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Everything posted by advancebooking

  1. Haha. I think they dont care about getting respect. Its more about getting laid...
  2. Same thing happened with me at Bumrungrad over 15 yrs ago. Shower time was great. She was having a good look down there. I was trying not to get aroused. Should have asked her to add Line
  3. Duh. The comments are getting dumber. Read above. I did see a dr. Only medical staff can do blood tests and give the results.
  4. Last year I found out I was deficient in Copper, Zinc and Vit D. So I started taking supplements for this and a few others including Iron, Vit B, Magneseum. I decided not to take a multi vit but take them individually. Last week I decided to do blood tests on most of them to see if there were any issues. Only had 2 issues. Low in copper again despite taking 2mg a day for 12 months. And high Ferritin 245.0 ng/mL (ref 15.0 - 200.0)..... Serum iron was 123 ug/dL (ref 65-175) normal. I looked at google dr results and re Ferritin it says the only way to get it down is by donating blood. Google also suggests maybe should do a liver and kidney function test Im now careful eating foods fortified with iron etc. And certainly will not be taking any iron supplements. I did notice each time I took that Iron I felt awful. Brain fog and weird feeling for a few days. Actually this is the reason I was only taking it once a week. Re giving blood can anyone just turn up and donate or does one have to give medical history? Does one have to meet certain criteria in order to be actually able to donate blood? How long does it take and how does one feel after it thanks
  5. Why do you live there so long if theres a risk to your health. Not smart
  6. How can you be so obtuse. https://dailyhodl.com/2024/01/11/cathie-wood-issues-bullish-alert-says-etf-approval-has-raised-probability-of-bitcoin-skyrocketing-to-1500000/ In 10 years time I think you will have regrets. I hope that you will remember this conversation we had. Its the smartest people that I know (friends) who have ALL missed the boat with bitcoin.
  7. Dont you want to make real money. I would not get out of bed for 7%. Your 5% is earnt on an IOU basis. In your name but anything can happen with the centralized company who has your money. When you buy bitcoin and you have the private keys to your trezor wallet its 100% your money. And you have an incredible store of value thats been the best performing asset class in the last 10 years. I dont know why people are so conservative and only want 5%. Whats the point
  8. So, to answer OPs question, do you think 30 to 35mill is do able?
  9. You could have bought btc at 20k last year and doubled your money already. It will crash and always does. Buy in then chap
  10. what do you have the 15m invested in?
  11. You sound clued up and knowledgeable but cannot believe someone with your skills hasn't considered putting some money into bitcoin. Since inception it has a compounding return of 140%. Just hold through the ups and downs and you have that return. All you have to do is to follow these simple steps: 1. buy a hardware wallet. https://trezor.io/ 2. Register with a crypto exchange and pass KYC 3. Send fiat to your wallet there 4. Buy bitcoin and ethereum 5. Send your crypto to the trezor 6. Wait 5 yrs. Probably return 700%.. Better than 7% To sell, do the reverse.
  12. Dont cry on your pillow tonight. The guide is there. Next time read the post properly.
  13. The spending guide was provided in the OP. Please read it properly before you next make a comment.
  14. Its not for OP. Its OPs 'friend'. Please read the post again
  15. do you hold any btc or ethereum?
  16. Well said. Buy and hold in a hardware wallet long term. Keep instructions somewhere in case something happens with health / death. Basically one should have a price at which to sell eventually. Essentially, its a mugs game to be trading it due to the volatility. Best to hold and ride up and down
  17. Im sure that this is the first time that this topic has ever been discussed on this forum. A friend aged in mid 50s last night asked me how many thai baht (millions) would one need to retire in Pats based on: - 30k rent a month - Aged mid 50s with ok health at the moment. - Belongs to the govt SS system and thus free hospital treatment at govt hospital - Sometimes visit private hospitals for minor treatment. eg sucking out ear wax at ENT dr. - Preparing own breakfast at condo - Dinner at average price restaurants eg Kiss restaurant on 2nd road near soi 10 - 2 x P4P (pay for play) ladies ST per week. - 2 x Massage per week. I told him about 35 million if he lives to 85 yrs old. What do you think? Im sure theres many old guys who can help with this financial assessment.
  18. Its really high powered. He was standing there yesterday inside his land with his motorcycle helmet on and spraying upwards. It was drifting everywhere outside his land towards me. Its a tricky situation bc the house we propose to build is so close to his area. Actually I feel he is trying to force our hand and pay big money for his land. He is already asking 3 times its worth. They are quite weird and the other end of the scale compared to educated thais that Ive met. I just have to keep being friendly and dont think too much.
  19. Does anyone know if its actually illegal to spray chemicals like this in a residential village area.
  20. I know that this is probably the first thread of its kind- complaining about inconsiderate, ignorant neighbours who have no consideration for other people. I was brushcutting my land this morning and suddenly smelt a weird and unique smell. Looked up and 5m away was my lovely neighbour who was doing his quarterly spraying of his 5 durian trees and all other trees using his big diesel generator. I couldnt believe how inconsiderate this guy was. The neighbour to one side has been taking videos of the guy 3 to 4 months ago and calling someone but obviously this had no effect. I decided to stop work and got in the car and went to a coffee shop for 1 hour. Actually we want to buy his land one day and thus Ive always been friendly and normal. I drove back to our land and went over to the fence and had a friendly chat. I asked him to add line and that my wife might call tonight. All smiles and normal My wife used nice tone and asked him if he wanted to sell. 'No not yet' he said. She said regarding the pesticide would he mind not doing it if he sees any of us at our land. He went quiet for a few seconds and said 'How about if I call you the next time I do it'. So it was a good outcome and no drama. I think its best not to fall out with ones neighbour if possible. Still disappointed that this thai man doesnt understand the concept of 'grenge jai'
  21. Duh. How about 2 date points: 01/01/23 to 31/12/23 Bitcoin returns 150%. Hows that for an arbitrary date point
  22. Avoid buying there is my advice. Last month at the reception level I saw the middle lift half way down. The hole was about 1m. People had to crawl through it and look scared. VT6 is an old aging building. The 3 lifts should be replaced before a fatality.
  23. I was on the waitlist for Binance TH and received email notification with invitation code. Downloaded it on my phone and added 2ndry sms security I clicked on the <Deposit> button and message is displayed 'You need to complete identity verification to access our services'. I will try to get verified tonight and report below on this thread. If you have already done this please give some feedback. This is a positive way forward to boycotting Bitkub. Now we have UpBit as an option and this new exchange. thanks
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