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Posts posted by ThailandBert

  1. I think Romney should also show his tax returns. again if he has nothing to hide then it simply closes down the argument. The American people have a right to know just who they are making the worlds most powerful man. Nothing should be off limits.

    The way i see it as a non American the people who really run the country have got it all sorted. They have fixed the election to a two party vote and you are all basically voting for either Coke or Pepsi.

    Some voters prefer the taste of Pepsi some prefer Coke. both are marketed differently and have different labels on the bottles and cans but when it boils down to it they are both sweet tasting, dark soft drinks where there is very little actual difference between them.

    Utterly brilliant really if you think about it. it doesn't really matter which one gets elected as very much of substance will change ! Brilliant !

  2. The "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" is getting a little tedious. How about Trump showing everyone what's beneith his shredded wheat?

    What you seem to fail to grasp in all this is Trump isn't trying to be the most powerful man in the world. Obama is. As Mania says if the people who are electing him into the job can't ask simple questions and have to force people to produce documents the rest of the USA citizens are asked to produce on a daily basis something is seriously messed up.

    I also can't understand why at least ten people are running for the job yet you only ever see or hear from these two ?

    What's all that about ?

  3. Some people should get a life, there are more important things in an election campaign.

    ​Not to some Americans there isn't.

    nobody has yet answered my question. Why does he refuse to show such innocuous documents to his people ? If everything is in order where is the harm. It shuts down the arguments stone dead.

    As for the birth certificate how can 3 ex CIA officers claim it is an outright forgery and not be sued in America the land of litigation ? see here


    It makes for some interesting reading, even for a non American.

    Me personally I would rather have seen Trump as President against the the two choices you have now thumbsup.gif .

  4. I haven't seen any hand held ones but a friend does technical diving and the guy he dives with has a towed array system. There is a thread about land metal detecting running that might be worth a look.

    For a replacement card just contact PADI and they will get you a new one.

  5. so nobody can tell me why Obama refuse to show these innocuous documents then ? I'm a nobody but if some Thai official asked to see my school records or passport application details I would have no problem showing them. same goes for my birth certificate which I have handed over to lots of people. I haven't spent millions of Dollars trying to keep it private and as said if you want to be the most powerful man in the world you have to expect to lose your privacy. I used to think British politics was bad but I see it is a bad over the pond, only bigger wink.png

    • Like 2
  6. You folks with in-laws keep harping on about how they talk to you, albeit a little, recognize you as their daughters' husbands, use sign language, etc. and as part and parcel of this you help them out. This is a totally different scenario to the OP. The OP's inlaws ignore him, act as if he did not exisit, and have nothing to do with him. They clearly do not like or even respect him, and probably hate the fact that their daughter married a foreigner (face?). If you say in all fairness that you would still fork over dosh, because - after all - they are the wife's parents, you are nuts.

    So I'm nuts. Suppose you marry a girl with a retarded brother who needed full-time care. Before you married her you were fully aware of the fact that she feels obligated to send home a certain amount of her income in order to help support him.

    Would you require him act appropriately according to your "normal" standards in order to allow her to fulfill her obligations?

    Can you even imagine a thread like this if it was a man married to a western wife?

    The number of farangs that buy into the whole "it's Thailand so I have to buy them a house, car and support the entire family financially" boggles me.

    By all means do so if you want to, but please stop trying to say that it's compulsory for all farangs to do so. It's not.

    The question of getting scammed is 100% I agree a question of scale.

    I completely agree that cars and houses is looney tunes, unless that's a tiny fraction of your assets and of no serious consequence to your immediate nuclear family unit's long-term security, see it as a gift or donation to charity or part of the bride-price whatever, in that situation I don't think it's any of my business as to what some rich guy wants to do with his money.

    What I'm talking about is a proportional fraction of the amount I give to my partner(s) for discretionary spending money, which she has they authority to give or withhold as she sees fit.

    Say I make USD $2000 a month total income. I give my partner $400 a month for her to spend on clothes, tech gadgets whatever, and if she chooses to send them $100-200 of it every month, that's perfectly fine with me.

    I'm not saying anything is "mandatory", but IMO if you don't take her culturally-programmed obligations into account - and therefore only give her say $250 altogether, there will most likely be problems as a result.

    It's a very rare honest girl who doesn't have such obligations, if she doesn't express the need to fulfill them as part of our "deal" negotiations, that (to me) is a red flag that she may well be the kind of immoral person I wouldn't want as part of my household.

    I'm not looking to get into a fight over this, but why can't she go get a job and use that money to support her parents? If she can't get a decent job, support her to go to school and get the qualifications to get a decent paying job. That's what would happen in the west. Why is it different because it's Thailand?

    Maybe Thaibeachlover doesn't wan't his wife to have to work ? My wife gives money to the temple. it is her money and she can do what she likes with it. Who am I or any of us to tell them different ?

    • Like 1
  7. I get on great with mine. MIL, FIL and sister treat me as one of the family. had a bit of lack of respect from the BIL but he is just a head strong young 17 year old and the wife soon sorted him out and he is now fine. They paid for the wedding and the FIL gave me a family Buddha amulet valued at 150,000 Baht. On our 1st anniversary he also gave us 6 Rai of land to build our retirement house on. I have never been happier. I look forward to going to visit them and when they come stay with us here on Samui.

  8. For me I reckon that if you are going to apply for the job as the worlds most powerful man you have to expect your private life and past to be totally open to scrutiny. Why would anyone spend millions of dollars like Obama has keeping his birth certificate hidden and then when he does release it most say it is a phoney if he has nothing to hide ? The same goes for his school records and passport application records. Surely the American people have a right to see these things if any concern is voiced over them ?

    How can anyone turn down 5 million Dollars to a charity of their choice for showing these records ? The person that tries to hide such innocuous documents to me has something big to hide.

    I also as a Brit don't understand how you can have around ten people running for the presidency yet you only ever see or hear from the two ?

    <deleted>'s that all about ?

  9. I saw one of those the other day. As I was riding up the mountain to my house I turned a corner to see this thing the size of an Alsatian dog running across the road to disappear into the jungle. Up till then I hadn't realised just how big some of the things are that are running around in the jungle. We get lots of snakes, especially king cobras but the dogs take care of them quite easily having watched them dispatch one a few times. They seem to be the only snakes they kill. The rest they seem to ignore.

  10. Dagling your other option, which would work out cheaper is to export it to Malaysia. there you can get it registered for a little money then ride it into Thailand. When you bring the bike in you are given a temporary import license. The only drawback is you have to visa run the bike every 6 months but my friend that does it this way looks at it as getting to ride his bike like it should be ridden twice a year thumbsup.gif

    Sorry Teelak but have to take motosai to Malaysia for 3 days whistling.gif

  11. What's unhelpful ? The first post he makes and he is scared to take a shower because he has heard tales of electrocution. How many people do you personally know who have died through taking a shower here ?

    I solved the problem by installing multi point water heaters.

    Some people in life simply see problems whilst others see solutions !

  12. I suggest you return home immediately as this place is far too dangerous for you to stay. if the showers do not kill you then the totally unhygienic food that you eat will kill you for sure. Your trusty pen won't save you from that now will it. then there are the totally insane drivers that fill every road in thailand making leaving your home and going anywhere impossible !

    no best leave now while you still can ! blink.png

    Lighten up my friend. been here nearly ten years taking 3-4 showers a day all over thailand and still here

    Or learn to like the Issan shower ! thumbsup.gif

  13. no they don't and she is not Royalty

    I do beg to differ but yes they do close off roads till certain VIP,s pass as I have on many occasions here on Samui been forced to pull over till they have all passed. Whether they are royalty or just big bananas they get the same treatment.

    Royalty she may not be but she is the democratically elected PM of the country and as such will get the full treatment wherever she goes.

    her politics I know very little of but she is very cute biggrin.png

  14. All you need is a stick or post long enough to touch the bottom of the tank.

    Way to go sherlock ! w00t.gif

    I don't even need the stick. I just have to walk down lots of stairs, go under the house. Climb around a dark, slippery beastie infested cellar and simply shine my torch down into the tank to see how full it is. I can also climb several flights of stairs to go check the tank under the carport again without the aid of a stick just my trusty, rechargeable torch. What I am after is an electronic tank gauge that I can look at the same as you do in your car or bike and see just how much water my two tanks have without the need for any strenuous exercise.

    From my basic understanding of these things it is simply a matter of a floatation device and a few capacitors / resistors a gauge and job done.

    Just getting the right capacitors / resistors is the problem rolleyes.gif

    But I do relish a challenge and if it proves beyond me then the great Baht will overcome thumbsup.gif

    I just won't tell the wife I paid to have it done whistling.gif

  15. I don't know where you are on the island but the heavens have just opened on the Western side of the island and I have probably had what they forecast up to now biggrin.png

    Not that I am complaining as it is badly needed.

    Accuweather is predicting heavy rain through till thursday afternoon.

    I need to get me a fuel gauge for my water tank. How hard can it be to make ?

    I can they sit here when it rains watching my tanks fill up with a smile biggrin.png

    Time to do some research whilst it is pouring down !

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