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Posts posted by fakename

  1. Im waiting to hear how the party went. It took me more than an hour to get to third road, my night navigation was off, so just couldnt find the place. I very seldom go to the "city", and didnt realize traffic was so bad. After an hour of stop and go, I gave up and went home, since I was already too late for the free glass of wine! I hope everything went well, and lots of Baht were collected. Since I did my drinking at home, I will have to go to Paul and Sandra's place with a bag of kitty food.

  2. First there were Americans, then the Brits, now its Russians, Indians, and Chinese. Just be patient, and wait ten more years, it will be some other nationality. At least the Russians dont talk Football all day and night!

  3. Last year, was with some friends at Ban Amphor beach, and there was an elephant begging, or rather its owner was begging. My friends had a baby, and was letting it play with the elephant. I tried to warn them, that elephants are dangerous, but since they were Thai, they didnt worry about it. People think they are helping the elephant, by buying it food, but they are only helping the owner, since he is the one selling the food.

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  4. Beach erosion is in many parts of the world, and usually its all man made, but they usually come up with a solution, which usually involves bring in more sand, by truck or dredging, building break waters, but sand bagging seems like something you do after a typhoon, not to make a HUB resort. The new sand at Jomtien is also slowly but surely, moving out to sea, same with Bang Saray. Beaches are natural, and made by nature, something has gone wrong with the planing and so now the sand is moving away. Probably the beach is now too narrow and steep, so no way the sand can stay there, it wants to go down hill! The beach road and buildings have taken up all the beach.

    I just cant see people coming to Thailand, to lay on sand bags, or stay in a hotel, and have a sandbag view!

  5. For some strange reason, even newly build buildings, have to be worked on, changing the walls, tiles or whatever. Everywhere you can see newly constructed houses, almost finished, then they demolish them. I have seen concrete slabs demolished, before the cement has had time to dry. Cant figure the economics of this type of work. Is it actually that labor is so cheap, that no one has to plan anything, easier to just change it, after its built?

  6. If you mean the walk way, just north of pattaya beach, I think its been collapsed forever, at least dangerous to walk on. It is strange, that seems no one cares or is responsible for the beaches. The city gives out new umbrellas, but doesnt really do anything about the quality of the beach. There are only two reasons why people come to Pattaya, one is the beach, the other is..............well, we all know what that is. Even the other reason is losing ground, since all the land is bought up to build hotels and condos, so the cheap land that the bars are on, has to give way. If the beach and beach road cannot be fixed, then there is no hope for the rest of the city.

  7. I was on beach road yesterday, first time in months, and couldnt believe the north end of the beach. Is this the solution for the beach erosion, SANDBAGS! This project started months ago, and not much has changed, except getting worse. There are palm trees that are ready to fall on somone, and the concrete wall could fall down any time. One would think that they should block off that section of the beach, so no one would be injured, but then that is normal here. I just cant figure out the sandbag idea, and where they are going with it.

  8. With the backlog of white plates, it might take forever for every bike and car to have them. I just dont see how police can find stolen vehicles, when all you have to do is remove the plate, and no one cares, unless its a traffic checkpoint.

    Red plate log book? Never heard of it. My bike sure doesnt have one.

  9. I can guarantee you, that 10k wont get what your looking for, and it needs to be hard wired, not just a plug in. Everyone around here has tanks for the water, so if you have a power cut, you will still have water for several days, gravity feed. But why would you worry about having the capacity to keep your pool going? Thats not much of a priority, is it? For the bore hole, a small generator would do, but to power the whole house, then thats a whole different system.<br />By all means, you need a contractor to do this work, not som jai, down the street.

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