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Everything posted by advancebooking

  1. Come on. We just had holiday in Switzerland. NO ONE was wearing a mask. My mate in oz says no one is wearing them. How can you say westerners are clever enough to still wear them....
  2. You dork. Do you think ALL girls on these dating websites are bargirls? Do you think that dr and dentists dont use dating websites.... I think that you live in Pattaya and have been influenced too much.
  3. Duh. Obviously just use the advanced search facilities on your dating site and search for ladies whose occupations are doctors or dentists. Not hard OP
  4. I dont think so. This is the first post about this topic in yrs. Its original thinking.
  5. I have to agree with your first sentence. Our small business only uses FB. The thais are addicted to it. Wouldnt be bad if my wife had no access to it though. Maybe it means we have to talk more.
  6. duh. Bc I dont believe him. This thread is the first of its kind ie original thinking.
  7. No I dont think so. As far as I could see this topic has never been done before. Please provide evidence to this fact.
  8. Possibly, you are a very sensitive person in many respects. Perhaps you are from the English upper class or maybe from Oz?
  9. Personally, I haven't worn a mask for yonks. Only when I walk into a private hospital when someone asks me to wear one will I do so. I think its ridiculous to be wearing one day in day out. The threat of the chinese virus is over. I recently paid a sign guy to erect a vinal sign on our building. Towards the end of the job he saw me walking towards him and he put on his mask. I hung around until it was finished. He had a long neck of beer with him. Took a drink and put his mask back on. I lost respect for him. Thought he was an idiot. Is he that paranoid to catch a virus (from me) We have a busy small business. Ive noticed half the customers that walk in dont wear them which is good. I sit at reception not wearing one of course. I think its quite weird that many thais are still wearing them when majority of population in western countries are clearly not.
  10. Last week I saw a youtube video of a cardiologist in the Uk saying that most of the worlds population are likely to be deficient in magnesium. Its hard to test bc only 2% of magnesium is in the blood or something along those lines. Ever since I have been taking Mag I sleep really well. Used to wake up 3 or 4 am. Not anymore
  11. yes but in my case Im deficient in many of them as discussed in the original post. Therefore it is necessary and not harmful to me to take these supplements.
  12. Is that the religion where the god arrives on Earth via a spaceship? Nuff said.
  13. 2mg copper from any big private hospital in Thailand. All others are Blackmores brand except for Zinc which is Vistra brand. You should look at a facebook group called the copper revolution I think its called. They also talk about zinc there. Read wikipedia for deficiencies in any of the essential minerals that have been described above.
  14. When I was having terrible memory/ cognative issues I went to a brain dr and did testing. He tested me for copper, zinc, B12 and something else. I was deficient in all of them. Now finally taking these individual supplements I feel a lot better. Also I find Im sleeping a lot better taking Magnesium now.
  15. You wifes a retired hooker yes? What does she eat
  16. duh. I think its the copper followed by the other vitamins actually. Actually for the first 2 to 3 months I only took copper and zinc and felt incredible after 3 months.
  17. 3 yrs ago I was found to be deficient in Copper and Zinc and stupidly stopped taking the supplements as prescribed to me by the hospital. I was having major memory issues and lethargic etc. Earlier this year I had the same blood tests and still deficient. This time I started taking 2mg copper daily and zinc 12mg nearly everyday / 2nd day. I now also take Vit D and Magneseum (separate vitamins). Was found to be in the 'insufficient' range after having Vit D checked. Theres no point testing Mag in the blood as only 2% is in the blood. But I read that majority of people are deficient in it. Finally I sometimes take Vit B12 (2 times to 3 times a week) Ive mostly given up drinking and walk fast one to two times a day. I do some bench press and sit ups everyday. Sometimes push ups. Ive noticed my upper body has bulked up a bit. Happy to be doing this naturally and not using Testosterone supplements. Have a friend on the juice but dont want to go down that route. Ive never felt better to be honest. No more memory issues at all. My hair has definitely improved in thickness and Im not as grey. My labido is a lot better as well. Aged in 50s. Just to clarify Im only taking copper daily and all the others I alternate during the week. I decided against a multi vitamin and bought them all separately. One can only get copper prescribed from a hospital. Finally, Its been suggested that I have stomach digestion issues due to the fact that Im deficient in many essential vitamins. I was taking the NOW brand 'Digest Ultimate' but stopped after a month or so. I decided to write this thread in case it helps anyone else.
  18. Im wondering if this post is written by the same daggy guy who made this video. He wears shorts everywhere. Now he is trying to promote that dental clinic. He gets commission no doubt. Hard way to make money for this american in the shorts and tee shirt everyday. He even wore shorts and tee shirt to Bumrungrad. Im sure that executive committee of the hospital were shocked to see this
  19. Im wondering if this post is written by the same daggy guy who made this video. He wears shorts everywhere. Now he is trying to promote that dental clinic. He gets commission no doubt. Hard way to make money for this american in the shorts and tee shirt everyday.
  20. you obviously fly in cattle class all the time. I fly in business first class and totally disagree with your comment for obvious reasons.
  21. what time do you sleep? Whats your job?
  22. Go to soi 10 off beach road. Good dentist at the end of that soi. Its kind of close to central festival. The boss is a specialist and its a reputable clinic.
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