were doing. But as long as they showed up periodically with bags of red baht (that was the largest denomination back then) no one really cared.

    I wonder if her parents were accepting of this, or if they expected this. I always thought the Thai were generally very family minded, more so than the west. I understand the Thai respect and care for their aged parents within the family structure, rather than farming them out to retirement villages and then aged care.

    What son or daughter would care for parents in their dottage that were abusive or tolerant of child abuse?

    Does not compute........(><) `@@'

  10. Photo looks like oil is dispersed and not a boom in sight. Cleanup crew must me having smoko.

    I recall a massive spill of W.A. - after oil was prevented from reaching beaches by a well executed wind change, the oil became waterlogged and sank some 2 weeks after spill. There was a day of speculation about the damage that may happen to the seabed, notification of intent to monitor the underwater condition, then not a word.

  11. It's a national embarrassment, and KFC are giving it free publicity by doing this.

    Who said it was a national embarrassment? Anything about this in the domestic press?

    That in itself is a national embarrassment too. Word of this gets into the Western press and it will make the country look stupid and backward again. Hence, wait for it.........a national embarrassment.

    There's no excuse for this level of stupidity.

    That would be an international embarrassment. Nationally, well, I would hesitate to offer an opinion on how the Thai nationals might feel about this.

  12. The officer is accused of driving the 25-year-old victim along with her daughters, aged 12 and nine, and two other women, from the shelter in Phang Nga in late May.

    Did the Rohingya woman accuse the father of her 12 year old daughter of raping her when she was 13 years old or isn't it rape when Muslims having sexual intercourse with children?

    Ouch, Damn....hopefully incorrect birthdate on docs - apparently quite a few of the country folk get their dates wrong due to delayed lodging of notification of birth docs after home birth in the village. Still, that's all nasty. Don't envy that Rohingya chicks life so far.....

  13. My TGF is about to have her car repossessed as it is under finance. She has now missed 4 monthly payments. She is worried if it is taken by the bank, she will lose her clean credit history and this may impact on her Aus. Tourist Visa application. I am assisting with the Visa Application by stating I will be providing accommodation and financial support for her trip. Does anyone know if a bad credit history may adversely impact on a tourist visa application?

  14. TGF is asking for money to help a friend out whose child is in ICU due to a school bus crash (ute crash?) in BKK yesterday. Apparently 15 injured.

    Wondering if this cropped up in the news - there have been so many crashes recently I thought it may be topical. She is only asking for a little bit but the timing is not good :(

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