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Everything posted by advancebooking

  1. Not if the dentist has medical malpractice insurance. Such policies only pay out if the dr is negligent ie if they have done something wrong in the treatment. However if they dont have that ins policy then yes you are correct and they will have to pay out of their own money.
  2. and you dont have to then pay the bill bc you are dead
  3. Duh, Read above please. Upbit have good technology. You can get verified using dip and chip method on your passport. Bitkub havent upgraded their systems for foreign passports to do this. Upbit will not be following the same route as bitkub. I got verified very quickly one month ago. Can off ramp to thai bank account
  4. I just tried to register at the first page and it was asking for an invitation code. Had to join the invitation list
  5. Before you get too confident try tapping on the market tab at the bottom and then go right and tap on trade and then wallet and then setting and then go back the other way. When I did this the message was displayed about my account being suspended. Or go to the kyc level page and try to go to the next level. You might get that message.
  6. I used to drive fast here when there was no traffic on the road but now keep under the limit as Thai drivers a unpredictable. Recently I was nearly killed walking fast across a zebra crossing. It was a small crossing really close to my kids school. Actually a car on the left side was trying to turn right and I walked fast across the zebra crossing behind that car. Suddenly a pickup truck was speeding very fast and I nearly accidentally walked in front of it. It could have been a school kid killed. The idiot was driving so fast. I just read on the news re a Brit who was hit by a motorcycle on the road in Pats. This can happen to any of us. Its very important to be careful walking on the roads in Thailand. Happy new yr to you all.
  7. I agree with you. Especially the first paragraph. It took me a while to buy a ton of solana 4 to 5 weeks ago. Had to do it in small chunks at market price. But just got it before it pumped and now very happy. Apart from upbit what are the alternatives for offramp to thai bank acc now? I read on this thread binance but unsure. Surely in the coming years things will relax in this sector and in this country?
  8. I dont understand your comment actually. If my wife and I dont run our business via a company but through her personal name, then presumably we would not pay any WHT either way. What they did do was put the stamps on the contract issued by the revenue dept. Then they put stamps on the back of our contract as well.
  9. Russian elections are rigged. Same as thai fake elections. I think your first sentence is a bit harsh bc of this.
  10. So true. Many thais dont pay taxes. Some make quite a lot of money here. They dont pay. We know rich folk here selling properties and not paying any capital gains tax
  11. I get the impression that UpBit is much more friendly and accessible with regards to getting verified. 100% different from Bitkub which is a complete and utter sh&t show.
  12. WTF. And your the guy who wrote this year you think its good that Thailand is now a narco capital of the world with weed being sold on street corners across thailand. I remember you writing this. I think your opinions, in general, are uneducated rhetoric at the best of times.
  13. good idea. 200 taxi and 250 for bus? around 500 or whatever. 45min in taxi. wait at bus around 1 hour? Trip 2 hours. another taxi to hotel 100. so maybe 4 hours and maybe 500 to 600 baht? Is this correct? Compared to 1700 and 2.5 hours?
  14. We have a small business and limited parking. Theres another very popular business on the same side as us down 10m. Its a moderately busy road at the best of times. Everyone parks at an angle in our area. Recently we heard one of the rich old bats (geriatric person) living nearby complained about the amount of traffic. They said it was bc of the angle parking. A few days later I walked out the front and saw at least 25 officials standing around talking to the boss of the popular business near us. The officers were normal police, traffic cops, district office officials, amphur and god knows who else. I asked if someone had been murdered. Oh no... they want to change to parallel parking. I was worried about this bc parallel parking significantly reduces the amount of cars that can park. I went to chat with some of the other businesses. One of them told me 'dont worry, this is thailand... It will all go back to normal soon'. In the first 2 weeks there were traffic cops with signs telling everyone to park parallel to the curb. 3 to 4 weeks later they didnt turn up. Everyone went back to angle parking and its been like that for a few months now. It was a complete storm in a tea cup. I learnt once again that authorities here are quite hopeless. There are laws but not many people abide by them. Everyday I practice my mantra 'I must lower my expectations'. It keeps me sane.
  15. My hotel in Pats is quoting 1700 to send a taxi and wait with a card (with my name) at the airport and drive me to the hotel. I was wondering if there's a big bus going down. If so do you have the times every afternoon and how much? Not interested in minivans as I value my life. thanks
  16. yes, Im sick and tired of Bitkub as well. Nightmare to deal with. Last chat I had with one of their so called chat workers they said to me very quickly 'is that all you have to ask me today'....
  17. If I were you I suggest not to use oz DL as it has your oz address. Residence permit is that 500 baht letter from immigration? Someone else can confirm maybe. Do you have a thai pink id card as the national id card?
  18. A smaller nightlife option is surin (compared to kk). Stay at the bus station hotel there. Walk 5 min to the nightlife area. They have some farang bars and a karoke option right in the same street. Not a bad line up of girls. Theres another big hotel right near that area but cant remember the name actually. Happy hunting old fella.
  19. 5 yrs ago we bought a small building in a prime location. Our tenants run a very popular restaurant. Its on a main road and I drive past most nights on my way to do exercise and see its packed most nights. They formed a company structure a few yrs ago. Recently they had the local revenue dept visit them who also commented on how they have seen it so popular. They said to her that they estimate she has earnt more than 1.8mill and should have registered for VAT. They will have to pay a fine. Now the mad rush is on for her to get all docs. She contacted us saying she needs a copy of the chanote, copy of wifes id card and tabian bahn for her. I was wondering why my wife should supply this? Is this correct. If you have recently registered for VAT can you give an opinion? Or is there a website outlining the requirements? thanks
  20. please get blood tested for vit D, copper, zinc, magnesium, vit b I was deficient in these for many yrs and since supplementing feel so much better.
  21. Hi, Under what circumstances do patients opt to have the colonoscopy and an Endoscopy at the same time? I read some comments above where some guys had both done. thanks
  22. Maybe you should accept what the dr says in the future. No doubt you were highly anxious bc of your argument and increased pain reaction? When you go to the dentist do you also tell them what to do?
  23. I dont understand your comment. They will be signing as lessee's.
  24. Dont know why but some foreigners accounts like yours is not being suspended. But maybe soon. Move to UpBit exchange Read above about how easy it is to get verified.
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