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Posts posted by cbrer

  1. I admit that I initially did test everyone because I thought that if I told you all I was from Bulgaria, you would only further degrade my heritage. Now everyone knows the truth and maybe I am a troll living underground but I'd rather be a troll than be a walking, talking landfill. Me I not speak english so well but good enough to get over 3000 reads in one night on my 13th post. I should have more respect for my senior citizens, i feel like I'm trapped inside the worlds biggest retirement home whenever i visit an expat village in thailand....

    So you don't speak English very well but you are an English teacher,and from your other threads obviously also on a tourist visa.Could you contribute a little and tell us if you have some criminal convictions as well?

    You are really an example for foreigners in Thailand.bah.gif

    I thought my income of 200 baht per hour teaching English was bad!

    Young and having fun.

    Could be worse.

    Old, boring, and on an internet forum 24/7 for company... being disgusted that young people who are having fun here aren't on the correct visa.

    Excuse me for a second...


    There. That's better.

    • Like 1
  2. They are more likely to pay out on an insured but unregistered bike than a registered bike with insurance but ridden by someone without a Thai license!

    Really? I've heard and read of the opposite.

    Back home not having a license is a major offense and if you have an accident then the insurance is N/A and you're completely screwed.

    Here I've read of people (Westerners) having accidents, not having a license, and the the only repercusion of not having a Thai driving license is having to pay the 400b or whatever fine, insurance is still applicable.

  3. ^ Good point.

    Is the engine of the crf250r completely different to the L version (and thus that of the cbr250r), or only those pieces? I thought the R version was available well before the L version, but could be completely wrong. smile.png

  4. Unbelievable really, how hard and how expensive could it be to get a native English speaker to check their test papers before they print them?

    Far too big a dent on their ego. :(

    Which is why the country is falling, and will continue to fall, way behind its neighbours.

    Go to Cambodia, speak to a peasant waitress, almost fluent English and a desire to learn about everything and anything. A far better conversation than speaking to almost any Thai Uni English student.

    The more the neighbours develop, the stronger the 'Thailand number one, best at everything, we good, not-Thai not good' mentally will be.

    I bet that it would be a rare, rare Thai teachers that asks a native English teacher to check their work.

  5. On the day of receiving residency I also had to pay 191,400 Baht in government fee plus some money as a token of appreciation.


    Having to do that puts me off straight away! No thanks. I will never give a satang extra to any government official to just do the job they're paid for. Even if it does spite my face.

    Congrats though, on doing something many want to do.

  6. Nice bike, congrats on the buy.

    Not to be a killjoy, but there was a big clampdown (or series of extortions) in Isaan (particulary around Udon and Northern Isaan) around 2 or 3 years ago. Around xmas time I iirc. I think it was a gang of BKK 'Police' that were respsonible. Big bikes taken if the owner wasn't connected, then up to them to buy them back.

    Do a search on google as I'm sure it's all still there.

    I remember one guy on about some head of the gang wanting to take his Thai made, fully legal Kawa until he and one of the lower guys explained that it's even made in Thailand, never mind sold legally. :)

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