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Posts posted by cbrer

  1. I remember a friend living in Mahasarakham.

    He went to renew his his first 1 yr license with a 5 yr license.

    "Impossible. Cannot. Only Thais can get a five year license.I give you one year, that's it. you foreigner cannot." .

    His friend had a 5 year and he knew it was well possible so he went off at him. Manager was called in and he backed up his Thai staff, 'Sorry. Cannot, impossible'.

    He got it done in BKK on his next visit down and got them to phone the DoLT in Sarakham, then he went back there when he returned with his 5 year license being thrust in their face demanding answers and apologies.

    'Oh, er, they said they sent the fax when the rules were changed but it never arrived'.


    Welcome to Thailand.

  2. A foreigner can own 100% of a house here with or without being married.

    It will have to be a separate legal entity to the land though.

    Which is a lot easier done if building from scratch rather than buying.

    It will of course be separate to the land which will be owned by someone else.

    Methods are to lease the land, then build your house on it as a separate entity that you own. Or rent the laand and build a wooden house.

    that way you can just move it to another plot if anything happens. :D

    A Yellow Book (the Tabien Bahn) doesn't show who owns the building, it just shows that a foreigner is registered as living there. People seem to mistakenly believe that having a Yellow Tabien Bahn shows some sort of ownership. It does nothing of the sort.

  3. Hi, I presume there's quite a few guys on here that have experience living/working in Saudi.

    Can you tell me what visa an EU national (born and raised) needs to have for Saudi Arabia in order for his Thai wife of 3 years (never been outside of Thailand before) and their infant child to come and live with him in Saudi Arabia while he works there?

    I believe that if you work there, if you have a certain visa, your Thai wife (and presumably infant child) can be joined on this visa (something like a Visa for Spouse of foreign worker or whatever), that allows them to live there for the duration of your contract?

    If so, what Visa is it, and what else is required?


  4. Bpen Kwarm Thai.

    Alcohol + their dangerously repressed emotional state + low education + little regard for life or others + a culture based on 'face' + their delicate egos = The violence witnessed at any event such as the OP's.

    We went to a M150 sponsored Rock Concert a few years ago. 50b and opened to the masses. It was a tour and the show had to be canceled half way through due to the fights and stabbings. We later found out that it was the same for every date on the tour.

    Thaisness isn't what is stated on the broucher. :rolleyes:

  5. Rumours from the States are that the CBR600 is to be discontinued and as of 2012... no more.

    I've no idea of sales figures, but people say they are appallingly low. They also mention that the Honda dealers saying this also mention that there's a range of 500's coming.

    Wonder what the public will make of 100HP i4 being replaced with a 50HP twin. :D

    If true.

  6. Luckily I have no need or desire to be around them.

    But you still do.

    Only when I'm paying peanuts for services a few moments per week.

    Is money so important to you?

    What are you on about?

    Can you give a reason why you left your home country, where you could be with like-minded people?

    I'm with like-minded people here. :huh:

    Wife, Western colleagues, Western social life, house full of Western goods, fridge full of Western food, bar full of Western drinks, but in an endlessly amusing country with weather I like and a complete lack of nanny-state crap (for me). :)

    What are you on about?

  7. As for people going out of their way to 'befriend' certain people as it might be to their advantage in the future.

    I find that disgusting. sad.png

    Who exactly do that?

    Tell us.

    Dont just throw it out there.

    Please tell us who.

    The people who do.

    Plenty of them out there regardless of the culture raised in.

    And when I realized that most of them suffer from severely repressed emotions, extreme Napoleon-Syndrome, and have a poor education outside their conditioning of their place in the World, I found I had very little in common with them and did not enjoy their company.

    Was this the reason you left your home country?

    Not sure what you mean. I suppose it's an attempted quip of some sort.

    I left my country when I was 20 to travel the World while continuing my studies.

    12 years later and I'm hitting my half-decade in this endlessly amusing country, with a great family, social-life and work environment. smile.png

    I'm afraid I can't be fake though. Which is probably why I don't like most Thais and they probably don't like me. Luckily I have no need or desire to be around them. smile.png

  8. I generally avoid Thai males anyway.

    I don't really like them and have no desire to socialize with them.

    Especially if they're in a uniform.

    Why did you come here? unsure.png

    Not to spend my time socializing with Thai males.

    Is that why you came here? huh.png

    I personally find that my Westernized wife, Western colleagues and their partners, and Western ex-colleagues and their partners is a good enough social circle for me. Most Thais are too different to me and I've no real like or desire to socialize with them. I find that most of them have severe emotional repression and inferiority issues.

    Should I feel guilty or leave the country or something? huh.png

    No, of course not. I was just thinking that if one had relocated to the other side of the planet, it would be natural to "socialize" with the locals.


    And when I realized that most of them suffer from severely repressed emotions, extreme Napoleon-Syndrome, and have a poor education outside their conditioning of their place in the World, I found I had very little in common with them and did not enjoy their company.

    I don't go out of my way to make friends, if it happens it happens, it just so happens that I generally don't enjoy the company of Thai men, so let them live their own lives without me being involved in them.

    So sorry if that somehow offends people. :rolleyes:

  9. I generally avoid Thai males anyway.

    I don't really like them and have no desire to socialize with them.

    Especially if they're in a uniform.

    Why did you come here? unsure.png

    Not to spend my time socializing with Thai males.

    Is that why you came here? huh.png

    I personally find that my Westernized wife, Western colleagues and their partners, and Western ex-colleagues and their partners is a good enough social circle for me. Most Thais are too different to me and I've no real like or desire to socialize with them. I find that most of them have severe emotional repression and inferiority issues.

    Should I feel guilty or leave the country or something? :huh:

    • Like 1
  10. As you can see on the picture it comes with different inserts, the one installed in the silencer is EU approved soundlevel, and perfect for everyday riding, with a slight improvement in power and torque ( i guess a LV for a CBR 250 comes with a similair package)

    And when you wanna "get loud" it's just a matter of minutes ( 3 bolts) to change the insert for a louder one,


    Cool. I presume the longest insert is the quietest one.

    What's stopping people making (or buying) one of these for a Thai made pipe in order to quieten it?

    I'd guess a local metal shop would make one up for 100b. Can they damage the exhaust (one not designed to have such a baffle) by having an affect on heat transfer or whatever?

  11. Thanks for the replies.

    Pick up the relevant M4-M6 Thai textbooks and get the relevant topics translated. The Thai teachers probably will have such books. As you can see above, the curriculum is way too vague to be able to decipher what you are supposed to teach.

    I'm not teaching it. I'm interested in what Thais learn in these subjects as ones I talk to in everyday life have very little, to no, knowledge on the topics.

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