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Everything posted by skatewash

  1. My goodness this is not really hard to understand. To be fully vaccinated means to have received as many doses as the vaccine manufacturer recommends. For Johnson & Johnson vaccine the recommendation from the manufacturer is one dose. Therefore one dose of J&J is sufficient to be considered fully vaccinated. I don't know of any place in the world (that accepts J&J) where this is not true. Even in Thailand. It boggles my mind you would think that J&J is not accepted by Thailand because it is a single dose vaccine. The reason people use the shorthand of saying two doses of a vaccine is necessary to be considered fully vaccinated is because that statement is true of all the other covid vaccines in the world. Except for J&J, which is a one dose = fully vaccinated vaccine. The only one in the world. Yes, even Thailand recognizes this.
  2. Are you arriving in Phuket from an international flight? If so Phuket Sandbox rules apply. There's been no change. Are you arriving in Phuket from a domestic flight? If so Phuket Sandbox rules don't apply. The new rules are as specified in the OP. Phuket Sandbox rules govern international arrivals in Phuket.
  3. Yes, I meant obtaining a single-entry non-O for purpose of marriage outside of Thailand, not a multi-entry one (although that would, of course, be better for you if possible). It would shorten the time you needed to be in Thailand until you could apply for a marriage extension. However, the earliest you would be able to apply for a marriage extension would be after about 6 weeks in Thailand (you would enter with a Non-O visa giving you an initial permission to stay of 90 days and the earliest most immigration offices will allow you to apply for an extension of stay is 30-45 days before the expiration of your permission to stay). Of course once acquired the marriage extension would be good for an entire year and you could retain that permission of stay by getting a re-entry permit (single 1,000, multiple 3,800 baht) before leaving Thailand. However, if you really are only looking to stay in Thailand for 3-4 weeks, then that opens up the possibility of using a visa-exempt entry (30 days) which can be extended for another 30 days, or a tourist visa (60) days. Of course, this won't keep your marriage extension of stay alive, but you can apply for a non-O visa for marriage when you are able to stay for a longer period in Thailand than 3-4 weeks.
  4. Point take that this kind of very basic information is surprisingly hard to find. One shouldn't have to ferret it out as it should be readily available on CAAT, TAT, airline's websites, etc. from https://www.facebook.com/groups/thailandvisaandsandbox/posts/547475699887364 which is a private facebook group, Thailand Tourist Visa & Phuket Sandbox.
  5. Yes, CoEs are routinely issued for visa-exempt entry. Once back in Thailand you would be able to apply for a Non-O visa for purpose of marriage from your immigration office. 30-45 days before that 90-day permission to stay would expire you could apply for a marriage extension of stay. Obviously these two steps require a certain amount of time to accomplish. How long will you be staying in Thailand after you re-enter? If not a long time it may benefit you to apply for your Non-O visa for purpose of marriage outside of Thailand at a Thai embassy or consulate and re-enter Thailand with that.
  6. The OP was asking about entering Phuket domestically. The OP would not require a CoE under these circumstances. I believe for domestic entry into Phuket the covid recovery must have occurred within the previous six months.
  7. Also, if you receive Sinovac for your first vaccine (which is unusual at this stage for foreigners) you would receive AstraZeneca for the second jab. If you receive AstraZeneca for your first jab you would receive AstraZeneca for your second jab. If you get Pfizer for your first jab you will get Pfizer for your second jab. That is what is currently available for free. Some people have purchased in advance Moderna vaccines but I don't believe anyone has actually been vaccinated with Moderna in Thailand yet. Sinopharm has also been purchased in some cases and received.
  8. I don't know of an instance that when someone was registered and received their first jab they didn't also receive their second jab after an appropriate interval. Typically, you receive a vaccination receipt that lists the vaccine received and the date you should return to receive your second jab. Possibly dates for the second jab have in some cases been brought forward or delayed but in my experience of reading these topics they earmark the needed second jabs when the first jabs are received. My first and second jabs were done as scheduled.
  9. Yes, unless the place in Thailand you are going to has some sort of local quarantine requirements. You can stay anywhere, does not have to be a SHA Plus accommodation.
  10. I have one of those, too. It's a bilingual document (Thai and English). There's no information on the document of importance that's not already in English. I'm not sure what the translation would get you. I think you could use that travel domestically and internationally. I don't know what there is that is missing from that document. Has your full name in English, Date of Birth, Passport Number, dates and manufacturer of your vaccinations, including lot numbers. Stamped by a hospital. Has a QR code that takes you to an online MOPH database that contains the same information about your vaccinations. There is also a yellow vaccination book that you can get from the Ministry of Public Health for about 50 baht with a 5 day processing time. Need a copy of your vaccination certificate and a copy of your photo ID passport page to apply for that. Until there's a widely accepted international standard, I think the Thailand National Certificate you already have and/or the yellow vaccination booklet you can get from MOPH is the best that you can do currently.
  11. The population of Phuket is very roughly 80% vaccinated. People having the most contact with Sandboxers (tourist industry workers, fellow Sandboxers at 100%, and even domestic tourists) are almost certainly vaccinated at an even higher rate. Sandboxers are also tested on an almost weekly basis while they are in the Sandbox. A very small percentage have tested positive for covid (about on the order one would expect for false positives with the RT-PCR test). Covid is definitely present in Phuket, but at a relatively stable level that has not overwhelmed the medical facilities and capacities. Zero cases of covid is proving to be an elusive goal. A certain level of covid cases seems to be sustainable and manageable. Vaccination efforts continue, expanding to booster shots for people who had previously been vaccinated with Sinovac, and school-aged children. The Sandbox was intended as an experiment. People who believe it has been a failure point to the low numbers of people who have entered the Sandbox to date under the restrictions that were in place. Very few argue that it has been a failure because vaccinated and tested visitors have driven covid infection rates up on Phuket. In response to this as of October 1 those restrictions have been relaxed (7 days island quarantine, down from 14; and 2 RT-PCR tests rather than 3).
  12. Phuket Sandbox island quarantine started out at 14 days but was reduced to 7 days on October 1st. The 14 days was a common quarantine period because it was thought that most infections occurred within 14 days of exposure. Many places in the world allow vaccinated people to enter (many countries in Europe included) with just a negative covid test and no quarantine required. Thailand is the first country in Southeast Asia to allow vaccinated people to enter with just a negative test and island rather than room quarantine. "Follow the science" is a rather naïve conception of how science works and a bit of a personal pet peeve. Science can give evidence in support of doing some things and in support of not doing some things. It doesn't tell you what to do. At best there is a scientific consensus, which may or may not be wrong. For example, heliocentrism was at one point very much outside the scientific consensus but it also turned out to be correct. Covid decisions are partly based on science and partly based on politics. Absolutely nothing has changed with regards to AstraZeneca vaccines produced in Thailand between when the UK didn't recognize them and now when they do. Political and scientific organizations like CDC and WHO routinely make recommendations based on a mixture of science and politics. Witness the huge reversals on whether we should be wearing a mask or not, whether covid could spread in an aerosolized form or not.
  13. If you are in Phuket you get it from the courtyard of the Ministry of Public Health at the southeast corner of Narisson and Surin Roads in Phuket Town. Need copies of your passport photo ID page, and vaccination certificate (issued by your vaccination center or through the hospital that staffed your vaccination center). Takes 5 days. Cost 50 baht. https://goo.gl/maps/A1Z8vohaoJDVJMqY8
  14. Phuket Sandbox is 7 days of island quarantine for vaccinated and tested people who can subsequently visit the rest of Thailand.
  15. Intramuscular (like the previous shots) or subcutaneous?
  16. Yes, Phuket is open to domestic travelers who are both vaccinated and have a negative covid test within seven (7) days of entry. Will not be a problem that the 2 year old is not vaccinated.
  17. Yes, I guess most of the "problems" have been ironed out of the process (most of the stories I recall were from the very early days of the Sandbox when nobody really knew how it would work). I know people (such as yourself) have been successful with using the online booking sites (booking, agoda, etc) so it's definitely possible. That said, if I were in a CoE time crunch and wanted to minimize any chance of miscommunication I would book directly with the hotel. Also, you will be depending on the SHA Plus hotel for Sandbox stuff more than a typical visitor, so dealing with them directly seems like a good way to know how efficient and competent they are going to be when you are their guest in the Sandbox.
  18. Yes. You may wish to book directly with the SHA Plus hotel and cut out the middleman (booking dot com, agoda dot com). The booking must be pre-paid so some of the pay on arrival policies can be problematic in getting the hotel to release your SHABA ID in a timely manner. I believe the 2nd (final) test of the Phuket Sandbox occurs on day 6 of your stay. You pay for the tests in advance on this site: https://www.thailandpsas.com/ While the first (airport) test results are taking on average about 6 hours, the second (final) test can take longer (as long as 24 hours) so factor that into your plans for departure. Yes, you get this sort of documentation (Phuket Sandbox graduation) from your hotel upon completion of your stay. You will need covid insurance to cover the period for your permission to stay that will be stamped into your passport upon entry to Thailand. So, if you were to enter Thailand on a 90-day Non-O visa, you would need 90 days of covid insurance coverage. If you are on an extension of stay and you enter Thailand on a re-entry permit you will need coverage up to your stay until date allowed by that re-entry permit (that is, up until your permission to stay expires). I'm not certain if you don't have coverage for the full permission to stay period if you will just be stamped in for the period you do have covid insurance for, but that's one possibility. These groups are very active on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/phuketsandbox https://www.facebook.com/groups/388875605677294/
  19. Hospitals which staffed your vaccination center can issue Thailand national vaccination certificates in Phuket. Also, can obtain yellow vaccination book at ministry of public health office in phuket Town. Don't need imminent travel documents. Takes 5 days. 50 baht.
  20. Didn't work for me. Right-clicking on the Print button, causes the report window to close for me so if I were to select print I would be getting a printout of the search results for my passport information. Using the Chrome browser.
  21. Yes, but unless there's a Melbourne in Thailand that would have been an international delivery, right? I don't think DHL is doing domestic deliveries (unless you are a relatively high volume business doing multiple shipments per day). For example, I need to send something to my embassy in Bangkok from Phuket and they will only accept deliveries from DHL or EMS (Thai Post). I have tried to get a quote from DHL but without success (basically, getting the message about needing a business account to ship domestically). So I will be using EMS instead.
  22. Did this not work for you? Printing the 90 Report receipt: Select the green "Check the status of your application" button here: https://extranet.immigration.go.th/fn90online/online/tm47/TM47Action.do?cmd=acceptTerm Click passport information tab. Fill in Passport number, date of birth, and nationality. Click on search icon (magnifying glass). Click on view for the report that was just approved. When showing the report scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on "The Next Appointment (PRINT)" LOL, I see what you mean. The last step ("The Next Appointment (PRINT)") doesn't seem to be working. You did the right thing by capturing a screen print of the report with approved status and printing that. It's not the same as the next appointment slip but it's the best you can do under the present circumstances. Maybe give it a few days to get fixed (hahaha) and try again. The one thing missing from what you have is your new due date, which should be 89 days from the date your current report was approved.
  23. As has been pointed out correctly, Non-OA visa holders who qualify under the specific exemption specified, are not subject to the mandatory health insurance requirement. The have effectively been grandfathered in under the old rules (which did not mandate health insurance coverage) if their Non-OA visa dates from 2018 or earlier (or they meet the other specified conditions). This is effective for applicants at the Phuket Immigration Office and may or may not apply to other immigration offices around Thailand.
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