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Posts posted by Trujillo

  1. Quote

    So you know how much Immigration is paying them do you ?

    You forgot a comma....


    Since you are such a rube, I will explain the obvious: People come to the mall because they have business at immigration. Most have to hang around for a while, and this benefits the existing shops. It has nothing to do with how much (or how little) immigration pays Promenada. 

    When immigration moves back to its original location, watch what happens at Promenada. 

  2. Quote

    Tilapia are farm raised in ponds with who knows what sort of mixture of antibiotics and nutrients.

    Tilapia are hearty and do not need nutrients or drugs. 

    I know this from first-hand experience. After they get past the early growth, they will eat whatever is in the pond that is organic. You don't even have to give them food. 

  3. A head's up about the Residency Certificate you need to renew your 5-year license. 


    Went to immigration at Promenada and was told, in a chilly and barely polite reply, that it takes 10 days to get it. So if you are like me and waited, you will be out of luck (to get the new driver's license before it expires) unless you plan in advance. 

    Moreover, they want the TM 30 BS so that's going to slow you down even more if you don't have the receipt already. 


    By the way, I had not been up to the second floor digs before and I have to say, the people working there are very, very testy and bordering on hostile. I don't know what goes on up there, but they act like they'd love to see all the farangs rounded up and shipped out.

  4. The dialog was for color. And to show how the event transpired. The nature of the post was mostly about the food. Sorry, I will try to make it clearer for you should there be a next time...

    And as I said: "The place looks good and clean."


    I don't expect this place to be open much longer. They may be just sitting out the lease. The location is bad, even if the mall weren't dead and dying, so it's a wonder they do any business at all. 

    • Like 1
  5. Interesting you focus on a minor thing and not about the bland, weird tasting food. 


    I thought, well, as a customer in a restaurant that is known to cater to non-Thai speaking folks, I should be able to navigate in English. Cut out the dialog part if you want; the food was still pathetic. 


    I like Duke's. I go there regularly. They make the best burgers in town, that I know of. Pizzas can be good to, depending on the branch and the day.

    • Like 1
  6. Quote

    On the menu, plain to read, Sea Perch.

    And whatever they print on the menu is 100% true. 

    Yes, that's my be perch. But the notion mentioned before about cod being on menus here is almost certainly false. 

  7. Quote

    No, it is not OK to steal things from anyone who has not stolen from you or done you a bad turn.

    You are the one who doesn't get it. 

    We don't live in an eye for an eye legal or moral system. 


    Not sure what a "bad turn" might be, but it's irrelevant. If someone steals from you, that doesn't make your thevery against him acceptable. Or legal. 


    If I own a big company and I catch you stealing and fire you, does that now give you the clearance to slash my car tires and break out all my windows? What system do you think the world lives by? 

    • Like 1
  8. Quote

    I certain would not report the employee for the reasons you mention, but if it was a very small business, and the owner is only trying to make a living, I would report it to the owner then.

    So stealing from a big company is okay, but stealing from a small company is not okay? 

    Explain, please...

    • Like 1
  9. Quote

    you really don't know anything. you've made an observation and now your making a conclusion based on what?  maybe the employee is correcting the till? more importantly get a life, you sound like a loser.  

    Wow, welcome to the Land of Smiles...haha


    I want Peasandmash to start a thread on something...I want to see what a "winner" has on his mind....

  10. In the late 70s when I was working in a big pizza place, some geezers would pay with old coins or bills -- pure silver coins and silver certificates (this is in the US). No idea why; maybe just to see how I would react. 

    I would fake the ring up and pocket the bills or coins and then on the next sale, put my own (current bills and coins) in the till to make up the difference. 

  11. Another example of learning Thai as a must, at least to a basic level, if you want to stay here longer than a tourist. ...


    I find this story hard to swallow, though. Just walk back to the cashier and settle it. (Ask all seven...the one who rang it up will remember.) She will remember you, and the sale will be in the store's receipt. Watch CCTV over a pack of gum? Yeah, right....

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