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Everything posted by D2Pipes

  1. I also can't use the QR Code but HDPrime offers 3 payment methods, two of which are currently working so you could, if you wanted, use the 3 day trial for 25 points. Given the issue you have, if I was in your shoes I would purchase the 30 days of 'Live TV' for 99 points. Even if you have the technical background access to a 2nd source is worth its weight in gold. The 2nd source can be used as a diagnostics tool by being used as a comparison stream. I suggested you took a trial with XtreamTV as this is an IPTV stream that I use and know this stream does not have any issues. You have bought a new STB as you think your STB is the root casue of your streaming issues but it could be your IPTV provider, your WiFi connection or any of approaching a dozen other root causes yet you dismiss HDPrime out of hand. Think about it..... Tried what on the laptop? and what does same result mean? Jeez, give me strength!!! You have or at least, had two IPTV sources, did you try both sources? Do both sources not work i.e. neither would stream FHD on the laptop? I ask as I do not know have a clue what you tried or what same result means. If you had given enough details instead of your one-liner I may have been able to diagnose your issue however, if you can't be bothered to provide decent feedback then maybe I also can't be bothered to spend considerable time to resolve your issue..... Just look at how much info I have imparted for your one-liner. This is beginning to look like a one way trade and I don't waste my time on one way trades.....
  2. Did you try both IPTV streams on your laptop like I suggested?
  3. As I said yesterday, I was out all afternoon and did not look at this stream when I returned in the evening so please allow me to make a suggestion:- To all those concerned, can you please cut the infighting as this is out of order! It doesn't matter 2 hoots who started it, what misunderstanding there were or whatever else; it is all unnecessary and quite off putting to read 20 odd posts that provide no useful input to the topic of this thread. To move forward, @YorkshireTyke turn off WiFi on your STB, connect your LAN cable when it arrives then post the results here. BTW: I know that LAN overrides WiFi but if you turn off WiFi this will prove beyond doubt that you are using the LAN p.s. @YorkshireTyke I am also an old foogie but also a knowledgeable tech phobie 🙂
  4. Your speedtest results are roughly similar to what I have using an X96 STB which buffers intermittently. I think you will see a vast improvement when using the LAN cable, fingers crossed. and what about live streams? At least changing the IPTV provider allows you to stream FHD which you way you couldn't do with your original proivder so we are moving in the right direction. BTW: Xtream does not buffer with either Live or Catchup for me so, as I said above, I suspect it is your WiFi and maybe your original IPTV source. If you tell me who your original IPTV supplier is I will request a free trial to test and report back to you. No probs as betwixt us we will reslove the op's issues 🙂 Agreed. Install IPTV Smarters (no charge) on your laptop and try both your original and Xtream feeds as a comparison. Smarters provides a number of login options so chose the Xtream option (different to the XtreamTV.live) and fill in the uRL, UID and PSSWD. Not necessarily but the LAN cable will prove one way or the other. I steam regularly with both 3BB and True using WiFi on my Android tablets with no issues with either3BB or True ISP providers 🙂 I am out for the rest of the day.....
  5. Well done Edit: If you ordered from my link above then you will see the cables are high quality and genuine Cat6 🙂 No probs. Buferring can be a nightmare to resolve. One evening I spent an hour trying to sort a buffering issue on all streams. I knew it was an issue my end but I just could not resolve then I realised that I had not tried my 'fix all' When all else fails always, "force stop, clear cache, power off the STB and router, wait one minute, try again. To all readers, the above procedure will catch msybe 90% of issues. If this does not work then it is a matter of having to delve deeper.....
  6. @Centigrade32 You're a star Thanks for the link; much appreciated as I am sure the link will be of future use. In the past I have used the 'Video' tab in the Android Ookla Speedtest but the more tools in one's armoury, the better. cheersD and a note to @YorkshireTyke All of video tests rely on a stable high speed Internet connection which is where a standard Speedtest is most useful. You have said in the past you have 350Mb/s so the video tests should be testing your STB. Edit: most replaced ost
  7. Well done and a good starter. Let me know how you get on. It will be easier to install their apps by inputting the code to Downloader. If you do not have Downloader let me know and I will check if I have the apk.
  8. That STB is expensive. I use X96 STB's purchased from:- https://www.lazada.co.th/products/x96-x4-64gb-rom-4gb-64gb-wifi-5g-bluetooth-cpu-s905x4-android-11-x96max-plus-x96air-i2740445267-s9944088394.html? There is no need to buy the more expensive LAN1000M as this is not necessary for streaming. I only recommend the X96 STB's as I have about 5 off and I have recommended to others with positive feedback 🙂
  9. I have provided a link above for LAN cables that go to 100M so surely this would be long enough. If they no longer have 100M LAN cables then ask a shop to make you one. This is neither expensive or difficult but you seem resistant to sensible suggestions.....
  10. I provide support to my main IPTV streaming source and to be completely honest, buffering is by far the most difficult issue to resolve. Worse, is if the op does not follow advice then buffering is impossible to resolve. You have been advised by many to try an Ethernet connection before spending many bucks on the purchase of an Nvidia shield so, if you cannot move the TV & STB to the router or move the router to the TV & STB there is a third option which is to purchase a suitable length Ethernet cable from:- https://www.lazada.co.th/products/10m15m-20m-30m-40m-50m-60m-80m-100m-rj45-cat6-lan-i2642377244-s9493371497.html? You have buffering and we need to ascertain the route cause. The obvious initial reasons and/or tests that could help identify the issue are:- i) Your STB which you seem convinced to be the cause ii) The WiFi connection, easily proved by the purchase of a suitable Ethernet cable from the link above (from my experience, I can say the X96 series of STB's seem to have a rather weak WiFi connection but more testing is necessary before I can confirm this statement as I have since seen issues on the 2.4GHz WiFi band of my ISP) iii) Your IPTV source which is easily proved by taking the free trial from https://xtreamtv.live (I use the above provider as a backup so I know the quality of their streams and they very rarely have buffering or any other issues) iv) Your ISP provider which is easily proved by either using a hotspot from your phone and/or installing an app on your phone and testing using WiFi from your ISP provider and/or data from your mobile provider (you should definately test using your phone before purchasing a Nvidia Shield or any other STB) The above steps will provide an excellent insight and help to show the route forward and best of all, the cost is minimal in that all that needs to be purchased is the Ethernet cable. The link I provided above is for high quality outdoor Ethernet cable so you can always purchase a cheaper Cat6 cable..... I look forward to your response to the tests I have outlined in order to resolve your buffering issues. BTW: run a speedtest from Testmy.net as directed by @CallumWK and let me know the results please.
  11. A speedtest is only an indicator but in your case I am surprised you can stream anything with only 350kbps. You need at least 5Mb/s and preferably 20Mb/s for decent uninterupted streaming. I have told you to try streaming via Ethernet so that is your 1st task so move the tv stm and or the router to connect your stb via an Ethernet cable. Install IPTV Smarters on a Windows pc. Run a speedtest and then try streaming with the pc connected via Ethernet and WiFi. If all fails then take a free trial with:- https://xtreamtv.live/ I use 3BB and the above source and I seldom have buffering or any other issues. If you want to take a years sub ask them nicely if you can use the discount code VD30 and they may give you a 30% discount. Just say you have been recommended by a user called '2pipes' and they gave you the discount code. If you still have buffering then I suggest you try:- https://www.lazada.co.th/products/x96max-plus-ultra-wifi-245g-bluetooth-41-cpu-amlogic-s905x4-android-11-lan100m-smart-tv-box-i5337695098-s22686152804.html? Go with the 64GB ROM version but please be aware the initial menu is in Chinese! p.s. If mods delete my link for the free trial dm me.
  12. I have multiple x96 STB's and they are bril if you use ethernet. The wifi is sh.t. I believe my boxes are Chinese copies (had to change from menu in Chinese language) but I still rate them as the S905x4 processor is top notch for streaming. In other words, Centigrade32 is spot on. BTW: I use 3BB 1GB fibre and never had an issue. Please remember a speed test is only an indicator. Most speedtests provide results for a local download speed whereas you results for the intgrrnational download speed but I digress.....
  13. I never access my immigration account other than to update my passbook and I do not even have an ATM card for that account. Today I discovered I can lock my immigrationa account so now I have set this account such that I cannot withdraw funds. Deposits are not affected. Maybe not foolporoof but a step in the right direction to ensure I never have less than B800k in my immigration account.
  14. I know of the changes to the TM6 requirements but we both know immigration is a law unto itself so how can you say:- When immigration state:- and, in the post you linked, you stated:- OP ,TM6 are no longer required upon arrival at airports however entry via land require TM6 At the end of the day, I fulfilled the CM Imm requirements, obtained my extension and I am a happy bunny. I only posted my experience to inform others but if they can get away without copying TM6's, arranging statements or whatever then all well and good but I will, as others will no doubt, do exactly what IO dictate in order to keep all relevsant parties sweet.
  15. The IO said I needa a bank statement even though I had copies of the passbook. Who am I to argue 🙂 Many years ago CM Imm asked for the TM30 to be copied onto the TM47 photocopy. CM Imm require one 90 day report attached to the passport and a seperate copy of nthe 90 day report with the TM30. CM Imm also asked for the TM6 to be copied onto the photocopy of the original visa passport page. As I said, these request were years ago and I have never changed. I booked online and this is the document requirement from the online booking confirmation:- There it is in black and white but no mention of a bank statement !! Each year I have updated my checklist for the following years application. As time progressed, slowly the checklist reached maturity but still I was caught out with the statement requirement 😭 C'est la vie Edit: FYI: CM Imm require the following documents: - The TM7 application with copies of the TM6, TM30, TM47, bank statement and the passbook updated on the day of application.
  16. Yesterday, 06/02, I printed a one year bank statement from the Bangkok bank app/email option and presented to Chiang Mai Immigration together with all of the other required documents for a retirement extension. There was no bank stamp on the statement and no problem with the statement. All papers were declared in order and accepted though next year I will ask Bangkok bank to stamp the statement when I request their bank certificate as there is no point in taking an unnecessary risk. As an aside, last year I presented the bank statement, but the statement was returned and I was told bank statements were no longer necessary. Further, the CM Imm online booking system provides a printout of the required documents but there is no mention of statements so I was caught unawares when I took the documents to Immigration the day before for checking. Bangkok bank take one week to provide one year of bank statements so the app/email printout was my only option. BTW: CM Imm permit the application of the retirement visa up to 45 days in advance however you need to be aware of how CM Imm count these 45 days! CM Imm count all days including the day of the application AND the day the current retirement extension expires hence the 45 days in advance turns out to be 44 days in reality i.e., I attended CM Imm on the 06/02 but was asked to return toda,y 07/02, due to being 46 days in advance. My extension is valid until 23/03 so be careful. FYI: CM Imm require the following documents: - The TM7 application with copies of the TM6, TM30, TM47 and the passbook updated on the day of application. An IO checked all paper work on 05/02 and said the passbook having been updated on 04/02 was acceptable but this was not the case on 06/02. Finally, as a test of the 100 baht requirement, I updated the passbook with 10 baht and was pleased to see this was acceptable 🙂
  17. Now you have lost me. Could you please explain? If XtreamTV are too expensive for you that is fine by me as XtreamTV are nothing to do with me. FYI: XtreamTV are £5/yr cheaper than my main supplier who has recently increased their price from £60/yr to £80/yr.
  18. Here are two such discussioins:- https://aseannow.com/topic/1286174-your-experience-with-the-tot-nt-thunder-sim/ https://aseannow.com/topic/1273022-your-experience-with-sim-card-routers/
  19. There are many options..... Trials:- 24 hour free 24 hours with sports £1.99 48 hour pass £2.99 7 day pass £4.99 Subscritions:- are for 1 month, 3 month, 6 month or a year at £75 All info and prices can be seen at:- https://xtreamtv.live/
  20. I have an annual NT SIM that I use in a D-Link DWR-M930 router for streaming. Using 3BB 5G Wi-Fi on a pc I have a download of 81Mb/s and with SurfShark enabled and set to Thailand location I have a download of 71Mb/s
  21. If you use one of the apps to test Wi-Fi you may see that many signals are on the same channel which is why it is always better to use a LAN especially if you are experiencing buffering as the solution of can be a nightmare. Once it took me over an hour to resolve a buffering issue and I almost gave up. I could list a dozen different reasons as to the route cause of buffering. @superal You will not experience buffering on a FHD stream if you have 30Mb/s+. If you have buffering try reducing the resolution to SD. I am also using 3BB fibre and most say 3BB are the best ISP for streaming. I have a 4 year old Android phone that is fine streaming without a VPN. I have a 1 year old Android tablet that will continuoulsly buffer without a VPN. Go figure! I use STB's with the Amlogic range of CPU's ie S905x4 whereas the T95 uses the Allwinner H616 which should be more than good enough:- https://gadgetversus.com/processor/amlogic-s905x4-vs-allwinner-h616/#google_vignette I would suggest your first port of call is to try a LAN connection between your STB and the router to see it that makes any improvement but please be aware than any speed test is only an indicator:- If you have a 5Mb/s speedtest result you will definately have problems If you have a 500Mb/s speedtest result you may have problems Also read the post:- and you will see that many Wizz customers are having issues Just click on the "Access Denied" ling above but please ignore the comment from:- @CallumWK on page 3. I am not a reseller, just trying to assist. p.s. If you want me to TRY to assist with your buffering please DM me. Sorry, I have just changed my mind as so many are complaining about Wizz i suspect Wizz servers may be the route cause though I had no issues when I tested them but since then they had to change their stream provider. p.p.s. I recommended trying a free test in the link above but I was accused of being a reseller. I have no connection to XtreamTV whatsover.
  22. Sir: A reseller has no use of both a main and a backup provider! Please explain why, if I am a reseller, I have been looking for a bckup to my main source for the last 3 years and wasted a not insignificant sum of money checking suppliers that turned out to be of no use but then again, this is the story of my life:- I try to assist others and am kicked in the teeth for my troubles. C'est la vie! An aside:- I said I have a main supplier. Maybe you would like to check out:- http://bestiptvuk.me/ but don't waste too much of your time as the website is no longer used due to the safety issues I mentioned in my post. My 10 second review suggested you took the free trial so that you could make up your own mind but you prefer to accuse me of being a reseller whereas all I am trying to do is pass on my hard earned experience gained over 3 years. Thanksk for nothing.....
  23. Sir: A reseller has no use of both a main and a backup provider! Please explain why, if I am a reseller, I have been looking for a bckup to my main source for the last 3 years and wasted a not insignificant sum of money checking suppliers that turned out to be of no use but then again, this is the story of my life:- I try to assist others and am kicked in the teeth for my troubles. C'est la vie! An aside:- I said I have a main supplier. Maybe you would like to check out:- http://bestiptvuk.me/ but don't waste too much of your time as the website is no longer used due to the safety issues I mentioned in my post. My 10 second review suggested you took the free trial so that you could make up your own mind but you prefer to accuse me of being a reseller whereas all I am trying to do is pass on my hard earned experience gained over 3 years. Thanksk for nothing.....
  24. The 10 second review & recommendation: Take a 24 hour free stream at:- https://xtreamtv.live/index.php?rp=/store/trials and wait to be impressed 🙂 Advice: Now for the rather boring but detailed review however, my advice would be to skip the details below and take either the free or paid trial in the link above. You have been warned..... Introduction: I have been using my current stream provider since the start of the British & Irish Lions tour to South Africa in July 2021 which coincided with the Covid outbreak when the local authorities advised they were going to close all bars in order to stop the Covid spread. I urgently needed a stream, with sports, in order to be able to watch the B&I Lions Internationals. I only had a few days to sort and though rushed, I came up trumps on the very first attempt with my current provider. For the 3 years since then I have been looking for a backup stream, I have taken many trials (many being 20 or so free trials). I even paid for many a months sub to those trials that seemed to pass muster only to have been disappointed when detailed testing uncovered many issues. Now for the good news; I took a trial with Xtream and I was so impressed with the free trial that when they offered a one off discount I jumped at the offer and took a year's sub. After extensive testing I can say that I have been way impressed and I am sure that if you take the trial, especially the paid trial with catchup, you will be equally impressed 🙂 Details: Xtream provide 7 days of catchup on almost all of the UK main and most sports channels that I could wish for. One of the benefits of the Xtream catchup streams is many of these streams have two catchup streams per channel i.e. catchup on BBC1 is available as both FHD and SD. Best of all, not only do Xtream provide their own apps but they also provide the URL (m3u) of their servers to those of us that require this info. Background & Recommendation: In the early days of my streaming I had been using a stream provider for many years that were good but they were taken down when they decided to add sports to their offering. No names mentioned but I am sure you old timers amongst us know who I am referring to. With my many years experience of using good stream providers and my dismissal of so many streams during testing that just did not come up to par, I feel I can offer sound recommendations hence I have no qualms in recommending Xtream as either a main or backup stream provider. No doubt others on this forum will agree that it is not easy to find a source that provides high quality live streams with at least 7 days of catchup that have little to no buffering on either live or catchup whilst including the server URL so please allow me to suggest you take either the free trial or even pay the nominal fee for the 24 hour sports trial with catchup using the link above and see for yourself. What have you got to lose? I can assure you that you will not be disappointed! !!! Search: My search for a backup has taken me years to find a provider that has come anywhere near being close to my main provider in the quality of their streams to act as a backup. Xtreams are not only close but they may even surpass my main provider. Believe me, this is high praise indeed and only time will tell as this is early days but to give you a clue, the overflow Galagher rugby matches are being streamed on TNT Sports 5. No stream provider I know of offers catchup on this stream so I use Xtream as my stream of preference to record the match, (with only one paid sub per provider I have to choose which provider's stream to use for recording whilst viewing on the other stream). and yes, Xtream really are that good. Closing Comments: If you have any questions feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer. If, perchance you doubt my review just take a gander at:- https://www.trustpilot.com/review/xtreamtv.uk p.s. I can no longer recommend my main provider for two reasons:- i) I posted on here many years ago that my main supplier were good, many took my advice but failed to complete a transaction due to my provider playing silly buggers ii) For security reasons my main supplier will only take new customers from personal referrals and knowing potential customers from a forum is not enough
  25. The 10 second review & recommendation: Take a 24 hour free stream at:- https://xtreamtv.live/index.php?rp=/store/trials and wait to be impressed 🙂 Advice: Now for the rather boring but detailed review however, my advice would be to skip the details below and take either the free or paid trial in the link above. You have been warned..... Introduction: I have been using my current stream provider since the start of the British & Irish Lions tour to South Africa in July 2021 which coincided with the Covid outbreak when the local authorities advised they were going to close all bars in order to stop the Covid spread. I urgently needed a stream, with sports, in order to be able to watch the B&I Lions Internationals. I only had a few days to sort and though rushed, I came up trumps on the very first attempt with my current provider. For the 3 years since then I have been looking for a backup stream, I have taken many trials (many being 20 or so free trials). I even paid for many a months sub to those trials that seemed to pass muster only to have been disappointed when detailed testing uncovered many issues. Now for the good news; I took a trial with Xtream and I was so impressed with the free trial that when they offered a one off discount I jumped at the offer and took a year's sub. After extensive testing I can say that I have been way impressed and I am sure that if you take the trial, especially the paid trial with catchup, you will be equally impressed 🙂 Details: Xtream provide 7 days of catchup on almost all of the UK main and most sports channels that I could wish for. One of the benefits of the Xtream catchup streams is many of these streams have two catchup streams per channel i.e. catchup on BBC1 is available as both FHD and SD. Best of all, not only do Xtream provide their own apps but they also provide the URL (m3u) of their servers to those of us that require this info. Background & Recommendation: In the early days of my streaming I had been using a stream provider for many years that were good but they were taken down when they decided to add sports to their offering. No names mentioned but I am sure you old timers amongst us know who I am referring to. With my many years experience of using good stream providers and my dismissal of so many streams during testing that just did not come up to par, I feel I can offer sound recommendations hence I have no qualms in recommending Xtream as either a main or backup stream provider. No doubt others on this forum will agree that it is not easy to find a source that provides high quality live streams with at least 7 days of catchup that have little to no buffering on either live or catchup whilst including the server URL so please allow me to suggest you take either the free trial or even pay the nominal fee for the 24 hour sports trial with catchup using the link above and see for yourself. What have you got to lose? I can assure you that you will not be disappointed! !!! Search: My search for a backup has taken me years to find a provider that has come anywhere near being close to my main provider in the quality of their streams to act as a backup. Xtreams are not only close but they may even surpass my main provider. Believe me, this is high praise indeed and only time will tell as this is early days but to give you a clue, the overflow Galagher rugby matches are being streamed on TNT Sports 5. No stream provider I know of offers catchup on this stream so I use Xtream as my stream of preference to record the match, (with only one paid sub per provider I have to choose which provider's stream to use for recording whilst viewing on the other stream). and yes, Xtream really are that good. Closing Comments: If you have any questions feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer. If, perchance you doubt my review just take a gander at:- https://www.trustpilot.com/review/xtreamtv.uk p.s. I can no longer recommend my main provider for two reasons:- i) I posted on here many years ago that my main supplier were good, many took my advice but failed to complete a transaction due to my provider playing silly buggers ii) For security reasons my main supplier will only take new customers from personal referrals and knowing potential customers from a forum is not enough
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