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Everything posted by advancebooking

  1. this guy is a fool. locked up due to not paying pissy small amount of taxes. what an idiot. enjoy the winters back in europe. you will be black listed here
  2. bar stool talk. many of us have successful businesses we run with our wives and do everything legally.
  3. Buy BTC and ethereum. Stick it on a trezor or ledger wallet. End of story. Safe as houses.
  4. You should try and hook up with a university student. Especially the ones doing their Masters for example. I met such a lady at a massage shop on a Thai island once. She was just visiting during the holidays. We met up in bkk a few months later and she asked for 15k for uni fees. I deleted her number. No doubt this would have been perfect for you. Any sugar situation you find yourself persuing..... they will all want help financially. Conversely the mahidol grads in medical jobs dont need you or your money. Its only the desperate girls from poor families that will want a sugar relationship with you.
  5. Mullvard for sure. Pay with bitcoin. 100% anonymous. They dont want your email address or anything.
  6. RIP to her. Everyone should try to subscribe, donate and make comments on his channel.
  7. Only if she is white and has a sense of entitlement about her like the lassies back home.
  8. Ive been watching a youtube channel Ricky in Isaan whose wife just died of dengue fever. He now has 2 twin babies to support. Very tragic situation for him. He said on the video its worth considering getting vacinated for Dengue. I was unaware of such a jab. Dr Google reveals: ''Now in 2023, there are two dengue vaccines currently available in Thailand. The first one, known as Dengvaxia® was licensed in 2017 and the new one called Qdenga® was just available this year (2023).Now in 2023, there are two dengue vaccines currently available in Thailand. The first one, known as Dengvaxia® was licensed in 2017 and the new one called Qdenga® was just available this year (2023).' Is this available for anyone? Do all hospitals carry them? Or only private hospitals. thanks
  9. OP doesnt say what religion he is. is it the one where the god arrives on earth in a spaceship? mormon or scientology? Nuff said. Op you are brainwashed. please step back and take a good look at yourself.
  10. Thailand is now a narco state. Do you think thats good for the country?
  11. Ridiculous and uneducated comment. Do you think 6000 new weed shops around thailand on most street corners is a good thing for the country. Get real. You are obviously a pot head but fail to understand the long term negative effects on society that will result in the long term.
  12. Thanks for this balls up mr aunitin. regards from a dirty little farang
  13. Hi Bruce, You would be best to go and visit a few of the businesses that offer this service. Actually drive to their site. Meet them and take a look around. Ask them do they have any boxes at the moment on the way to Thailand or overseas and ask them to show you. I think you get a better feel for them this way and can make a decision You must clarify who pays what when the stuff hits the port near bangkok re taxes. Its often an envelope of money required by the so called 'agent' this end to get things through. Happened to me. Very common requirement.
  14. Last yr in the rainy season I was leaving a light shop with steep steps going down. I slipped and nearly seriously injured myself. I told them to put anti slip tape. I was there 1 week ago and still the same. No one sues each other here. Therefore lack of awareness. Try that in the States...
  15. What a utter weirdo. Death penalty is warranted for this guy. RIP to the little ones
  16. volvo for sure. Its probably still under 100% warranty. High tech and relaible car. Very safe. Mazda are cheap and nasty. Not in the same league...
  17. I've been living here for 10 yrs and didn't put any effort into learning the language apart from basic conversations with Thai ladies. 4 years ago I started getting lessons for 5 months but quit. I think I managed to get above beginners level due to that. Early this year I decided to learn the Thai alphabet- pronounce and write it. Took me 3 months- 1 lesson a week For 3 months now Im having 2 converstation lessons a week with a new teacher. At the start of each lesson I briefly run through pronunciation of the letters of the alphabet. She has helped me learn a lot more vocab now. We are having conversations. Im struggling to remember the vocab that I have remembered and make a sentence with it. Any tips are welcome. I took in flash cards with 1 word on each card and we try to make Q&A in thai. I understand her a lot bc she speaks so slow. But out in the real world I cant understand what the average thai is saying. I seem to have poor listening skills. thanks
  18. Would he not be complaining if the parents had said 'half of which would go to his fiancee AND him after the wedding'. I think that would be fair play. But the other 500k is a bit rich to be honest assuming that their precious daughter is only attending one of the many low class regional universities that anyone can enrol in with low GPA's. However if she is attending the high class Kon Kaen university studying medicine or dentistry then I think the 500k to the parents is acceptable. Overall, I would advise the American to run forest run unless she's a firm 10 out of 10 and amazing in bed.
  19. Maybe you should read the post again. The guy calling the 2 russians told them to get the 'Ledger' hardware wallet off the Italian guy. This has to be the reason. If the Italian guy gave it to them they would then need the password for it and then they can transfer all the crypto...
  20. It seems to me that you are having arguments with many people on this forum. Is this the same in your real life. Do many people hate you? When you next look at yourself in the mirror please remember this post Im writing. You need to chill out pal. This advice is for free. You dont have to pay me. Please do not cry on your pillow tonight cheers
  21. Sorry to hear about your financial situation. Disaster at your age. My 2 suggestions are a bit daft but here goes 1. Move to Issan - one of the big cities. Find an educated lady in her 40s and go for it. She will support you if you are genuine. Seen this a few times actually. There are load of desperate single ladies up there. 5 yrs ago I knew an aussie guy who kept all his assets back home but shacked up with a 40 something. Free rent etc. He only outlayed for a moped. Hes living in her house etc. The cheap life.... 2. If you're hell bent on being single and battling it yourself then download CNBC app on your phone and read it daily. Scroll down to the 'Trending Now' topics. 5 everyday and one is always about ways to make money etc. I read one last week about making money online. Cant remember now of course as Im rolling in cash anyway and of no real interest to me. Good luck
  22. 9 mill is not a lot. Do you have a house on syd harbour that you can sell? Any pre existing conditions re your health. Its the number 1 issue you should consider at your age. If in good health I would make the move if I were you and live in cheap area /. non touristy. Anything has to be better than wasting your life in the nanny state of oz.
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