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Posts posted by car720

  1. 15 hours ago, Mark mark said:

    Well, he had a motor bike, so she should have seen enough of it, to be able to track him down using that ? ... and Info from the locals, .... then DNA for total proof ... I hope she did give them some of it ? .... Like they are now catching Pricks, years and Years after their crimes, using DNA. .... and this is one GOOD development, in this Brave New terminological, (Pretty F'd up )  world !  

    I think I will wait for the story to develop a little more.  I have seen these before.

  2. 17 hours ago, nchuckle said:

    As a 67 year "old fart" I can confirm that some of us more educated type don’t get stuck in the fog of nostalgia for the "good old days ". 

    and as a 69 year "old fart" I am glad that some of us poor uneducated at least had the experience of some "good old days".

    Of course, some of us pitched our tents in a different campsite. 

  3. On 5/12/2019 at 4:02 PM, nchuckle said:

    Your previously stated equivalence/ support for likening the incident to that  of a "harmless "bar room brawl is from the age of Queer bashing, wife beating (just a domestic),belting the kids, football hooliganism and racial discrimination. All those on the receiving end should have "thicker skin "too in your book I suppose?

    A bar room brawl now rightly ends up with an assault charge or GBH ,by the way.

    Yes, it is a brave new world, and you are welcome to it.  Us old farts made the world so bad for you guys didn't we.

  4. 11 hours ago, chang1 said:

    First - anything you say is insignificant compared to something said by Musk. If you called me a pedo I would not like it but it is hardly going to affect me in anyway as everyone will ignore you. If you backed it up with evidence (either false or true) then it may get more attention and deserve some action.

    If Musk publicly called me a pedo it would instantly be world news and require me to take action to clear my name, get compensation and punish him - none of which is possible in a fist fight.

    Second - "best man would win" your definition of best must have come from the stone age. Far better that the correct man wins.

    Connor McGregor............the correct man.  :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

  5. 11 hours ago, nchuckle said:

    You then set the bar very low in your admiration of comments. And you clearly have no understanding of the difference between simply being rude to someone and making written high profile  public allegations to an audience of millions accusing that someone of being one of the most heinous criminals (a paedophile) that it is possible to be. 

    Musk will be on the hook for very large punitive damages and will settle out of court in a case he cannot win.

    I guess it depends on if you are old school or new age.


    44 minutes ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

    I know some people have already mentioned this but it seems to have escaped most contributors' attention that the initial tweet from Musk calling Unsworth 'pedo guy' is not the main nor the most serious defamatory statement made by Musk. It is also not the primary basis for the defamation lawsuit.


    More serious - and more actionable from a legal standpoint, are the accusations from Musk that Unsworth is a child rapist and that he moved to Chiang Rai in order to marry a 12 year-old girl after traveling to or living in Thailand for 30 or 40 years, mostly in Pattaya. According to court papers submitted by Unsworth's lawyers, all of these claims are categorically and provably false. For instance, Unsworth had never visited Thailand before he met his now 40 year-old Thai girlfriend in England around 7 years ago and has never visited Pattaya (again, based on sworn statements by his lawyers).


    It is these detailed and highly defamatory statements that are now at the heart of the matter, rather than the 'pedo guy' tweet.


    As for spending a considerable amount of time in Thailand, I suppose it depends exactly how you define that but since he met his girlfriend and started visiting Thailand, Unsworth has continued to spend at least half his time in England so he may have spent as little as 3 1/2 years in Thailand to date.


    Also, there is no real equivalence, either in moral terms or more importantly in legal terms between a relatively common but admittedly rude saying meaning, "I think your submarine idea is worthless," from Unsworth, and a series of seriously libellous and legally actionable statements from Musk.

    except that it solicited the response from Musk which, while over the top, could be said leads to cause.

  6. 15 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

    Sometimes the rules are just toooo complex

    Whoa.  Steady hoss.

    To call people from various cultures ignorant offhandedly is way too easy also.  If it was as simple as that then the guy would not have accepted the job in the first place.  I don't think that he can exactly be called a dummy or he wouldn't be where he is.  Also, laws vary from country to country.

    I don't think that any of the above comments were questioning the legalities of what they are doing.  I think instead that they were having an opinion on modern tactics.

  7. 3 hours ago, klauskunkel said:

    Unsworth told Musk "to stick it where it hurts". With that Unsworth insulted Musk's ego.

    Elon Musk called Unsworth a "child rapist" and "pedo guy". With that Musk asserted that Unsworth is a most despicable criminal.

    Musk's statements are by far the most damaging and were not made in the heat of the moment, but made deliberately and repeatedly in public media.


    Whatever happened to "two wrongs don't make a right"?  


  8. 20 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    After bankrupting five companies, and losing an average of $100,000,000 a year for ten years running, the GOP comes up with the brilliant idea of letting this man participate in the negotiations with China. Any person on the Chinese negotiating team would beat Trump in a game of chess in three minutes, five in a row. Any of them would blow Trump away in terms of intelligence, preparation, and negotiating skills. It does not take much to beat Trump. He is a house of cards.



    like building a house on quicksand and wondering why it sinks.  :cheesy:

  9. 1 hour ago, Dukeleto said:

    I have to wonder if Musk was worth nothing if Mr. Unsworth would be pursuing the matter after receiving an apology from Musk. After all, telling someone who was trying to help you, to stick a submarine clearly up their own arse is uncouth, uncalled for and was attention grabbing and inflammatory. Unsworth could have done the gentlemanly thing and let bygones be bygones but the scent of money and a comfortable retirement seem to be his only objective disguised as indignation in a spat between school yard boys on social media. So what if the whole playground heard it! In my opinion Mr. Unsworth has gone from "Hero" to someone who pans for gold, lest I too find myself facing a lawsuit for saying something more directly, and any kudos he received for those rescue efforts are now somewhat tarnished. Sure Elon was out of line but so was Mr. Unsworth and its a mountain out of a molehill scenario. I do hope, in this case, that the jury sees this for what it is and tosses it out. Both of them simply need to shake hands and BOTH apologise for passing childish comments! I mean honestly, I think Unsworth saying that particular statement to someone like Musk appears to be borderline premeditated in order to achieve this exact result! I am unimpressed by both men.

    One of the best comments ever!

    I could come out and say many things about both parties but they won't go for me because I haven't got a cent to my name.  In my time if you got into a scrap with someone you would have it out and the best man would win and then pick up the other guy and buy him a beer.

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