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Posts posted by car720

  1. mmmmmmmmmm...................if you can remember the sixties then you weren't there...............amen.

    How many of us have had sex with underage girls? Really? And I am a father of 3. Two of which are girls, and they have told me out of their own mouths.................."father, never trust a woman." I am so tired of this crap these days which says that all women are saints, no matter what they do. I would really like to see some of the real women out there stand up for once and make a real life statement. I know, I am dreaming of course. But wouldn't it be great if women were able to find the balls to actually stand up and tell the truth for once instead of just seeking the best possible opportunity.

  2. cup-O-coffee, I see you, again, and I still like your thinking but I would like to point out the second last sentence in the second last paragraph.

    "Now, different education ministers have different ideas of development. This affects continuity in policy implementation."

    I am sure that those who are far more eloquent than I will be able to describe the true meaning of this little pearl.

    Just a thought

  3. Man, cup-o-coffee..........I don't know who you are but you are welcome at my fire any time. How many times do we have to listen to people who know nothing and the Finnish one sounds like the worst of all. I am reminded of a time, because of my thyroid condition, that I was referred to a young Chinese phsychologist. When I enquired as to how one so young and inexperienced could evaluate one so old and jaded as myself, I was told that...........it is all in the book. Need I say any more?

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  4. mmmmm............interesting.........of all the countries that I have lived in I have yet to live in one whose coin is the same on both sides. I am reminded of the song by God knows who............"before you accuse, criticise or abuse.........walk a mile in my shoes".

    You guys all remind me of why I choose to live in Thailand instead of Australia. So many armchair lawyers and churchgoers. I have seen so many sins committed in the name of religion and I have seen even more committed in the name of the law. T.I.T. I believe means.........This is Africa.............T.I.T. must mean.........This is Thailand. How many of you have never fallen foul? Drugs or Prostitution...........mmmmmmmmmm..........what is truth? During American prohibition I would have gone to jail for life for the bottle of scotch that I drink each and every day. Which gang is worse or more pityless? The gang of outlaws and thieves that threaten us physically or the gang of outlaws and theives that steal our money each day in the name of government. Mao Tze Tung would be laughing out loud if he were here today. How many of you can tell me how much bounty is paid to foreign governments by the CIA each and every day?

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