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Posts posted by gchurch259

  1. The French Army needs to take back Marseille, bring in prison ships and haul all the Muslims back to Middle East. As long as they control Marseille they have a safe place to hide and a sea port to continue to bring more in.

    Europe, US and all others countries need to clean house before it is too late if not already.

    This has been going on all over the World sine 600AD and will not stop because they are taught, brain washed, from a young age by this Male Domination, penis oriented culture.

  2. There is more Slavery in the World today than there ever was in the US in 16, 17, 18 hundreds in US. It is bad but still exsist, even here in Thailand.

    Well, stop acting and behaving as a group of people that is being discriminating against.

    stop calling each other using the N word, keep away from gang banging and illegal activities,

    study harder and adopt, stop thinking like the world owes this huge debts for having you forefathers

    enslaved 200 years ago, the world is sick of hearing about it, the world has learned it's lessons,

    so now, move forward....

  3. An you are a "Donkey Lover"?

    "Maybe we should boycott Starbucks. I don't know," he said. "Seriously, I don't care."

    You've almost got to admire the guy for coming up with this beaut. Actually, now that I think about it, he should just say this for every potential policy point:

    Maybe we should defund Obamacare. I don't know. Seriously, I don't care.

    Maybe we should put troops on the ground in Syria. I don't know. Seriously, I don't care.

    Maybe we should incentivize businesses to create more jobs. I don't know. Seriously, I don't care.

    But seriously, even the most ardent of fanboys has to be able to see through this hucksterism. At least I hope so.

  4. Suggestion, the next Thunder Storm stay inside so lightening will have a hard time finding you !!

    just another example of the true hypocrisy of ALL religions. They are not here to follow what they preach, it is just a veil to hide behind while you carry out your evil agenda of one kind or another.

    I can't understand why so many in the world still fall for their lies when there are so many examples of their deceit, corruption, and truly evil acts.

  5. There are so many negative post these days about the PM, Coup and almost everything ! If I was an Expat and the unhappy here I would pack my duffle and shpw my Donkey to Costoms and go. By the way, I am an expat who is glad to see someone trying to clean up the many, many years of corruption that has become a Cancer in Thailand.

    If you are a Thai and sat on your hands all these years and kept the same corrupt people in power, then you are part of the problem.

    Let the General/PM keep flushing the devise until the water is clear, and if you can not handle it get your Donkey out of Dodge !!

  6. An Explosive Devise whether a bomb or cargo will leave residue, so far no one has said anything about that, to my knowledge.

    Media and us should give the Inspectors time to do their job before reporting too much unfounded guess. Whatever the cause at 31,000 feet you have very short 8 to 12 seconds of useful consciousness, they would all have died very quickly with little if any pain. I pray for them !!

  7. It never seems to stop, all this anti-coup garbage that I read !! It is hard to believe that some want to return to the "Status Quo" with the same old corrupt politicians and business men running Thailand. Leave it alone !! Let the PM/General run his course and you will see Thailand will be better off. If you only lived in Thailand and had a closed mind you do not know the difference. If you had your cranium up your tailpipe during the Taksin era and said nothing, you were a large part of the problem.

    If you do not believe those responsible for lose from the Rice Scheme should be brought to trial, you are part of the problem.

    If you do not believe that a drastic change in the Elementary, High School and College Education System needs and is a top priority, then you are part of the problem. People with no Circumspect are like sheep headed to the slaughter.

  8. I am glad for her, but what is this political statement "Miss Uncensored Thailand" ??

    I am proud of this Young Lady, who helps her Mother and would like to rise above her current standing.

    There are too many who want to sit on the behind on the sidewalk and expect someone to support them.

    I am very lucky I was born in a country that afforded a free education thru 12 years and required you to attend school until at least 16 years of age.

    Thailand's weakest system is it the Education, too many barely have 4 or 6 years of education, too many or not smart enough to challenge the establishment that is too corrupt and stealing from the majority.

    Lastly, I served 26 years in a military where I learned skills that paid me two to three times the average wage after I entered the civilian work force.

    I would be glad to pay for this Young Ladies education to complete High School, then she may use her grant for college !!

  9. A good first start, unless looks deceive I do not know why they let this lot in to start with, as I see them around Bangkok they are loitering and looking for some kind of action, usually illegal. Yes, You may say I am profiling, but experience is hard to beat !!

    Nice picture in today's Bangkok newspaper...some supposedly over-staying farang creatures being guarded by jack-booted police SWAT types, because they definitely look like a menace to Thais and a threat to Thai national security. It was also nice for the fuzz to put them all in t-shirts probably saying something in Thai script like "I'm a lawbreaking foreigner who is lower than pond scum."

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