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Posts posted by gchurch259

  1. It as always been OK for Palestinians to slide into Israel kill off a few and slide back, or launc a rocket or two and expect Israel to sit on their thumb !!

    No going to happen, Israel is "Ole School" and still believes in an Eye for an Eye !!

    If Israel gave back all the land taken during the last war the Muslim's still want them dead !!

  2. When it all said and done, properly, we will find at least one or two Thais did the deed on Koh Tao last year.

    Although Samphand appears highly suspect, I would lay odds that the police will conclude that the Japanese man died from complications of disease and taking medicine, and not a stabbing. After all, a Thai wouldn't commit murder.

  3. Why cant Thai guys ever fight one-on-one? - they always need a group of guys to beat up one victim. (and usually use a stick or pole or baseball bat or taser on top of their fists and feet). they always fight so brutal and animalistic without any care of getting caught (and what their punishment would be).

    they have the same mentality as the American Police!

    easy there butllet3, most Americaan Policemen I know do no stoop to this lever unless severally provoked and in self defense. Actually they are too soft on the rioters, which are felons. When, many years ago, when I did Shore Patrol we only carried a Baton and never used on the head. Abdomen and shin works very well !!

    This might help answer your question....................


    Erect : 3.7 inches.

    Helps explain a lot I think. violin.gifviolin.gif

  4. Question number one, Do some AIDS patients actually die in this condition or not ? If so then the truth needs to be out there for all to see and be aware of.

    I have no first hand experience other than the wife has a friend with AID and has medication that appears to control, although I guess she could still be a carrier. She got the disease from her drug using husband, who died from the disease.

    Like Jack Nicholson said in the movie "You can't handle the truth", if it was a true depiction of the final and fatal stage of the disease, then let it be !!

    This disease is and was a problem to be controlled !!

  5. Have you ever peed without you index finger on your hardware ?

    Why was attention brought to left index finger? Had a dog once pee on an electric outlet Saw an arc from outlet to pecker dog never peed inside again but that only 110 versus 220 here. But judging by photo pole is cement not a conductor unless this guy had 20 inches or was peeing from top of a ladder no way he could of had this happen, so must have leaning on pole to steady himself either or not a good idea.

  6. "To the victor goes the spoils" has been a adage in most of recorded history. Seems these lands were part of a war due to the attacks on Israel, is that not correct? I do not agree with holding the land anymore than I agree with rockets from Palestine in to Israel.

    I believe there is a Texas saying, "If you don't start something there will not be something" !

    By the way for my opinion they can move the worthless UN out of NYC and the USA, they don't pay their bills and their people do not obey the laws in NYC, pay the fines when imposed.

    way to go USA (not). Try looking at map of just how much of West Bank Israelis have taken. Makes Ukraine grab look like nothing. UN has condemned Israel over it's occupation..... where are the sanctions? the boycotts? Israel, get the hell back within your frickin' borders! http://america.aljazeera.com/multimedia/2014/7/west-bank-security.html

  7. So none of the Media Delights have ever done anything stupid in their lives, "Give Me A Break", I do not agree with hazing to start with but now long ago was this, have they run out of anything else to report. How about Europe is going down for the count with all the Muslims being shoved down their throats. The Free World is going to Hell in a hand basket, and they are worried about this !!

  8. If I were these "Know all about it" people who post some this anti-government stuff I would be afraid to answer if there was a knock at the door.

    I am just a guess in this country, 12 years, as are some who post, some how ever are Thai and use the forum to blow off steam and dislike for the clean-up of corruption that is going on.

    If you are a foreigner and not happy here, get out. If you are Thai and have let this country get this deep in corruption, then shut up and let the Good General/PM do his job. You can not straighten out decades of corruption in one or two years, maybe even four or five.

    Me I have the proper Visa to be here, pay my 7% VAT to the government, all the rest goes to my beautiful and good Thai Wife !!

  9. Some times these people can be so two faced, the other post are right. Thai throw their mini pee pee organ out and urinate any and every where. My wife and I were walking done Sukhumvit three days ago and a Thai man was watering a tree right in front of Times Square at 2 PM. You can not drive or walk down Tha Kham Road or Rama II without seeing Motorcycle and Taxi drivers peeing.

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