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Posts posted by gchurch259

  1. 1 hour ago, Yann55 said:


    You never miss a chance to squeeze in your pro-death-sentence little stance, do you gchurch259 ?


    Just a few days ago I remember you quoting the Old Testament on that ('an eye for an eye etc.'). Apparently you have not heard of Jesus Christ and you have not read the New Testament, in which he preaches love, compassion, forgiveness, and NOT hate, revenge, and ignorance. In which he reminds those about to stone a woman accused of adultery that stoning other people does not clear them of their own sins.


    You and the likes of you are the ones who initiated the Inquisition, the Crusades, who condoned slavery, who watched on while millions of native Americans were slaughtered. You and the likes of you are a disgrace and the SHAME of christianity.


    You inserted the word 'church' in your handle and that kind of says it all. While I reckon that the church (along with - almost - all religious institutions) has produced some good things, it has also done so many bad things that one has to wonder which weigh more in the long run. People who sytematically hijack the message of Jesus Christ - who was nothing but Love and Light - to justify their hatred, their bigotry and their narrow-mindedness, are one of those bad things.


    You feel better now ?

    I do not take religion lightly, nor do I believe the Death Penalty is the only answer, I do however, do not condone some one killing, raping, battering another, drug dealing and repeat drug users paying a few baht, go to the Temple and get away with it. When you deal with people who have no or little regard for human life what do you think the Penalty should be ?

    i like wise do not believe in slavery.


    Church happens to be part of my name, not a reference to my religious beliefs.

  2. If you want to live in the country, lease some land an raise some of the food you need and a crop you can sell for more money.


    Find an Issan Lady who knows how to farm and enjoy life !!


    Good luck, if you are retired military you may be able to use your military health plan here, I am retired USAF they pay 75% of my medical cost.

  3. Some of the Posters on the rag should read a book called "Games people play", too many of you play off each other with unnecessary personal attacks.


    This was plain and simple too much speed and probably no seat belts. The young boy was more than likely laying down in the backseat and was protected by the other passenger there with him.


    RIP and God Bless all !!


    Happy New Year to all !! Be civil !!

  4. 1 hour ago, canthai55 said:


    A little research is in order -

    Violence is defined by the World Health Organization as "the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation", although the group acknowledges that the inclusion of "the use of power" in its definition expands on the conventional understanding of the word.


    I agree a little research into the dicbel level which will lead to ear damage is in order, that does include the psycholological damage of involuntary exposure to noise.


    Canthai might indicate a Canadian in the LOS ? Have a Happy New Year !!

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