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Everything posted by kwak250

  1. I really like these be nice to have a 4wd version when they eventually come out. Also if it was smart cab I would be very interested.
  2. Imagine in 20-30 years time when people look back at classic cars. Here is a beautiful EV dolphin or whatever the fk its called. I don't thing so.
  3. To be fair this is probably the best post on here . I can see for you this is ideal and as others have mentioned they are not for everyone but Phev would probably suit most people and i can see you can save money . Not ready to change yet but you make a good point
  4. Hope you didn't play Arsenal
  5. Who said I didn't stop? I stopped at a nice restaurant overlooking beautiful rice fields Thinking about it they didn't have anywhere to plug in a car. Another stop was a a great little noodle shop but that was only a 20 minute stop. Like I have said short little trips are fine especially if you can get out quick in case they start to catch 🔥
  6. The price of a used Ev after 8 years would be very low I would have thought as almost everything on it including the batteries would be shot. Would anyone here buy a 5 year old used EV? Not me buy a used diesel/gasoline car that's 5 years old would not be an issue to buy or sell. I can see the appeal of an electic car around the town. Long trips no chance Have you seen all the problems with people trying to wait for a slot to charge their Ev over the last few days? I know you can avoid that and charge at home but I just did 610 km to the beach which I don't think many EVs would manage If they did then how are you going to get back home? Evs are probably ok when it's not a holiday but lots of stranded evs the last few days waiting to charge. Heard some people waiting in the car for 8 hours for a chance to charge Fuk that..
  7. If it was free I would still have to think about it.
  8. Like new batteries? Electricy? Handbag?
  9. Yes me too. Problem now is they are not as easy to work on as the older cars.
  10. So I expect you have all seen the problems with all the Ev cars trying to charge there EV to get home for NY. Reminds me of when we forgot our mobile phone chargers on a recent trip away and all were fighting to charge from 1 cable. Anyway like I always said the EVs are fine if you just want to drive a few km around town but finally they have a solution.
  11. Well i have been transferring money each day as its much easier to do it now rather than it get taxed and have the hassle of trying to prove where it came from which would not be so easy without as the account has been very active with various investments Much easier to get it done now as it was planned in a few months anyway With the gbp almost 45 thats a bonus as it was 41 earlier in the year when i was going to transfer
  12. I was hoping it will not go ahead but also seen on another thread it could be 10%. Might start doing a few 10k transfers starting very soon. Don't fancy paying £10k tea money.
  13. Thanks yes think I better get it sorted out thanks.
  14. I was planning on transferring around £100k early next year for a planned house build but would it be better to do this before 1st Jan to avoid any of the taxes that are planned. The money has been sat in a UK bank for years but has money constantly being deposited and withdrawn so not sure how it could Be proven either way where it came from or when it was actually obtained as the account can have anywhere from 75k to over 150k Just feel that I should transfer now rather than give a chunk to the tax man after 1st Jan .
  15. Do they still make Reliant robins?
  16. I once helped a thai man up that fell off his motorbike. He was shouting at me and was drunk My wife said he is saying I knocked him off so now I don't help strangers Obviously if someone is on fire running towards me I might throw a bit of water their way.
  17. I have often lent 500baht or so to Thai relatives knowing i will probably never get it back The good thing is they never ask again. You get relatives asking to borrow 10,000 baht but no chance with that. Got someone borrow 2500baht once and never seen that again ,worse part is they kept saying they had no money but you see them with beer or get a new honda wave which annoys the fu7k out of me
  18. My son just managed to order 2 tickets for Ed sheeran Must admit after watching his recent series I am quite jealous . Kasikorn app crashed luckily we had 2 pc's logged in the queue and paid with credit card on the second attempt.
  19. I am looking at buying BTC and plan on sitting on it even if it does drop down as it will eventually rise again. If it goes up a lot them I will sell it fast but its very volatile. Gold is safer but don't see it moving much . But who knows really especially if/when ww3 kicks off.
  20. As soon as the headlines mention Foreigners you know its Middle Eastern.
  21. Did you get tickets for Feb next year? My son and his friends and going to try to get some on the 3rd Nov.
  22. One thing i have learnt is never ask to take the food back to cook it a bit more as once it's out of sight god know what they will do to it and probably laugh their asses off at you . I would have just left the runny egg and remembered next time to ask to cook it a bit more. This is not just Thailand but i have seen enough /heard enough horror stories of what can get be done to returned food in the kitchen
  23. Yes i thought that . The Vigo probably didn't think it was a corner until the last second as he was going over the yellow lines Still riding a bike you should expect this sort of craziness . Everybody should remember a driving test here if they even did one consists of driving around a car park with a few cones to avoid and a video to watch/sleep through
  24. This was pre-idle stop but good point She is happy now, Still be interesting to see if the bike lasts another 7 years
  25. Hi yes i fitted it, not bad to do just removed the panels just a bit fiddly. Wife didn't want to be without it for a few days which was what Yamaha said it would take to check as it still started after about 10 seconds holding the starter If me i would of let Yamaha do it but got a Lazada Special 500 baht which they say is 100% Genuine (i say 100% BS) Yamaha starters are 1100 baht See how long this lasts but after having lots of honda's i would get another Honda next just my wife fancied a change but done 70k+ so not been bad
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