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Everything posted by kwak250

  1. Never send anything back if it goes out of your sight. What happens in the kitchen stays in the kitchen I once had a mango shake and noticed it had a fly in it. They said they would make a new one but in the reflection of a glass cabinet i could see they fished it out with their fingers and brought it back . Never drank it and never went there again.
  2. Ladies and gentlemen we have the legend Chuck Norris as a member on this very forum. I heard he stamped his feet getting off a barstool in soi 6 and hundreds of brits hit the floor simultaneously.
  3. Still waiting for your humour?
  4. You forgot about the American who was funny?
  5. Ahhh feel sorry for you did Trump wake you up moving around in your bed too much?
  6. I reckon if you stay for over 20 years undetected you should be given permanent residency and maybe a new Honda wave and a small 2 bedroom house in Sakhon Nakhon for such an achievement .
  7. Germans have always been strange. The French are just French you can't blame them for that. Harrisfan are you American by any chance? Because the Americans are the strangest of the lot.
  8. Just about to import a few sports cards worth around £800 to Thailand Anyone know the charges I would have to pay as 7% isn't too bad but don't want to get hit with much more.
  9. You just named some of the best places or at least they were 10-20 years ago
  10. Its like you give out free beer and then complain why people are drunk Imagine having lived all your life in a nice calm relaxing area and then thousands of twatpackers turn up. Feel sorry for places like Koh Samui which 30 + years ago was beautiful but spoilt now and will get even worse when they finish the bridge to get there .
  11. Thai dog owners let there dogs out to <deleted> outside so thy don't have to clean it. 2 dogs started <deleted>ting outside our house because the owners shouted at them when they <deleted> inside. I started to brush the <deleted> over to their door. They would then shout who the <deleted> threw <deleted> here. That worked for a bit but then started again and I would get the harder <deleted> on the end of a stick and launch it over their gate (when they were out) I got really good at it to a point I started enjoying it. It's all started again now as they have got a new puppy. Had enough of dog owners and we are now moving so no neighbours <deleted> stick game is about to finish
  12. There are many really fit looking ladies in Europe in their50's but also some really shocking looking asian ladies 50+ Really just depends Asians don't always age very well .
  13. Yes it will charge that's what I used to do with mine
  14. I am still very happy with ice cars at the moment but I am sure one day we will all have to drive Ev's It would make no sense to me to sell 2 of my vehicles to buy a new EV car. At the moment a Ev car would not be suitable for us as we do many trips of 6-700km for work starting at 6am so like to get to our destination without having to organise charging on route. It will be the future no doubt but looking at how quickly they have advanced in the last 5 years I reckon by 2030 we will see many more . Still would prefer the sound and feel of a nice ice vehicle but sadly we have to accept the EV will become way more popular. At least they are not catching fire as much as they used to.
  15. I used to buy the latest phones and started to not see much of a difference I had a Samsung S2 all the way up to S21 and now kept the S21 My son has a S24 and yes the camera is better but what else is really needed? My wife has a new iphone and mainly has tiktok/Youtube running so not sure it is needed
  16. Would love to see how that worked out for you.
  17. i would renew your passport . It will be easier than not doing it. Is it just the cost or the hassle of doing it that concerns you?
  18. You missed On his way to 7/11 for munchies and nothing will get in his way after smoking a big bag of the finest devils lettuce.
  19. Maybe off-topic but Just bought a dirt cheap blocked Samsung Galaxy s21 phone and wondering where i can unlock it?
  20. I was parked on the side of the road and what looked like a dad teaching his son to drive came straight at me with the dad trying to turn the steering wheel to avoid hitting us. He hit the side of the car mainly fender damage and wing mirror. Anyway they parked up so i thought insurance will sort this out, By the time i got out and started looking at the damage the little fu7kers were running around the car and changed drivers and fuc7ed off. I turned around and went to stop them and they had long gone. Never even got 4000baht just a flappy wingmirror and scuffed fender
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