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Posts posted by Mangkhut

  1. As others say, its a difficult topic. If I understand the thais right domestic issues and even rough violence is considered - yeas a domestic affaire and not a police matter and nothing a accidental bypasser or neighbour should do something about.

    Around 10 years ago I was living with my then thai gf in an amphur village in an Isaan province (my then gf worked for the amphur) and across he street for my gf house there was living a couple without children, in their late 30s. Almost every weekend this guy got pissed drunk and (maybe the woman too, although the other thais in the village said she drank only a little) started up a fight with his woman. Some weekends they kept it going with screeming, physically fighting, load screaming, broken bottles, smashed windows and I often said to my gf that we had to do something about this, call the police or something. But my gf said the police would never come to a domestic fight so that there were no point calling the cops at all.

    None of the othwr villagers seemed to react upon this either....

    But one weekend it really went out of proportions. Screaming and yelling all through the night, it was so load that it was impossible to sleep in our house and at 5-5.30 in the morning the screams from the woman were so loud that I was 100 % sure he was about to kill her. It was the most desperate screams I have heard in my whole life. NOW! I said to my gf - call the police NOW! He is about to kill her. But no, my gf said this have happend several times before and the cops have been called but they didnt come to the scene.

    I went outside our house and over to the neighbour couple, but bottles were thrown through broken windows and I choosed to back off. No other villagers were present. After a while they stoped and the the after the woman moved out (for the 3-4 time in 2 years the villagers said) she was beaten black and blue all over her face and looked terrible. 3-4 days later she moved in again.....

    What is right and what is wrong to do isnt always easy. But the brownshirts will keep on collecting their helmet money and their registrationplate broken lightbulb money every month, thats sure...

  2. Why worry if youre the odd one or not?

    If youre happy with youre wife, and youre already have children together, and you like to spend time and look after your children more than the average guy, it seems very close to perfect situation for me.

    We all know that most farangs in most cases find thai gf, wives younger than themself. Quite many seem to find a spouse a generation or two younger than themself. I reacted negatively upon that in the beginning, but everyone must decide for themself and it must be up to each and everyone of us.....

    Dont worry - be happy! :-)

  3. Hi there folks

    I am thinking about taking a few days on Koh Lipe in the end of february/beginning of march. But I havent been there before so I thought I might ask for advice here. I would like some advice for accomodation on the island. I prefer a quiet area, a relatively comfy bed (not those concret-like mattresess you often find in thai hotels/guesthouses) air con, hot water and a fridge and wifi could be great as well. Doesnt need to be top notch or luxury at all.....

    I hope for a price around 1000-1500 baht pr night, absolut max 2000 baht.

    And where and how to book as well. And please dont say Agoda, Hotels.com and other booking bandits - and dont start a discussion about it either.... ;-)

    Thanks in advance! :-)

  4. I see the apologist conspiracy theorists are already crawling out of the woodwork.

    Sex without consent is RAPE! I am sure she has the sms message to prove this.

    Please use the facts instead of cherry picking and deliberately omitting details. Her father may be a TVF member.

    Youre of course 110 % right here.

    As for now there is only a person claiming another person for rape. Nothing is proved, no part of any investigation is available, no court has handled the case and no person is found guilty af anything. So hold your horses for a while.

    And why would a person send a sms to a person he had raped last night??? And why would a relatively known person (as a musician in a well known bar) rape anyone he knew both the father and the very person herself very well??? There would be no way in the world to get away with that, no way at all!

    I wont judge anyone - but this case could be a little fishy.....

    • Like 2
  5. Its terrible and very tragic News.

    The police suspect that the driver felt asleep - the news says. Well - most of the long distance buses in Thailand are nightbuses and usually leaves at 6 - 9 o clock in the evening. and arrives their destinations in the morning. For sure there will be a problem with drivers being tired and thus there are dangers about the drivers falling asleep or not being attentative in the traffic. Last year I was with a group of people and we rented a minibus with driver and we were going from Chiang Mai to Pattaya. We left Chiang Mai around 10 pm and at around 1 am the driver who had been looking tired from the first moment admitted that he was tired, too tired to drive anymore. At least he was very honest - and the problem was solved by one of us in the Group took over the driving duties.

    I also work many nightshifts (but not as a bus driver however) and its not easy to be rested and relaxed at 8 pm and ready to perform 100 % for 10-12 hours when you normally should be asleep. And I think this is the major issue here.

    Many of the routes have a tight schedule as well and have to keep a speed that makes it even more risky.

  6. Fabulous route, that. Haven't done it for a few years and it was ok then, but a lot better on a bike anyway. It is oe of the things I love about Thailand, being able to get 'out there', not knowing where you are and being well away from the rest of humanity.

    If you really want rough and no signs, try the Samoeng-Pai route. Not for the faint of heart ;-)

    Its a nice and very scenic route indeed. I drove there a 2 months ago on a 250 ccm motorbike with a pillion. I used approx 2,5 hours from Khun Yuam to Mae Chaem. But the road itself is of course a little challenging, but the landscape and sights are fantastic.

    The OP pity the people living along this route - he cant have been much around on the globe.

    The route 1243 in Nan province will be a good ride for OP..... please use a motorbike ;-)

    • Like 1
  7. Probably be OK if you are willing to pay the duties.

    But to get from Vietnam to Thailand you have to cross through Laos or Cambodia, and you don't want to be paying the duty twice, so read up on a "Carnet de passage"

    Unless this bike holds a lot of sentimental value, then you;d probably be better off forgetting about the idea.

    Noen of the mentioned countries are CDP land - so dont think about that.

    However it might be difficulties along the way still. Seek advise on GT-riders forum or Horizons unlimiterd forum....theres a huge knowledge base on both these forums.

    But as others have mentioned - you cant keep the bike in Thailand for a long time. Just a temporary visit will be fine.

  8. Maybe this explains why the murder by a ladyboy mob on soi 7 some weeks ago was not reported.

    Ali nah? The what by what??


    That story is confirmed untrue in Norwegian forums. The Norwegian guys was beaten up by some ladyboys, had a night in hospital and was out the next day

    The rumors of his death was hugely exaggerated.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 options:

    He was drugged = not his fault

    He bought Yabba or some other shit= go to jail, pay compensation, deported after jail time.

    I hope for him that he was drugged, a urine/blood test will give the answer.

    If a person is under the influence of drugs, he or she has in 99,99 % of the cases taken the drugs by free will and thus is as responsible as anybody else. If he is one of the 0,01 % that has been drugged by someone else he is excused.....

  10. Maybe a bit of research before taking this trip could have been an idea......

    Bangkok is polluted - oh really my dear? How on earth is it possible to dont know this simple fact? Most other asian big cities are similar polluted.

    Yeas traveling one hour domestic by plane is often one hour transport to airport, two hours in the airport, one hour in the air and one hour again on the NeXT airport and then one hour more to Your destination - depending of course.... This is exactly like it is every place and counry on earth more or less....

    The roads on Phang ngan is terrible - there isnt a decent road on Phang Ngan and thats one of the things that makes it to the charming place it is. If you want autobahn - go to Germany....

    Its impossible to eat a decent meal for 2 under 1000 baht? I havent been eating a single meal that costed me that much - ever in Thailand, and most of my meals have been decent enough. Just walk one or two strees behind the most crowded tourist ghettos and you will find.....

    To travel to 7 different locations on a holiday of one month is way too much for a normal person. For a month holiday I would never go to more than 3-4 locations, even less if I havent been there before. Its just stress, travelling, more stress and then more traveling......

    But hopefully one can learn from the mistakes..... :-)

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