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Everything posted by kwak250

  1. I would think if you link a UK bank to sales here in Thailand you would have to pay tax in the UK for any sales but I could be (and probably am) wrong. Best to keep it all in Thailand I would think and it saves and problems if the UK bank wants you to come in and show any documents while your bank is frozen.
  2. Taxes will be a problem and do you pay Thailand or in America/Europe?
  3. He was from Argentina He died at the hospital https://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/2023/09/08/argentine-dies-after-multiple-car-collision-in-chonburi/
  4. Well i reckon he is from Europe but not Germany as no socks and sandals
  5. You haven't had 8 large bottles of Chang and a yabba . You too will be kung foo fighting.
  6. Maybe the person identifies as female? I mean the beard could do with going but otherwise who knows
  7. What did BYD stand for? Burn your dreams? Something like that !
  8. Where are you from Bignok? I see you troll many posts . Also I bet you were so pleased when the Internet came along so you could hide behind your keyboard. Much easier that saying it to people's face and getting a slap. How you have been responding to transam shows plenty.
  9. This is very bad advice. Beng drunk and armed with something, and you use that something on someone will end up way worse off maybe prison. Best advice if you think you a bt of a twa7 when drunk maybe go home before 5am And don't try starting fights with groups of locals when your a fat fuc on your own
  10. 3 months max He will be walking among us by Christmas.
  11. Yes that's a good read i do tend to turn the recirculating switch off as soon as the Dmax in front turns off. Saying that i prefer to use it recirculating when stuck in traffic when i am unfortunate enough to have to travel to Bangkok.
  12. If I keep my cars on recirculating air rather than outside air the air filters will never look like this. I rarely switch to outside air unless I am on a trip on open roads otherwise I am just breathing in exhaust fumes.
  13. If you look in the filter I am sure all those little black drppings are not chocolate. Get rid of the rodent and the filter will be good for way more than 10k with the occasional clean. You are a really nice person you have just bought them a nice new bed.
  14. Always used to be a dic drawing on your face or back when drunk . Think i would prefer the hitler symbol if i had a choice. Not that i passed out easily lots of lightweights in your group is always good
  15. Next time he comes round just leave your dic hanging out your boxer shorts and whatever happens from there will give you the answer. If his missus grabs it then it's win win If he does then pop it back in and close the door.
  16. Maybe he thought the Russians were hiding behind the cupboards. Saying that the extra space looks good. Still would annoy me and not a lot you can do but god know what he did with the wood . He would have been better off selling the aircon than dismantling all that.
  17. Next time where some shorts if children are playing nearby. Nobody wants to see the last chicken in Tesco on full display.
  18. Probably sat up drinking until 5.30 am and happened to have some wacky backy in his pocket. Shame if he had been smoking weed he would have gone to 7/11 and been back home with a bag full of crisps and chocolate.
  19. Must be the shrooms or the hits from the bong!
  20. You get kicked out and then slap a bouncer . What do you expect ? Not just Thailand but try this anywhere in the world and see what happens. Maybe not so many small dic <deleted> jumping on you but you should expect at least a knockdown or arrested
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