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Posts posted by boonchu

  1. I have had a yellow book for quite a few years and have found it very useful in many instances eg buying car , motorcycle, getting licenses, dealing with immigration. and of coarse not having to get paper work from the embassy and paying a rediculous fee. I got my yellow book at the local khet (Ladprao), the officer was very helpful and wrote out my story and filled in all the paper work in Thai script(about 2 hours work) and then wouldn't take a tip, the application was free of charge and I was issued with the yellow book straight away. I ended up taking him and his friend for dinner to show my appreciation for his help, now I have a friend in the local khet who has now helped me a few times since. Well worth the time and small outlay for dinner.

  2. I have used a company named Four Pattana a couple of times and found they were very good, my house is still looking new after 5 years and they recently built a large house very high end build and finish, great design by one of their in house architects.

    I dealt with Khun Opas who took control of each stage. Their office is off Ladplakhao rd, Ladprao, Bangkok. Google their exact address and phone number.

  3. My experience was that the name change was handled by the dealer, you get a receipt for the car and you sign the change of tile form. This is acknowledged on the receipt. You can not transfer the insurance to another car , it usually goes with the car. You may be able to cancel the insurance and get a small refund. I have personally sold to the tent dealer and never any hassle, also paid in cash.

  4. I have had the very opposite to the OP. I have no problems with the local Toyota dealer. When going for a service they have coffee, tea biscuits, soft drink and even ice creams for free while you wait for your car being serviced. They offer a free wash after the service, if you wish to wait a bit longer. When I have had to order any parts or accessories they tell me don't need to wait they will ring me for the time of part arrival and price.

    We must be lucky here in Bangkok as both the local Toyota dealers offer the same standard of service.

  5. I had an accident when a Thai woman cut across in front of me, in a pick up, I was also driving a pick up She stopped and I called my insurance she said, she had insurance but did not ring them.

    My insurance arrived in less than 15 minutes and the rep spoke to me then to the Thai woman, she told her story and at the end the rep is she was wrong. She rang her husband who eventually arrived and turned out to be a policeman (from a different khet, luckily for me because he was mean). After talking to the husband her story suddenly changed and declaring that I was in the wrong. the rep insisted that she was in the wrong so he rang the local police, a policeman arrived and immediately the husband called him over to speak to him, my rep then spoke to the local policeman who said the husband asked him to give me a ticket and tell me to pay on the spot what he thought the damage to his pick up would cost (10x plus what the rep estimated). I then asked the local cop to meet me at the local police station and have the officer in charge sort out the problem, the rep came with. I explained my version of the accident and so did the woman, the rep and the woman's policeman (husband). The husband did not like it when the officer in charge said he doubted the woman's story and that most accidents at this spot were from people turn into the side soi from the wrong lane. The husband stated shouting, then the officer in charge told him to get back to the police station where he worked and also that his wife was wrong and would have to pay my insurance company. This was a classic corrupt cop trying to sway a good cop into blame the frang. I was lucky to have a helpful insurance rep and a straight cop running the police station and it may have been helpful that I can speech Thai.

    So there are definitely good Thai police and insurance reps out there.

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