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Posts posted by hugh2121

  1. 2 hours ago, steven100 said:

    Where are the farang naysayers ..   ???    no where to be seen hahaha.

    but where are all the TV keyboard warriors who keep telling us everyone is leaving for Cambodia and other places .... :coffee1:


    just goes to show .... believe nothing from farang here ... lol

    No sign of many tourists in Pattaya yesterday. There haven't been queues at supermarket checkouts for months, and that's with a very reduced number of checkouts actually open.

  2. 4 hours ago, JamJar said:



    You need to read properly. I wrote earlier that the branded ones are in the shop. They have unbranded plain wrapping in the back.

    From whence do you think they obtain their chicken? From suppliers other than CP and Betagro?






    As I stated earlier. Get it cheaper directly from the Betagro shop...



    Who gives a monkey's about Tesco/Lotus? Or Betagro for that matter.

  3. 12 hours ago, JamJar said:


    They have differing qualities for sale.


    Likely the restaurants and supermarkets utilise and sell the stuff that comes from the bags sold frozen in Betagro and the like.


    Not that is bad, but is has almost certainly been frozen. Freezer pic at the bottom of the post.






    On the other hand, Betagro also sell chilled products via the supermarkets.







    you can go for their S-Pure brand




    Completely different product to the large vac packed ones used for the open trays. They contain maybe 10 kilos of chicken legs.

  4. 4 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    So we agree. The Euro is a bizarre idea. American economists from left to right were puzzled by why anyone would think it was a good idea. It seems to have been driven more by emotion than reason. 

    American economists aside, to have a single currency you need a single economy. Euroland has many economies and all are trying to keep up with Germany. Not driven by emotion but by unelected power hungry bureaucrats. 

  5. 5 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Is Poland one of those eastern european nations? Because they haven't adopted the euro yet despite a promise to do so one day. If greeece weren't a member of the eurozone, it would have had a really bad depression - maybe even as bad as the one they're still suffering from - but it would have been a lot shorter.

    The problems in Greece were exacerbated by the Euro. If they still used the drachma they could have devalued it and relieved a lot of pressure.

  6. 3 hours ago, bleble said:


    So you also think that the ones from Betagro are good ? I will try. Thank you.

    I was referring to " chicken from those open to the air trays at the supermarkets," which are not thawed out as they were never frozen. 

    I've seen them topping up the open trays from the vacuum packs in Big C. Don't know about Betagro whatever that is.

  7. 12 hours ago, JamJar said:

    I buy the frozen chicken breast from Betagro....and feed it to my pets. A fair amount of suspect meat products around.  

    If you are one of those who buys their chicken from those open to the air trays at the supermarkets, those are thawed out products anyway. So you might as well buy frozen from Betagro in the first place.

    So I only purchase certain pre-packed products.

    I don't think they are actually frozen. They come vacuum packed so only chilling is needed. They don't seem to have water injected like the frozen variety.

  8. 19 hours ago, johng said:

    In another thread the

    "soi dog foundation" estimates there are over 8 million stray dogs roam Thailand..every means possible should be used to drastically reduce that number.





    Yes, but not by poisoning them and leaving them to die a painful death.

  9. 17 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

    Rubbish....the perpetrator is doing the community a good service....there's so many freakin soi dogs in Thailand, and no-one wants them...disease ridden vermin they are!

    .disease ridden vermin they are!

    And that's just the two legged animals I encounter every day.

    I've walked the sois full of dogs many times. Never had a problem. I don't act scared of them and I'm not aggressive toward them. I just ignore them. I realise they are hot, I see no bowls of water for them and they're probably hungry. Under conditions like that, who wouldn't be grumpy. Nobody can tell me it is their own fault. It is the fault of people.

  10. 19 hours ago, Gunna said:

    Why do you keep repeating these lies

    She was removed from power before the coup by the Constitutional Court of Thailand after finding her guilty of abuse of power on 07 May




    The same charge they used to get rid of her brother, another democratically elected PM. Do the courts and the judges want to see Pheu Thai in power? Are they red or yellow supporters? Who has won every election since 2001? It matters not one bit what anyone thinks of them, including you, me and everyone else. They are the party the majority of Thai people want and who they vote for in elections. Are they the only ones who could be accused of "abuse of power? Did they grant themselves immunity in advance for any wrongdoing?


    It matters little to me who has power in Thailand as it seems to affect me very little but I do believe in democracy. I also believe that the police and the armed forces should do the bidding of their elected government with the courts interpreting the laws which are passed by that government. 

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