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Posts posted by Virgil

  1. hate to say 'I told you so' but when I first heard of Karr, I told friends that 'giving detailad evidence of the crime was not difficult - if some nut so chose to do so. There has been at least one extremely detailed TV documentary about the Bennet case - even showing such video footage as where, exactly, an intruder's bootmarks were at a basement casement window. The documentary, by the way, gave strong evidence that exonerated the little girl's parents. I think all in all the Denver police could have done a better job from the get-go.

    I thought Karr was being wanted by Thai police for something .... ? .... and what was he DOING in BKK anyway .... ? .... I suspect fessing up to a crime that he didn't commit in the US meant that he didn't have to pay a visit to the Bangkok Hilton.


  2. Yes Womble, I know how you feel. I was getting jack of legislation that enables farang to be charged 10x the local price for a border permit into Cambodia. That was, until I realised that you've just got to play the game. I spend a 10th on the Thai relo's to what I spend back home. A night out for them is a bbq restaurant and hot milk ... total price: 400bt for the night. But my Thai wife and I happily spend $100 for dinner for two back home. When we come to Thailand our second hand clothes are washed, pressed and handed out to the relo's like Christmas presents. While the Thai maintain the discriminatory legislation and attitude we are going to be "kin-yow" - with a smile.


    I for one am gettiing extremely fed up with the way tourists are being treated here. So much so that i'm considering leaving this country. We are treated as if we are fools and all they want is to take our money with no upgrades in service or thoughts for our welfare.

    the taxi situation and lack of public transport at the airport is a prime example. Also the national park fee increase when they provide us with nothing, not even signs in English.

    Is anyone else getting fed up with the way we are continually being taxed without being given anything back.

    I really feel strongly about this as I think it shows a complete lack of respect and also it shows that they must think we lack intelligence.

    I'm pretty close to taking my money elsewhere where it is appreciated and I will at least have some rights and be treated fairly.

    Anyone else feeling the same?

    I also feel that from an investment point of view Thailand has had it's day, there are now better places to conduct business where rules protect us and returns are better. There are many places now looking more attractive than Thailand IMHO.

  3. Update:

    Six Peruvians arrested on drug charges

    .... A team of Narcotics Suppression Bureau officers earlier arrested two Thais, including a pinup model, who were members of a ring that sold Ice Drug and aphrodisiacs mainly to patrons of the nocturnal entertainment venues along Ratchadaphisek Road.

    My wife (Thai) would like to know who the pinup model is. Anyone have any info?



  4. We ended up not using the Tourist Visa because it would delay the Fiance Visa. I can't understand how or why, but it does.

    And I spoke to the CO, Varisa, as did my fiance. Varisa told BOTH OF US that the application would go back to the END OF THE QUEUE if my fiance accepted the Tourist Visa.

    The whole thing is absolutely crazy. My parents came to Thailand to meet my future in-laws. We have a wedding planned for 30 September. Things are taking so long that we are going to have to can it and set a new date. We can't confirm bookings on venues or send invitations or anything.

    Perhaps if my fiance posed as an persecuted, half-starved Afgani refugee and arrived here on a sinking fishing boat ......

  5. Gentlemen,

    My fiancee and I lodged her fiancee visa application at the Aust. Embassy office on 25th February this year. Her interview was on 23rd March. I called the Embassy on 22nd June and spoke to our Case Officer who said that our application had been assessed for relationship and was now awaiting determination by the Australian Officer.

    The CO said the our application had been waiting for several weeks. Even if it was only several days, yet another month has passed without hearing from the Embassy and with our file sitting in the dark, presumably growing mould.

    I was wondering if there is something I can do to speed things up, or whether I should just wait a little longer.



    PS: My fiance applied for a tourist visa (she has been Oz before) which the Embassy approved. However, the CO called her and said that if she accepted the tourist visa they would remove our application from the queue until she returned to Thailand ... then, our application would go back to the end of the queue ... go figure ?!? ... I still can't work out how that benefits ANYONE ... even the Embassy.

  6. I can't believe he's from a place called Waga Waga

    You've gotta be joking mate ... everybody knows Wagga Wagga. It's about 150km west of Canberra.

    If you're having trouble finding it on the map its in the middle of the triangle formed by Walla Walla, Grong Grong and Murrumburrah, right on the Murrumbidgee River.



    I like the laws in Texas - where Gun Control means hitting what you aim at!

  7. I love this country, but explain to me I have a Telephone post on my property and the neighbor

    acrossed the street has a phone running off of my pole,I have been trying to get a hard line phone

    installed in my house for over 6 month now and was told they ran out of number and I may have to wait years for a phone,so I am connected with satillite to run my computer.

    Does anyone else have the same problem not getting a phone hooked up?

    :o It's probably got nothing to do with running out of numbers, they have simply run out of space to run another wire to your house.

    :D Every phone in Thailand has it's own wire back to the exchange, they do not join in at the pole itself.

    :D Surely if they run that extra wire to your house, some of the poles will fall over.

    Actually, RJJ, if the landline network is digital then thousands of phone lines can run through the one single cable. It is only the old copper wire exchanges that have individual wires ... to the local hubs or "christmas trees" ... not to the exchange.

  8. More brilliant Thai construction .... I am looking forward to wading through Kings Power Duty Free.

    Has anyone noticed the highrise building that is leaning over in BKK? It is near Saphan Taksin bridge. You can see it on your right as you are coming over the bridge heading east (towards the city). It is about 20 storeys tall, un-occupied, and has a distinct lean to the right. If you know the building please let me know.

    Virgil, out!

  9. So sad,

    If even a small electrical current bridges the chest cavity a cardiac event may occur. In itself, the event may not be fatal. But could well be sufficient to cause a loss of conciousness ... which, if you're swimming in a canal, would be fatal.

    Frankly, I think it is just one of those tragic accidents. I feel for the children, their family and friends, and even the poor welder - perhaps he had no idea that his equipment (or property) had an earth leakage problem.

    Having said that, rural Thai houses are notorious for their poor wiring. I know there is a timber post with wiring in my wife's parents house which, if you lean on it, gives you the hippy-hippy shakes. And the wiring in the bathroom ... OMG! :o

    Virgil, out!

  10. Typical white lynch mob mentality.... all violence an out rage, few really care to know the facts.

    Seen anyone about that yet?

    The enormous chip on your shoulder!

    The quest from the facts and seems to have eluded you as well but hypocracy is rarely noticed by the perpetrators of it.

    You also make your own assumptions but I will not stoop as low as you my friend and make racist assumptions.

    If anyone had made a comment like, "Black guys jumping to wife beating assumptions as its their normal practice in relationships" they would rightly be denounced and banned from the board.


  11. I think its cute how all these farangs get so up in arms when a Thai kills a white man. Without even questioning the circumstances, automaticaly the Thai is wrong, The Thai man is a coward, a vicious brutal murderous beast...ect ect ect... Chances are if he was a drunk and he did beat his wife, then he had it comming to get stabbed by his wife's dad.

    I would stab the guy too if he choked my daughter.

    But no...everyone here, it seems, would rather feel sorry for the abuser.

    Put the funny-smelling cigarette out and stop taking the silly pills Cpt_M0ney_Sh0t. You've condemned a man based on a "rumour" (to put it loosely) while giving a suspected murderer a medal. Are you really so looney? Here are the facts: 1 dead farang with two stab wounds to the back, 1 arrested father-in-law, 1 picture of a happy looking farang with his baby ....

    and what do your so called facts do to prove anything, what does the picture prove or have to do with the incident? so he was happy when it was taken, doesn't mean that the "rumour" isn't true either and vice versa. No one has come up with any more facts yet. Yet the FIL is guilty as charged already

    My point exactly Tingnongnoi ... lets stick to the facts ... and yes, the picture doesn't prove anything other than the fact that he shared a happy moment with his kid.

  12. I think there were a lot more than 100,000 people at the demonstration on 25th. But does the actual number matter once you've got a group of people large enough to attract the attention of the media?

    The fact is there is going to be an election. A lot of people have had enough of Thaksin. But there is no oponent with vision and foresight enough to properly govern the country. What are the policies for reform? Where is the rising political star of Thai politics?

    Thaksin was a wealthy man before entering politics and he will remain wealthy afterwards. In fact, if he were to leave politics to concentrate on his business ventures he would probably be even wealthier. Men of his calibre don't need to be in politics to further their own business ventures. In fact, they prefer a lower profile so as to not draw attention to their personal business deals.

    It looks to me like the crew is trying to get the captain to walk the plank. But then, the ship is in danger of being lost with all hands ....

    Animal farm: after the pigs ousted the humans all the animals were happy ... but the pigs still sent the horse to the knackery .....


  13. So beware..! White men BEWARE!!!

    IF you want a Thai wife you need to be careful of your selective family because when you marry someone it means you marry a whole family. Unlike western world. :D

    It is not just being with someone you love but the whole culture and it is even more complex when you have to live in Thailand. :o:D

    This is actually very good advice. When you are about to marry your prostitute you have fallen in love check out her whiskey swilling father and tattoed brother. They now belong to you....hmmmm..."but she was such a nice girl in the bar on soi 6 for the two weeks I knew her before asking her to marry me. Her family was soooo friendly"


  14. I think its cute how all these farangs get so up in arms when a Thai kills a white man. Without even questioning the circumstances, automaticaly the Thai is wrong, The Thai man is a coward, a vicious brutal murderous beast...ect ect ect... Chances are if he was a drunk and he did beat his wife, then he had it comming to get stabbed by his wife's dad.

    I would stab the guy too if he choked my daughter.

    But no...everyone here, it seems, would rather feel sorry for the abuser.


    Again your hyperbole detracts from your argument.

    Maybe due to past precedent in Thai Farang killings make some people feel justice will not be done in Thailand where the rule of law in tenuous at best - case history dear chap.

    Then again the you use of the words "chances are"

    Chances are he did abuse his wife

    Chances are the father was a drunk and wanted the house.

    You do not know and neither do I - will the truth come out?

    Even that is questionable - a Thai FiL looking to save his own skin here would play the farang card if possible - self interest ?

    I agree ...

    Chances are he was a loving father

    Chances are his wife had a "gig"

    Chances are her family had run up some debts

    Chances are he didn't want to pay them off for the father-in-law

    Chance are ..... but what are the actual facts?

  15. I think its cute how all these farangs get so up in arms when a Thai kills a white man. Without even questioning the circumstances, automaticaly the Thai is wrong, The Thai man is a coward, a vicious brutal murderous beast...ect ect ect... Chances are if he was a drunk and he did beat his wife, then he had it comming to get stabbed by his wife's dad.

    I would stab the guy too if he choked my daughter.

    But no...everyone here, it seems, would rather feel sorry for the abuser.

    Put the funny-smelling cigarette out and stop taking the silly pills Cpt_M0ney_Sh0t. You've condemned a man based on a "rumour" (to put it loosely) while giving a suspected murderer a medal. Are you really so looney? Here are the facts: 1 dead farang with two stab wounds to the back, 1 arrested father-in-law, 1 picture of a happy looking farang with his baby ....

  16. Key leaders call for royal intervention

    Somsak said PAD's only goal at the moment was to oust Thaksin and they had not resolved how the post-Thaksin era should be.

    --The Nation 2006-03-22

    I think that just about says it all! Brain in neutral and no ideas. :o

    I agree. Having spent many cups of coffee over the Bangkok Post this last month, and having had many a discussion with Bangkok cab drivers, my opinion is that PAD is on a personal vandetta against Thaksin. In fact, PAD would probably claim a victory if TRT won the election without Thaksin as PM. PAD has no political agenda or vision. Their actions are personal and spiteful. They are not thinking of the Thai people, Thai culture or democracy.

  17. DNA evidence has proved he did it? It takes more than a couple hours for DNA results to process, sounds to me like the police are ready to start making examples of these tourism-killers... and rightly so...

    Som nom na

    I agree. DNA samples must be taken from separate police stations to separate labs and tested separately. Then sent to an independent lab for checking while being cross matched at the other 2 labs. 3 positive results will provide a match with odds ... not a perfect match, but odds of say 1:25,000,000 or something like that. All this couldn't have been done on a Sunday in Pattaya.


  18. Ironically the more the Thai government tries to curb the sex industry, the more rapes will occur. I don’t get it, this guy could not afford to find a lady? You can’t walk 100 meters without getting hit on there.

    I agree John. I've seen blokes who look like the south end of a camel heading north pick up with no trouble at all. All I can say is this guy must have had a face you could sole your shoes with.


  19. The world media are full of the trial of the two scumbags who supposedly murdered the Welsh lady on Samui. Thaksin has intervened saying that justice must be done urgently to help heal the negative impact on Thai tourism(noteThai tourism not to comfort the girls parents etc)

    After this public statement, Batman and Robin went into overdrive and within days had the two in custody who pleaded no contest. World records were broken as the trial was ordered immediately and judging by reports, no defence witnesses were called and again judging be reports the two are likely to be sentenced and could face the death penalty by the middle of next week!

    Hurrah for the Thai justice system (at long long last) but why do I smell a rat and wonder if these two guys are being stiched up in public to entice the tourists back. Why did it need Thaksin to get involved to kickstart Batman and Robin ? Are we sure these guys have not been framed to get a quick completion? are we sure that everything is above board here ?

    Food for thought!

    No, its not food for thought. The abundance of skepticism and stupidity being written in this thread leads me to believe that there is something in the water supply in Thailand that makes complete idiots out of otherwise sensible farangs ....

    Hurrah for the Thai justice system (at long long last) but why do I smell a rat and wonder if these two guys are being stiched up in public to entice the tourists back.

    See also the articles in the Guardian and The Sun.

    There does seem to be clear DNA evidence, in addition to the confession. Why waste money on a lengthy trial and incarceration?



    Its called "The Justice System", Maestro ...


    They haven't been stitched up, I know a Thai guy who's brother is a fisherman who said the two had been boasting of their conquest to all and sundry in their fishing clique.

    I am not surprised that the emphasis of their crime is the damage to tourism but that's Thaksin for you.

    Either way, I'm sure Mr and Mrs Horton won't be protesting the execution.

    No Wes ... read the news ... Mrs Horton has written a letter requesting that the two NOT BE EXECUTED. And with good reason. If they die tomorrow, their sentence ends tomorrow. The Hortons have their sentence for life, why shouldn't the killers have to face every day in jail for the term of their natural lives?????


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