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Posts posted by cbrer

  1. and get a tourist Visa ( multiple entry ) instead of my Single entry ED visa. because I need a re-entry permit each time I leave Thailand ( can happen multiple times in one month or Not at All for over a month )!

    There is no 'multi-entry' Tourist Visa.

    There is are single, double, and triple entry versions.

    You can leave and re-enter a maximum of three times, providing you get the triple entry version.

  2. I assume that when he was let out on bail his passport was confiscated. This would leave him with relatively few options on where he could go. Also since his money had been taken out of his account the options for any long distance travel would have been eliminated. So choosing Burma may have been the logical course.

    Would I jump bail if I was falsely accused in Thailand and with no money? Tough call but I would certainly consider it.

    Not saying the guy is innocent, I have no idea but think it reasonable to have a trial before hanging him out to dry. If he is guilty I have no sympathy for him. But I take the information provided by the media and the boys in brown with a grain of salt.

    To clarify, it would appear you take reports with a grain of salt where the info paint the accused child molester in a bad light but have no issue with believing reports of the accused pedophile claiming funds were taken illegally from his account without his permission and knowledge.

    I guess most people believe that it's far more likely to be a Thai extortion attempt than a 88 year old (or however old he supposedly was) paedophilia case. While he was allegedly in Australia at the time.

    Blame the Thai authorities for their complete and utter lack of credibility, believability and laughable (if the lives they ruined weren't true) reputation... not posters on here. rolleyes.gif

    You frame and extort and bribe and wrongly accuse people, in order to extort them, or just because another Thai has said so, too many times who is going to believe you any more?

    Remeber Peter Clements in Phuket a few years ago? Perhaps not, you may not have even been here then.

    • Like 1
  3. Just for the sake of discussion, could the original "local businessman" who tried to bribe old guy have taken some messed up pictures to sell as child pornography. Dudes sells photos on web and then gies back to old guy to get more money. I just cannot see old guy taking such photos himself if in fact they even exist.

    Highly possible... it is Thailand. sad.png

    Where there's money and foreigners involved....

  4. Very lenient.

    If bail was denied and he was on remand, he might well have walked out of the courtroom.

    I don't know about the ACT. But in NSW they are given a set minimum, usually around 2/3rd of their sentence.

    His sentence was 4 years. Will likely serve 2-3. If locked up since 2009 than he'll be dining on Somtam and oogling drunk female farang tourists in Phuket in no time.

    Wonder what urges he has, and what feelings he was towards Western women now....

  5. This guy abrogated his side of the bargain when he jumped bail........so all this talk of a fair trial is predicated on a guy who did a runner already, that's not part of the justice system now, is it?

    I would disagree with this in a country with legal and justice systems as (have to stay within the forum rules)... as, shall we say, utterly corrupt to the very core? as Thailand's is.

    Anyone unfortunate enough to be extorted as he says he has should get the hell out of the country as fast as possible.

    If you were framed, as he says he has, by the Thai police would you hang around to fight the charges knowing the court of law here and that evidence has been planted?

    I look forward to your answer.

    the nature of the crime is loathsome

    I agree.

    The alleged extortion and framing by authorities is absolutely abhorrent!

  6. Who's Siampreggers? A rep for Prego pasta sauces over here? :huh:

    I don't really like the stuff myself. Much better to cook them up from scratch.

    I haven't looked for the Evo II over here, but haven't seen any.

    I know Tom from Biohazard has a good rep with posting stuff over (is very happy to oblige in marking things to get past customs with minimal extortion).

  7. If guilty, will this make him the oldest ever paedophile convicted by a court, in the history of mankind?

    Just googling and one 89 year old came up, but his crimes occurred in the 1970s and 80s.

    Another at 76, but it occurred 25 years ago.

    ...and that matters....because....????

    It would be another first for Amazing Thailand.

    The oldest paedophile in history, who carried out his attacks while not being able to walk unaided and while he was (allegedly) in Australia at the time.

    Amazing Thailand indeed.

    The police and 'justice' can be fully trusted though, there's no doubt of that. rolleyes.gif

    • Like 1
  8. What % of the police applicants in that test cheating ring paid 300k thb to pass the police entrance exams again?

    I sure hope none of the upstanding member of the Royal Thai Police who are dealing in this case did such an illegal thing to get their position of power.

    Those are just the ones that got caught.


    A putrid system unfit to try anyone. :(

    Blatantly obvious to all who aren't blinkered.

  9. Interesting, from the people who are bizarrely desperate for him to be guilty we've so far had:

    A false claim of previous for rape.

    A false photograph of an elderly man being pointed at by 2 young Thai girls in a police station, claiming that it is him.

    A claim that the Australian police force are involved in the case (so it must be more legit?).

    It's bizarre the lies that ye need to tell yourselves in order to 'prove' this guy as guilty.

  10. Sorry, I was on the whiskeys. smile.png

    I like the sound and it wasn't overly loud, so no problems from the BIB. It looks good and the can has turned an interesting rainbow tint, which I like. Brian from Sumet had the Tsukigi track pipe on his 250 and that thing is crazy loud.

    It must have been the racing pipe that I had heard.

    I'd be interested in the road version if it's half the dB level.

    btw, the Leo Vince Evo II gets rave reviews from people who don't like ultra-loud pipes, as it's designed to meet EU noise levels. It has a 5-hole plate that inserts into the headpipe connection piece that reduces the dB level. Without it it's just as loud as others.

    I wonder if such a thing would be possible with the ultr-loud Thai made pipes.

  11. It's totally relevant to the case........cbrer has set himself up as an expert on this thread, and he cast aspersions against the Thai police.....so he can speak for himself, is he aware that there are Western police units active in Chiang Mai, and further is he aware that there are British trained Thai police specialists active in Chiang Mai.

    oh right. Yes I am aware of that, and have been for many years. I can only recall one interaction with memberd of the Australian Federal Police at a get together about 7 years ago. It was clear they held the Thai police and Thai 'way' in utter disdain.

    That is my only interaction with them. I haven't seen where any Western police dept. have been involved in this case... have you?

  12. Can we get some info on what Western police forces in Chiang Mai have got to do with this case, or else stop mentioning it (in order to derail the thread?).

    I am aware of US and Australian police departments working in CM, not too sure of British ones but have no reason to believe there isn't one. I have not seen any mention of any of these forces being involved in this case. If someone has, please post it. Thanks.

    • Like 1
  13. I doubt anybody except those inside will know the interaction between the Royal Thai Police and Western police forces stationed in CM (Australian Fed Pol. and FBI/DEA etc.)

    I doubt even more that anyone inside will be posting about the goings on in a Thaivisa thread about an accused paedophile.

    Like most Westerners stationed here for a period of time, and working with Thais, I would presume they know how things really work here. That is all I would say on the matter.

  14. ^^ Too much to quote but you're looking for someone to explain this:

    “When Thai police first arrested Kraus two years ago on rape charges, they alleged they seized from him more than 100 photographs of naked children, including some of him posing with them. They alleged he emailed some pictures overseas, suggesting he was part of an international paedophilia network.”

    If the Thai police allege something that it has to be true, eh.

    I find it hard to believe that people who have lived in Thailand for any amount of time would regard what the Thai police allege to be worth basing one's beliefs on.

    How about the Western police units in Chiang Mai?

    With regards to what exactly?

    This case?

    I don't fully get what you're asking/inferring I'm afraid.

  15. I find it odd that some people's need to post 'proof' that this guy is guilty overrides their sense of logic and common sense.

    They quote things from sites that are clearly twisted lies (one just has to click on the link to see they are making up lies about it), and post pictures of other accused paedophiles and say that it is him. :huh:

    It's quite worrying how cases like this affect the mental welfare of those with such issues.

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