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Posts posted by gchurch259

  1. 9 hours ago, Thechook said:

    Senators hand picked and appointed by the current regime.  Well done Prayuth you have just been elected unopposed.


    His job is not done yet, he needs to keep flushing the device until all the corruption has been put down the tube !!


    The only loses I have seen or heard about are the ones who were in the corrupt former governments !!


    Been here 13 years and things are getting better. More attention to Education and less worry about Tourist. Straighten your house before you invite guest !!

  2. So if it was a problem before, bringing in more would solve the problem. Reminds me of the Forrest Gump Quote.


    They should only allow Women and  children in. The men should stand and fight for their country.


    Put them in internment camps  and send back after the fighting in their country.


    The Free World Countries do not owe the rest a permanent living !!

  3. I find it interesting reading all the stuff that appears in this "Rag".


    I for one, a US Senior Citizen, am voting for Donald Trump. It is time to throw out all the establishment that has driven the US down the road to Hell or somewhere worst.


    There needs to be a house cleaning in D.C. and voting for Hillarious will not accomplish that. I am 81 and have seen the US going down hit for too many years. Needs to stop and Hillarious will just add to the ill gotten funds the Clinton Foundation has accrued.


    Is The Don a perfect person, no, but the only one I ever heard about died on a Cross for me.


    I am tired of paying taxes to be handed out as Free Stuff by present establishment.


    I do not like illegals or refugees that are coming to spread their culture.

  4. Sorry to hear about the young woman, very misguided. From what I understand about the group and the culture they belong too, she would never have been able to leave unless she could find away to sneak out of the town and make it back to the  Border of Turkey.


    That culture believes every woman belongs to some man and they just do not say Bye Bye.

  5. All these quality tourist who spend little and crowd the other tourist out at all the favorite spot and are loud and annoying. That and all these shut down bars and no alcohol holidays do not encurage tourist.


    Do not blame everything on the much needed and over due coup that is trying.


    They need to improve education and keep cleaning out corruption.

  6. I use Bumrungrad Visa Service, as I am an on going Hospital Number, they charge 600 THB and I only have to go there and fill out or drop off the forms.


    Check with his Hospital to see if they offer the service. Also, if he has a Thai Wife she can do for him, as some have said already with authorization another may do for him.


    As for the talk about fees for other issues, Extension of Stay 1,900, Single Re-entry 1,900 Multiple Re-entry 3,800.

  7. Two things that are none of my business as a Non O, for 12 years !

    (1) Why do they want so many Senators, US where I come from has 100 and population is over 323 million, with 50 States ? 250 Appointed, how many do they want ?

    (2) What is with Appointed Senators ? How do you call yourself a Democracy with appointed political lackeys ?

    With all the Consitutions around the World, why pick the best and modify slightly to meet particular needs for Thailand. Like, The Wheel has already been invented!!

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