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Posts posted by fakename

  1. If someone is considering Russian, then they should ask themselves, have they learned Thai yet! Also if you have considered learning Russian, have you also considered learning Korean, Chinese, Japanese? If they are too hard, maybe could start with British or Australian! Yeah, there are lots of Russian, and most havent even learned English, which is a language most people in the world understand, especially if you travel. The only reason, I would like to speak more Russian, is so I could pick up a few of the under 150 kg ladies. Spent 5 years with Russians, and didnt learn much then, so not really interested in coming to Thailand, and learning it here.

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  2. These threads about water come every so often, and there are more theories than posters. We had a water dispenser outside our market before, and in two years, never seen it serviced, except when there was a problem with the money. The water is just from the mains, and if there is bacteria, it is from the main water supply, more than likely. Of course there was a lady that came around every now and then, and washed the outside of the machine, but how clean was her wash cloth, and could have been transferring bacteria to all the parts she cleaned.

    I get the 20L white bottles,(15 baht bottles) and Never had a problem with the water, no sediment, no bad taste, no odor. I even fill small bottles and keep them in my car, up to a week, and never any problem. Of course, some idiot may use one of the bottles for petrol, or something else, but I havent tasted anything strange, and I use three bottles a week, for three years now. I dont know the cleaning process for the bottles, but its probably better than the city water. I have seen many water leaks around the area, and in some places, its a permanent leak, for years. Its not a sewage leak, since the water would be bluish. Im sure the health authorities could do testing once ever 100 years, if they were really interested, but they wait for something to happen first, then try to blame it on someone or something else.

  3. But other people will also suffer from tinnitus, and other mental problems. I drove down Jomtien beach road yesterday afternoon, and it was just screaming with music. Everyone of course had their own favorite, which they thought everyone else would appreciate. Its amazing that there is no consideration for other people. Then there are the food trucks, with their loud speakers. Apparently noise is no problem to Thai's, unless it happens to be when the farang husband has the TV up loud enough to hear the news.

  4. With the Cambodian beggers, why dont the police arrest the people that are bringing the to the beach? Of course this would be a little more work, and maybe someone would be out a few baht. I see all the markets on the east side now have beggers, wonder who brings them and picks them up, since they sure as hell didnt walk there.

  5. As for family orientated, there are a million places that would be more family orientated. Not just the bar scene, the traffic, cleanliness, everything. Why try to turn Pattaya into something it isnt. This is just a myth from the local government, to paint a better picture. Yes, you can demolish the bars, and put up condos, but the general condition of the city dosent support the general condition of the city.

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  6. I thought the security problem was settled when they bought the eye in the sky balloons, that could be shot down with an AK47. Of course, someone made a lot of money on that project, same with the personal carriers, that the Thai ride on the outside, not inside. Amazing Thailand, even things as important as national security, and they only think of money, how much can go into the pocket. 33 people for two trips to Israel, and im sure business class. Oh well, its only money!

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  7. Your wrong about Thai TV, its not only about guns. There are other nice qualities being taught to everyone, there is shouting at each other, until one slaps the other, there is slapping, until someone else comes to the scene and starts kicking. There are lots of dark skinned people that upset the special race of straight nosed, white skinned intelligent people, and then last but not least, is everyone on the telephone shouting, and the ever present listener, behind the tree. Thats only the positive points, I have left out the negative points.

  8. That would be better than winning the lottery. Give all the influential people and the politicians a pass jail card. After they declare their ivory, they can always say "oh, this is the old stuff, I declared it already". Why do authorities need an overall picture of what is around, carved images or whatever. This is just a trick, for all politicians with a ton of hidden ivory, to now declare it and get away with it.

  9. I am also one of those people that can eat anything in Thailand and not get sick, but that is most likely because my system is used to it. People that come here for short time are usually the ones that get sick. Any food stall or food cart is an accident waiting to happen, and when it does, what do you do? Go back and complain? No, you just try to survive and thats the end of it. No one knows which food you were sick from, maybe the fish, but just as well from the fruit or veggies.

    If you get sick on an air plane, that is a controlled environment, so quite easy to find out exactly what the problem was, and there are also people that WANT to find out, here there is really no one that has any interest in finding out, since it might hurt the image. Eventually this incident will be forgotten Chinese will be blamed for having weak stomachs, and not used to eating spicy food!

  10. Have you ever seen a billboard of a proposed condo? Nice and clean, no parking problem, no vendors, no plastic bags flying around,no telephone wires hanging down to the ground, people walking hand in hand, a few Merc's parked to give the high class look. Thais are great at making billboards, but that isnt what the end project will look like. Im sure they will put in some trees, but it will probably be a continuing project, and never get it finished. That still dosent solve the problem of no beach!

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  11. So should we "go back home", if we dont accept the traffic situation here? Of maybe at the very least, suggest to the mayors of London, New York, and other citys, to take out the traffic lights, because traffic moves better with the lights off? Did you mean that some of us are retarded, and we cannot adjust to the Normal situation? Of course the lights dont work, because everyone thinks they are smarter than the lights. The lights can be adjusted, so things run more smoothly, but it takes some one that is interested in traffic safety to do it.

    But my original post was to ask why they are even installed, if they dont plan on using them.

  12. Absolutely no reason to show a half naked man on his bed, or to even mention any medication. Give the guy a little peace and respect. Almost every one of these type of articles, gives the impression that the deceased person was somehow responsible for his own death, because of some Medication. Dont we all take some kind of medication or drink a beer, or the very worst, even have a girl friend!

    Also comments about the girl friends age, has nothing to do with why the person died!

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