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Posts posted by Trujillo

  1. "The Best Fish & Chips in U.K . -- Twice"


    Kelly dreamed it, twice. ....


    I ate there before and it's that "Asians take a stab at making Western food." It's a shame since a decent breakfast or fish and chips would be a nice addition to that strip mall. 


    Meechok Plaza favs? The Lao steak at the Vietnamese chain on the second floor and the tonkotsu ramen at Naruto. 

  2. "Good for you cutting the chain. First thought take it with you (but then they could claim theft). Perhaps cut into 4" sections would be in order?"


    One could argue that he was destroying private property by damaging the chain. 


    "...everywhere I've lived in Asia treats spaces outside shops as for the use of the shop."


    "Treats" is the operative word here. They have no legal right to it, but often call "dibs" on it. 

    • Like 1
  3. Previcox is a Cox-2 non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication used in dogs for the relief of pain and inflammation due to osteoarthritis.


    In America, you can get a prescription for a year, for the 57mg tablets. 


    Here in CM, you can only get 2 weeks worth, and Chiang Mai Small Animal Hospital (CMSAH) wants you to do a full blood work up after every 2 weeks if you want more. 


    It's total BS. 


    CMSAH charges 80 baht for a single 227mg tablet. Thonglor vet hospital charges 132 baht for a single 227mg tablet. 


    Does anyone know how to get hold of this without having to jump through all these hoops and testing requirements (and at a reasonable price) in Chiang Mai? 

  4. Fish-in-a-barrel stops are usually pretty predictable as to location if you get around the city much. 

    If you are going around the moat and thereabouts, you will get hit at least once a day or more. If you want to sail through, learn the Thai for, "Second (third, fourth, etc.) time today," and say it as you slow down. That gets a wave-through every time in my experience. 


    People who say they have been here years and have only been stopped a couple of times are basically saying they don't live near any police pullover stops. 


    If I never went downtown, I could probably claim much the same. 


    Personally, I think these "random" pullovers are a farce. If the traffic and helmet/licensing laws were enforced in the first place, there would be no need for the pullovers (except for DUI). 

    And it's even more of a clown show when you see people running red lights at EVERY intersection, even if police are there "directing" traffic, not to mention all manner of moving violations that the police clearly don't care a whit about. 





  5. It really annoys me how the press exaggerate almost everything just to make it all more dramatic.


    You have to understand that the English language papers here are staffed by people who wouldn't know proper grammar and sentence construction from a sack of hammers. I don't think they are trying to exaggerate, they simply don't have a good enough grasp of the language to competently copy edit in English. 

  6. If you house is anything like mine, there is almost no practical way to stop rats from entering your crawl space. You can try gum traps or regular mouse traps or poison (the idea is that if you put it up in the attic, they will eat some and then get thirsty and die outside, ideally). 


    You repeatedly say, "We," so I assume you might have a Thai speaker with you. He/she should be able to sort you out with everything you need. 


    I also think you can get TV by just attaching an antenna, right? I mean if you only want Thai TV, that means the government programs and the highly entertaining entertainment shows, right? They're free. 

    • Like 1
  7. After waiting over two weeks for the printer to be "repaired" a second time, I called the shop at Siam TV who had sent it, again, to SVOA. The woman at the other end of the line said, "We called you last Saturday to tell you it's fixed," which no one had. I told her this but that didn't register. 

    It is apparently fixed, so when I have time I will go see the result. 

  8. Some monks are Shaolin....  ?


    Actually (and I know what you mean), when I was at the Shaolin Temple in 1987 it was a deserted place with nothing going on except very old history. I think there were a handful of Chinese tourists but literally no one was there. 

    The subsequent commercialization of the place, in my mind, is pathetic. Anyone today who says they have some ancient Shaolin training or special talent derived from that place is totally full of it. 


    I actually liked guitars poetry. ?


    Yes, FolkGuitar (aka the New ThaiVisa Colossus) actually wrote that for the financing effort for the Statue of Liberty. But truth be told, I much prefer his Rime of the Ancient Mariner, although it's a little wordy.....


  9. so yea im a 21 y/o guy and been here about a week now. I've met quite a few university girls (it seems every girl who is 24> is in school here)


    I assume the OP is not a university student or graduate since "24>" has no meaning.

  10. "Grant me the serenity 
    To accept the things I cannot change; 
    Courage to change the things I can; 
    And wisdom to know the difference. 

    Living one day at a time; 
    Enjoying one moment at a time; 
    Taking this world 
    As it is, not as I would have it."


    Say FolkGuitar in saffron robes and shaved noggin as he feeds the pigeons while sitting on the park bench.


    To me the biggest frustration is after all that early shitte is finished, and you turn up later and the lines are mixed and people don't seem to understand what line is for what and then the Chinese turn up, cutting in and not giving a ship about you or anyone...

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