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Everything posted by advancebooking

  1. Its the absolute truth. He told me that all I have to do is get a letter from them saying that Im not taking a salary. Maybe you have no idea yourself? Next time you go to immig office why dont you ask them yourself. Maybe it depends on the office I dont know. I dont live in a tourist city at all. Therefore it might be different if you live in Pattaya for example. I can assure you that Im not making it up. Using my wife I asked him the above question and that was his answer that I can do part time volunteering.
  2. We have 6. But when they turned up it was our day off. Our business is closed 1 day a week.
  3. quite strange comment. why are you like this? have you ever thought about giving up your technology for a month ie lock away your phone and laptop. then see if your opinion changes. I noticed you are a member who makes multiple comments on multiple threads. maybe you should avoid technology for a while as its affecting you. not being critical of you. only a suggestion based on your bizzare comments above.
  4. My wife is the main breadwinner so I cannot relate to your opinion.
  5. I related to your words when I read it. I really care for my child a lot and agree with what you are saying. I do the school runs and take her to lessons etc. I will be her taxi for the next 10 yrs until she goes to uni. Its my job. I will feed her nice meals because its my job. I will make sure my wife doesnt push her too much bc its my job in life.
  6. I think your comment is spot on the money. Basically they are trying to catch us out. Cant wait to get citizenship and then I dont have to deal with this B/s
  7. I wouldn't worry about it. As long as you are not being paid a salary. I asked the immig officers when they visited me if Im allowed to do volunteer work. He said no problem as long as you are not getting paid. If someone walks into your shop and starts recording you on a video then you might be wary of this...
  8. The fact that they are not calling before arriving seems to indicate that they are trying to catch out the farang for illegal activities. Most likely new policy. They always used to call beforehand.
  9. So it seems that you are a retired nurse. Allergies to GA are common. Read the new post from member Connda above. Another example. A lady friend from back home recently had surgery for breast cancer. She was also vomiting from the GA. Its very common. You should at least know that.
  10. Are you a medical doctor or just a patient? I will probably trust the doctor who gave me the allergy card suggesting I should avoid Dormicum and Fenatinyl. He has trained in Thailand and the States and currently works at the top private hospital in Bangkok.
  11. Unbelievable but theres a sensible reply above. This is a public forum where people can discuss things. Don't think too much.
  12. Ever tried to make an appointment with such a specialist at a major private hospital in Bkk? I have and no success. It seems they dont do outpatient appointments.
  13. I think you have no experience with them and possibly dont live in Thailand? They are a passive animal. Staring is about is bad as it gets.
  14. Over a year ago I had a Colonoscopy and the general anesthetic (GA) drug they gave me was Fentanyl and Dormicum. When I woke up I immediately was vomiting and it persisted for at least an hour. The hospital gave me an allergy card and told me not to have that one again I just had minor surgery under GA again and I obviously gave the dr the above info. He also knew that I have heart issues (dialated cardiomyopathy). So I was lying there and they started injecting in my hand via the needle there. Immediately my hand had a hot feeling which is normal. But then suddenly I had a massive hot weird feeling on my chest / heart area. I alerted them to this but then went under for the hour. Woke up and no immediate vomiting. But 2 hours later I ate something and then was vomiting a few hours after that. The next day I asked what GA did they use. They told me it was first Propofol and then Morphine. I read on google that Propofol is risky to use on patients with cardiac issues. The next time I have to go under GA what brand should they be using do you think? If options are limited I would rather go back to Fentanyl / Dormicum and be vomiting than have the shock feeling to my heart like that. thanks
  15. The wife and I run a small business and live in the building where its operated. We are closed 1 day per week and on that day 4 immig officers turned up at the front door with no prior appointment. Lucky I was there. The wife was out and she drove back as requested. They waited in the customer area and I went to get my Pport, yellow book, WP and pink id card. I think one of them said that I have a WP. It was all very friendly I suppose. I pointed at some documents he was holding and said 'do you want me to sign anything'. Was told no Its been 2 years since they last visited- different guys. An old officer was very full on telling me to sign a doc in thai language whilst taking a photo. I said I will get it translated first. He raised his voice in disagreement... Is it normal that they dont call before arriving and not make me sign anything? thanks
  16. Perhaps its a case that you are 'thinking too much' about grammar. I wrote the narrative by myself not in the presence of my wife. Therefore I didnt use 'our'
  17. May I ask if you are on the juice (steroids).... no judgement
  18. No you are speaking BS. The top % of the class in the final year are offered the opportunity to do Medicine or Dentistry via the governments 'quota' system. These students who have the absolute highest GPA in the class have to decide which career they want. They have to sit an entrance exam to actually get into either discipline. The exam for Med and Dentistry is always held on the same day so it forces them to only choose one. If accepted they have to sign contracts with the govt to work in the thai govt hospital system for x amount of years. If they break contract they have to pay 2 million baht. This is the system thats been in place for many yrs. The students who dont cut the grade (as above) can go to a private uni to study dentistry, for example, and its all high fees. So basically kids from wealthy families can still have their kids be a dentist.... But theres no opportunity for them to work in the govt hospital system. They get their training in the private clinics where they work....
  19. I like you way with words 'pick your pain' and 'taxation without representation'.
  20. But what you dont understand is that all students who want to study these disciplines have to be at the top of the class in Maths and Science in order to be accepted into the medical field. This is 100% factual and the reason why parents push the maths...
  21. It sounds like you're a teacher but maybe not a parent? Im both actually. I have to either 1. stay married and accept the situation and let her do whatever she wants with my child or 2. divorce and move out and let her do whatever she wants.
  22. Ive been married near 10 yrs. We have a child under 10 who's in one of the competitive Maths programs at a govt' primary school. I cannot believe how much homework and tests that my child has to endure. Its causing a lot of tension because I dont like seeing my kid getting woken up by my pushy wife at 530am and going to bed a 940pm tonight. So many hours of homework and questions to do from basically 5pm to 930pm tonight. Both of them are stressed by this stage of the night and I feel sorry for my child actually. I dont know if I can cope with years of this BS to come. If we divorce I worry about leaving my child alone with my wife who doesnt seem to care about the fact that a child that age needs 9 to 10 hours sleep. Im the one cooking healthy meals and if I go away my child lives off grab deliveries. My wife will not listen to me at all about these matters. I feel lonely in this marriage. My wife only cares about my childs success at school. The only thing that would save our marriage and sanity, in general, is if my child moves out of the program into a normal class. But cant see the wife allowing this. In summary, my wife is so caught up in her ambition for my child to succeed and be n.o 1 that she fails to see that its stressing everyone out and will probably be detrimental to our marriage that she doesnt seem to care about. If we finish we have to sell assets etc. Its would all be quite difficult. I would not know what to do with myself. Wondering if I should leave Thailand. I feel they both dont value my presence in this family anyway.
  23. 1. Can you recommend a good Podiatrist? 2. Where can I eat Oysters? Yes, Im another quality tourist that will be visiting Pattaya next week thanks
  24. Time has rolled on and the SOLANA <deleted> coin is down to 8.8 billion. Glad I didnt buy any
  25. I hate this breed of dog. We recently stayed at a dog friendly hotel and a guy had one by the pool and then took it to the restaurant. We changed tables when they sat next to us. Its the satin dog..
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