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Everything posted by advancebooking

  1. including you no doubt
  2. sack the director of the school me thinks.
  3. so why not register at UpBit???? Vote with your feet. Dont use bitkub anymore. Its called perfect competition
  4. No you dont need to show address for the bank. Only upload your bank book But I showed my yellow book, DL, pink id. Many options. You have to look at the list when you register
  5. Also forgot few more tips - theres a 15 question test. Easy to do with help of google. For some reason after doing it I had to click the back button and was very annoyed to have to start all again - The system asks you to set a 'Funding password'. I cant remember reading anything about it being digits but it is. 6 digits. Cannot repeat 2 numbers the same otherwise it rejects. Overall it was very easy process.
  6. Its time to give the middle finger to Bitkub. That exchange is suspending my account saying that I have to do KYC and when I try to do KYC the system tells me its not available for foreigners. The customer service is rude to me. I think they do not like or want farang customers. I registered with UpBit and would like to help others. Tips: - dont do it on a laptop or PC. Download the app on your phone and do it there. It will not work on your laptop as I found out - When it comes to scanning the chip on your passport, turn your book to the back and put it on a table (with front of passport facing down). Take cover off your phone. At the step to do the scan place the phone on top of the passport so its touching it. Hit the button and very slowly and using the bottom of your phone, pull the phone down from the top of the passport to the end of it. You will see the green tick - Take photos of your other docs from your phone - Adding a bank account: They said K bank is the best but any bank is ok. Kbank is fastest for funding they said. - Takes up to 3 days to get the bank account verified and good to go. The app on the phone looks basic to be honest but who cares.... as long as I dont have to use Bitkub anymore. As soon as the bank is added I will test it and buy something. Will add comments in a few days.
  7. During the covid crisis he criticised doctors in the public health system. They went online and slated him. Still majority dont like this guy. What a joke....
  8. Oh, I thought sharky owned the one at the highest level. I think you are wrong about this one.
  9. Mr Sharky still has his penthouse 2 br condo at the top of View Talay 6. I saw him at the lift one morning. Scared the crap out of me. Was too scared to talk to him.
  10. 10 years ago I took a nice wholesome GND girl to dinner. She had a lovely face. I recently saw her and checked out her fbook. She looks so weird and ugly with so much surgery. I talked to her friend about this. Her thai lady friend told me 'well at least she was good looking before the surgery'. I think she was saying that I was ugly.
  11. Are you saying that the expiry date of the bitkub notice that they gave you has passed but you are still able to send crypto to your wallet, sell it and fund to thai bank account? Is this correct? So basically there are no implications at all from their BS emails...
  12. I agree with what you are saying. So does it mean that we only have until the 21st nov to either 1. fund thb and buy bitcoin on the exchange OR. 2. sell bitcoin/eth and fund back to thb bank account?
  13. All of what you wrote in your paragraph I agree with apart from recommending Metamask. Over the years I have read many issues. Here is just one below. I only recommend keeping your crypto on Ledger or Trezor wallets.
  14. And remember the time he critised the dr's during covid. There was outrage over this. Can someone please update his wikipedia page....
  15. are you saying that a foreigner is going to sue bitkub
  16. After trying can you please reply to this thread and let everyone know. It will help a lot of people thanks
  17. May I ask if you can 1. Wire money from a thai account to your Kraken exchange wallet? 2. Can you sell your crypto on Kraken and the fund the money back to a Thai bank account? If yes to either question can you help me do it by explaining how.... especially number 2 thanks
  18. great story. Ive heard some weird <deleted> about things in pattaya but your story takes the cake. its one classic place.
  19. I just made several complaints to bitkub itself. I think its ridiculous also. Hard to live in this country.... Can you recommend another exchange. I would like to close my account actually. But is there anything better? Please provide me with the correct full name of the CEO and address. I think I would like to also write a letter.
  20. I recently stayed in View Talay 6 next to the Hilton. Great location- probably one of the best locations in central Pattaya IMHO. However, the lifts have many problems. One morning I witnessed the alarm bell being rung by a group of farang stuck in one of the lifts. It went past the level of floor. Staff managed to open the doors and luckily there was a gap they could climb out of. The next day I was in one and it stopped and lights went out. Rang the alarm and lights were activated. Never seen an actual technician arrive from the lift company. Recipe for disaster I think. The condo I stayed in was also very old. But great views If you live in an old building in Pattaya, does management pay for upkeep of facilities?
  21. I cant remember how long ago I did KYC with Bitkub but think it was 1 to 2 yrs Another request to do it. Logged in and message is displayed below. Anyone else dealt with this BS exchange? Can you recommend another exchange in Thailand? thanks Temporarily Unavailable The identity verification for non-Thai nationals is currently temporarily closed and will be resumed as soon as possible. Please stay informed via email and Bitkub Help Center for further announcements.
  22. In my case I think I might try the camera option first. This is bc when I come out of the light sedation I always vomit from the drugs used to put me under. I have a very sensitive stomach. Only 6 weeks ago I ate a dodgy breakfast and was vomiting that afternoon/ into the night. Then it stopped for a day and then started again and I was in ICU. Therefore I think it makes sense for me to pay for the camera option as I can then possibly avoid the light sedation/GA. Do you agree? thanks
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