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Posts posted by hugh2121

  1. 5 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    Please use common sense: A 4 door vehicle will have a proper seating restraints in the passenger area. The intent is to keep people out of the interior cargo area in the 2 door vehicles because the passengers are trapped and  cannot exit when the vehicle crashes. Passengers typically asphyxiate or burn to death in serious crashes that crumple the front ends. One should not transport people in a vehicle trunk either.



    The government is to be commended for this attempt at dealing with a major source of death and serious injuries in car crashes. People are thrown out of the vehicles and have their heads split open like melons dropped on the  ground. Sadly, I anticipate it will be as enforced as effectively as the helmet law.

    How does this differ from people in the back seat of a 2 door coupe?

  2. I simply take photo with digital camera then get photo shop to print pics to the size I want. They print enough to fill the sheet which I then use every year for visa extension and DL renewal.

  3. 21 hours ago, billd766 said:


    Do you know if there is a river nearby or a tree that a 3 year old can climb and fall down or are you playing the what if game?


    If you have small children you will understand that it is impossible to keep an eye on them 24/7.


    It is the dog owners responsibility to ensure that the dog cannot escape but TiT.

    "It is the dog owners responsibility to ensure that the dog cannot escape"

    And it's not the parents' responsibility to ensure their children don't go out alone????????

  4. So easy to blame the dog 100%......because it can't defend itself.

    People are to blame here.

    3 year old should NOT be outside alone, parents fault.

    Dog should NOT be outside alone, owner's fault.

    My dogs do not go outside the gate alone but yes, they will bark at strangers in the soi (we live at the end of a cul-de-sac). They have never bitten anyone but if somebody threatened them or lashed out at them????? They could well get what they deserve.

    I'm not saying the little girl lashed out at this dog but maybe, just maybe, she pulled it's tale or ears in what she thought playfulness but the dog did not appreciate it and simply snapped it's jaws, unfortunately making contact with the girl's face.

    I think this is more likely than an unprovoked attack.

    Having said that, many Thai people need educating to the fact that they should not leave their dog outside in the soi all day unless they are with it.

  5. My 16 yr old Thai step son attends a private school. His English teacher is Chinese. English lessons consist of reading and writing only. He is not taught to speak and listen to spoken English. He will not speak English at home, probably due to lack of confidence in his ability to do so.

    Until last year he had to wear a Boy Scout uniform one day a week but I'm not sure what he did as a Boy Scout. When I asked him who Baden-Powell was he just looked blank.

    He still has problems doing maths with English numbers as the school teaches the subject using Thai symbols and he finds it difficult to do the calculation with English numbers even though ASEAN has declared English as it's official language.

    These are some of my actual experiences of the Thai education system.

  6. It would seem that Amazon.co.uk normally use DHL. This can cause problems with Thailand Customs. The last order I initially placed simply did not arrive as Customs wanted an import licence for 2 bottles of dog food supplement. I contacted Amazon UK and they sent replacements FOC but I advised them to send via ordinary air mail. This they did and the order arrived in a few days. Customs/import duty was refunded within a couple of weeks.

  7. 3 hours ago, smotherb said:

    You said, " In my experience there are very few who adhere strictly to the teachings of the religion. "


    Now you've changed your position and say adhering to Buddhist teachings is the whole point.


    The Buddhist traditions are not just for those who adhere strictly to the religion. All peoples are expected to honor the traditions as law.


    Additionally, my example was pertinent in that it showed other places where religious traditions limit alcohol sales and apply to all whether you strictly adhere to that religion's teachings or not..

    My position is unchanged.

    For those who cannot understand: Adhering to Buddhist teachings is the whole point of Buddhist holidays BUT there are very few who adhere strictly to the religion. For examples refer to the many examples on TV.

  8. On 13/02/2017 at 10:22 AM, smotherb said:

    Well, perhaps you need to deal with a better class of Thais. However, strictly adhering to Buddhist teachings is not the point; it is a state-sponsored religious acknowledgement to not sell alcohol on certain Buddhist holidays. Don't know where you call home, but in the States it is quite common for alcohol sales to be outlawed all day or during some hours on Sundays in some states and in some counties. That sure doesn't mean all the citizens of that state or county strictly adhere to the teachings of their religions. 

    Your reference to america is irrelevant. Adhering to Buddhist teachings is the WHOLE point of a Buddhist holiday.

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