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Everything posted by skatewash

  1. I believe Dee Money only works in the opposite direction, from Thailand to the US. You can use a company like Wise (formerly TransferWise) to send money from the US to Thailand.
  2. No, not that I know of. I was able to see the change in withholding was effective in a month as the Mee Tae Dai account pays interest monthly. Had to wait longer for the Bangkok Bank regular savings account because as you said that's only paid semi-annually.
  3. That's been my experience at Krungsri Bank (Mee Tae Dai Savings account) and Bangkok Bank (Regular Savings account). Once they have your Thai Tax ID number they don't do the automatic withholding (15% of interest earned) until you have surpassed 20,000 baht in interest earned. Fixed deposit accounts still incur the withholding.
  4. Arrived at Phuket Provincial Health Office in response to an announcement for a two-day vaccination clinic offering Moderna 3rd shot boosters, only to be told that the 2nd day had been canceled (presumably because they gave away everything the first day). A nice man there told us they were offering Pfizer at Patong Hospital that same day. Drove over there to find out that the jabs on offer were Moderna instead. Received a Moderna jab. Time from arrival to departure was 2 1/2 hours.
  5. I think I'll give it a try. Will not have a residency certificate, but will have: Passport Yellow House Registration Book (tabian bahn) Pink ID Card Thai Tax ID Card Thai Driver's Licenses PEA Electrical Bill CAT Internet Bill Krungsri Bank and Bangkok Bank passbooks Lucky Rabbit's Foot
  6. Just to confirm: You successfully opened a SCB EZ Savings account? The reason I ask is that the terms and conditions state that one must be "a Thai resident," which is a bit vague and ambiguous. I live no where else but Thailand, hold and have held a retirement extension of stay for years, and own a freehold condo unit in Thailand, but I am not a Permanent Resident or a Thai Citizen.
  7. I'm not sure it is only for Thais. It may be, the Terms and Conditions seem to indicate it is only for residents of Thailand but I find that a little ambiguous. Also, I did run across this post where someone indicated that they had successfully opened an SCB EZ Savings account: The interest rate is stated as being 1.5% APR. There is a 15% tax withholding on interest earned for a regular savings account UNLESS you have registered your Thai Tax ID with that account, in which case there is only tax withheld if you exceed 20,000 baht in interest (i.e., tax is not withheld from the first baht of interest earned). Whether the SCB EZ Savings account is considered a regular savings account and falls under this provision I do not know.
  8. SCB EZ Savings Account Product Sales Sheet: https://www.scb.co.th/content/dam/scb/personal-banking/product-sales-sheet/deposits/ez-savings-account-en.pdf Terms and Conditions: https://www.scb.co.th/content/dam/scb/personal-banking/terms-conditions/deposits/ez-savings-account/tc-ez-savings-account-en.pdf In particular, I note the following from the Terms and Conditions: Residence in Thailand is ambiguous. Does it mean one must be a Thai citizen, or have Permanent Residence in Thailand? Or does it mean that one must be living in Thailand on a long-term legal basis such as on annual retirement extensions? Mine is the latter case. I live in Thailand on retirement extensions of stay, own a freehold condo unit, and live no place other than Thailand.
  9. Any experience with SCB's EZ Savings Account? 1.5% APR for balances from 1 to 2 million baht, drops to 0.5% APR for balances over 2 million baht. I'm considering trying to open one of these accounts and interested in other's experience in doing so and with using the account. I like Krungsri Bank's Mee Tae Dai Savings Account (1.0% APR for balances from 100k to 5 million baht) and use it for my 800k bank deposit for retirement extension purposes. The SCB EZ Savings Account seems like a good account. It doesn't come with a passbook but as said I wouldn't be using it for immigration purposes as I already have an account for that. I did find a fairly old (1 Feb 2021) article about e-Savings accounts (ones without a passbook) in the Bangkok Post, which mentions the SCB EZ Savings Account. Is there anything else out there I should be considering? I don't want a fixed deposit account, just interested in regular savings accounts with interest above 1% APR.
  10. I guess it depends on the vaccination center. In my case, Patong Hospital, I presented a yellow covid vaccination passport (obtained from the Phuket Provincial Health Office for 50 baht) along with a copy of my passport photo ID page and while I waited they entered the 3rd booster shot data into that yellow passport. The data is also up-to-date on the MOPH website in that it shows data for all 3 covid jabs I have had.
  11. They are referencing the Phuket.win website. The free Google Lens app does a good job of translating Thai into English using your phone's camera. (Google.Translate Camera does almost as good a job.
  12. While I can understand why it was necessary for the airline to insist that you update your passport number between reservation and check-in so that they had accurate information about the passenger flying, I don't think a similar situation exists with the advice given to the OP. The US often doesn't require the formal presentation of a passport when people exit the country. I have never heard of a Thai-American having any problem leaving the US using their Thai passport to check in to their departure flight, including in the recent era of the Thai Pass or Certificate of Entry.
  13. Simple answer really. Follow two simple rules: When in Rome use your Roman passport. Always leave on the passport you came in on. Leave the US on the US passport. If questioned in the US by airline staff about permission to enter Thailand show Thai passport. Arrive in Thailand on Thai passport. Exit Thailand on Thai passport. If questioned in Thailand by airline staff about permission to enter US show US passport. Enter US on US passport.
  14. Interesting. I've registered at the phuket.win site and received two AstraZeneca vaccinations as scheduled. Subsequently received a 3rd booster Moderna vaccination at Patong Hospital, but that was a walk-in clinic. I found the process of getting the first two shots to be much easier due to the use of the phuket.win site. I guess other people have different experiences and opinions.
  15. Have you tried registering at the phuket.win site. See the blue option: vaccination registration for non-work permit foreigners and then the gray option: first-dose vaccination appointments for foreigners.
  16. https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2021-12-23/astrazeneca-vaccine-booster-shot-effective-against-omicron-oxford-lab-study
  17. No. One has never in the entire history of the Phuket Sandbox been able to transit or land in Bangkok and then proceed to participate in the Phuket Sandbox. The rule is very simple, Phuket must be the ONLY airport you land in in the country of Thailand, if you want to participate in the Phuket Sandbox. Note that a transit in Bangkok is not an exception to that simple rule, if you land in or transit in Bangkok you will not be participating in the Phuket Sandbox.
  18. My vague understanding is that to rent someplace for a period of less than 30 days one would need to have a hotel license to be legal. I may be wrong but you should try to find out if that's true or not. Also my understanding that some condos operating under the Condo Act don't allow rentals for periods of less than 30 days. Again something to find out before you buy, I would think. Finally, one might imagine you would want to follow the immigration rules that require they be notified whenever you have a foreigner living in your condo overnight by filing a TM-30 (online would be OK). Also, if renting to a foreigner you might expect them to ask you at some point for a copy of your tabian bahn (blue house registration book) for the condo, a copy of your passport, and a copy of the rental agreement, so that they can do things they might need to do at immigration like file a 90-Day Report, get a Certificate of Residence, extend their extension of stay using your condo as their official address.
  19. My experience last year is that they (Krung Thai Bank) wanted to see the Thai Tax ID card (not just the number). A replacement or first time Thai Tax ID can be obtained from your local Thai Revenue Office. The OP's letter about the tax refund should be sufficient reason to get a Thai Tax ID card, he does not have to be working in Thailand.
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