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Everything posted by thaipo7

  1. Not to serve the country. To benefit the country. We had enough of everything he has done. Failure after failure.
  2. How about the other side of the coin. Look up the number of people for the same years that have just plain quite looking for jobs. This is a recent thing for the past 10 - 12 years or so. Millions have given up looking for jobs. Add these millions to those who are activity looking for work and see what % you get. You Leftist only show a part of a story that fits your needs. Like Biden the 3.6% is a phony number.
  3. What happened? No remarks from TUG. The reason for the early debate was so Joe Biden who refuses to leave would be seen as he really is. Now there is time for a replacement. Jill has been the one pushing Joe to stay in. She loves the lifestyle. Just hope Newsome or Whitmer are not the likely replacement for Joe. Truth is, Trump could have done better too. And I am one of his supporters.
  4. Wow I thought you would be against it since this is good for the US to have.
  5. spidermike007 - If Biden was not trying to secure the Islamic and the 'River to the Sea' votes that he needs to win the election and send to Israel the weapons the have bought and paid for, Hamas would be gone and Israel could solve the Hezbollah problem. Then again, if Hezbollah saw an American leader like Trump with balls they would not attack Israel since we should be backing them 100%. Biden has enriched Iran to the point that they are supplying weapons to the terrorists regimes to take out Israel. Hezbollah is firing between 200 and 500 missiles a day into northern Israel. You won't read about this in any Marxist, Communist news, which includes the Stalinist media in the US. Now TUG will put in his useless remarks. Ignore him. You will know more without his remarks.
  6. Tug - You are so full of crap, it isn't even funny. The bar has been set so low that if he can keep awake for the 90 minutes and sound coherent to softball question, the Democrat controlled media will claim a victory. Every Democrat from Biden down to DA Bragg knows this sham of a trial will be completely thrown out if not before but 100% chance by the Supreme Court. The only thing the Left has going for them is that in the borough of Manhattan where they vote 96% Democrats they could not find one honest person that say the trial for what it was. Bragg was assured of a conviction. This is all the wanted so they could use this term up into the election. They knew there is no way that this can be thrown out by a court before the election. When it is finally proven of all the laws that were broken by Bragg and Judge Merchan, the damage will have been done. It will take time for the final result. A question for you. What policy or policies of Biden's do you want to see continued for another 4 years??
  7. We were seeing peace breaking out in this area under President Trump. The Biden who has been on the wrong side of history for 50 years has the whole world on fire. Look at the withdrawal from Afghanistan. This is when our enemies started seeing what a weak leader the US had. Plus a stupid one too. Closing Bagram AB before taking out equipment and US citizens along with the Afghans that help us so much while we were there. Biden and Blinken, two losers.
  8. The Democrat Party in America Today The Democrat Party in America Today is much like a Communist Party in other countries. Party first, Party all powerful, the people have to have allegiance to the Party and not the country. You think the open borders is bringing people who have allegiance to the country? Why would they? What do they know? But they have allegiance to the Democrat Party. This is a model. It is a form of American Marxism. Not the Chinese form. Not the Soviet form. Not Cuba's form. It is the American form of Marxism. This is why the New York Post is upset with Alvin Bragg. He is dropping almost all the cases brought on by the protestors at NY universities for the protest against Israel. Problem is, it was an anti-Jewish riot. All the charges of protestors storming and occupying campus buildings will not face criminal charges. DA Alvin Bragg is dropping the charges. Even the ones where Jewish students were harmed and afraid to go about their days at college in the US. This drew outrage from law enforcement and Jewish advocates. And all law abiding citizens. 31 people faced the charge of trespassing and the charges were dropped. No one on J6 had these charges dropped. We have people in prison today with the trespassing charge on J6. Trespassing and violence at the universities are getting away scot-free. Why? Because they are Marxists and Islamist. This is why. Trump supporters in prison and these others are free as a bird. Don't tell me J6 was an insurrection. Democrat Party is the insurrection. Executive orders, open borders, funding Iran, this is the insurrection. This is Braggs America. You charge not just your political opponent, but the person who is the front runner going against you political party. The Hitler Youth, Hamas, Iran, Students for Justice in Palestine, CARE, have a special pleader in Alvin Bragg. Even in his own city of Manhattan, violent anti Semitics racist, Hitler youth, Marxist, and Islamic extremist get off free. Prosecutors say they had a lack of evidence to prosecute. No videos of this? The police had body worn cameras. But there was no evidence. This was turnstile justice. Then they say they wore masks. What happened to fingerprints to identify the protestors? Authorities could not identify anyone. Again, it depends on what side of the political spectrum you are standing on. We have given the protestors a mandate to push even harder. Biden got what he wanted from Bragg, the chance to call Trump a felon. This is what they wanted all along. Push, push, push, to get the trial in before election day. $10 million spent to get Trump and you have to twist yourself into a pretzel to figure what the crime was.
  9. TUG - When you going to comment on this? This must sound good to Biden and his administration.
  10. Two peas in a pod. Neither one of you can point to anything Biden has done to help the American people as a whole.
  11. I don't see how Biden can win any state except for the fact that people would vote for a broken pallet and an empty paint can as long as there is a "D" next to it.
  12. So the first thing you believe is that Biden received 81 million legitimate votes. Never drew more than 19 people at any rally. The 19 people showed up when an old outdoor movie screen lot was used. Trump's worst numbers beat Biden's best. Biden has character??? lol Look at his family. He himself showered with his daughter. He is always sniffing young girls. I think you are missing character. I am leaving, don't have an hour to point out all your flaws.
  13. What do you think Biden is doing? Giving Iran billions of dollars, helping them get the atomic bomb. Trump had them in a box with money reserves of only $4 billion when he left office. Now under Biden they have $200 billion mostly from the sale of oil to China. At the same time Biden is not allowing weapons and ammo to Israel that they already paid American companies to make and ship to them. Biden and Blinken - bad for America.
  14. Chomper Higgot sure has a better picture to what is going on than TUG. Tug is blinded by what I don't know. Trump made American strong and thus our adversaries sure acted much differently than under the weak ass leader in the WH now. Did Trump take $30 million from the Chinese. Did any of Trump family take money from China, Russia, or Ukraine? Biden was responsible the botched exit from Afghanistan. Dumb ass Biden closes Bagram AB BEFORE withdrawing equipment and all the American citizens and those who worked closely with us, and were trained by us. The Stalinist media has not told the truth on Biden and Blinken's failure in Afghanistan. One thing that Biden and the Democrats will not do is fire their failed people that he put in place. Both Millie and Austin she have been fired. No need for 13 American to die at the end. They took a complete failure and called it a success. And the media dutifully complied with the narrative Biden wanted. Yes, a success to all our enemies oh how weak Biden has made the USA. Who did the mayor of Moscow send $3.5 million to? Hunter or Trump? Who headed the AG office that allowed the Statute Of Limitations run out so Hunter will not pay taxes on about $3 million dollars while dad shouts "Everyone should pay their fair share?" I wonder what TUG has been sucking up lately? Surely not smart pills. Who is funding Iran to the tune of billions of dollars. Biden has. Who is withholding weapons Israel needs to eliminate the Hamas terrorists. Biden is. He should be Impeached for this. He has no authority to withhold weapons that Israel has paid for. NONE. There were no wars under Trump's watch. Kim was not firing missiles near Japan or at S Korea under Trump. Tug - you are too under educated to be making remarks about Trump's abilities, when the world has seen how lame Biden is as a leader. For 50 years Biden has always been on the wrong side of history and you have been on the wrong side of those that know how to keep the peace and not buckle to our enemies. McCain tried to warn us on how bad Blinken would be is his position. I am not a fan of McCain, but he called this one right. So much more I could add.
  15. Tug - Personally I don't see how any rational person in the US would vote for Biden. But we do have a lot of mentally deficient useful idiots that would vote for anything with a "D" next to the name. Since you are a clear supporter of Biden or anyone else here who is, why not let the group know what polices of Bide you want to see for another 4 years? I don't see even one. Americans are so dumbed down, they can think about their futures. It will be hard for Trump to overcome his 34 convictions of made up and prosecuted for political reasons only charges. Then we also have to overcome the ways Democrats steal elections. It will take a Reagan style of election to get the US on the road to recovery. Biden and his handlers (Obama) are so afraid of one man. A man who does not need this crap by cares about the US enough to give up his lifestyle for America. There has never been a "lunch bucket Joe." This this his whole political life has been a lie. Ad this morning for the area I live in. Joe Biden has cut energy costs. Where? Where? If his supporters really want a Marxist Tyrannical leader, he is the man. Problem is I have to suffer because he is supported like the last 4 years. If Trump is elected, the dumb ass supporters of Biden will prosper too. Really not far. You want a N Korean style of living, go to N Korea. Your kind are leaving CA and NY in droves. They are moving to red states. Then these same dumb people vote Democrat anyway. Why not just stay in the Democrat hell hole you came from? VA is a great example. Red for years then the elites from DC have moved in and turned the state blue with all the bad habits they brought with them.
  16. Can anyone really be this lame in their head? 12 million illegals from 100 countries, with thousands from China, most are military aged people. 150 known terrorist stopped at the border so far this year. No one knows how many are in the country. Biden's first responsibility and he took the Oath to Protect and Defend this country. This is protecting the country? What would Trump exaggerate and lie about on this subject? The whole world sees it. Maybe Trump will say 15 million? WTF is the difference between 12 and 15 million on this subject?
  17. Too bad Biden will be spewing his lies and when Trump wants to refute him, he will be cut off. Two of the worst Marxist Democrats on Biden's side and the control the mics. I am sure Biden will not know the questions before hand. Remember Hillary and Donna Brazile? The do repeat what works and finetune it you know. Like walking into a pit of vipers. Biden should have to wear a lie detector belt or what ever it is that they used. He should be checked for mental enhancing drugs that will be pumped into him. But without his pockets full of cue cards, or a wire plugged into his ear, it should be interesting. We know the results already. Biden won the first debate. Where I live, is a political ad on TV by Biden against Trump. Only the first two words are correct. The two words are Midnight tweets. WTF does this have to do with securing the border, not letting in terrorists, inflation, illegal paying off of student loans, funding Iran making sure the get the nuclear bomb, putting their foot on the neck of Israel NOT to take out Hamas, letting Hamas demonstrators on college campuses who are not even going to school there, and a thousand or BS things going on in America. Wonder if Trump will have an American flag behind him? What will Biden have? Gay Pride flag, Hamas Flag? He need the both groups to vote for him. The river to the sea crowd in MI and Deabornastan.
  18. thaibeachlovers - You are right. People are tired of the Leftist and the Communist ways of the Leftists. Notice the people on the Right are always Far Right, Radical Far Right or in American MAGA Extremists. The Marxist, Socialist, Communist Left don't get names like this. They are the normal people way of governments. I don't know why but I can turn off the BOLD print.
  19. Tug - What IS the significance as to what President Trump was indicted for? Why do all the Democrat Prosecutors have so much baggage of their own? Can't the Democrats at least find a clean DAs and GAs to go after Trump? Her campaign promise ran on "Getting Trump." You have so much to learn. But you would rather be an "useful idiot" for the Democrat Party. Useful idiot is not my term. It was Stalin's term for people like you.
  20. Tug - Amazing. You can make sense here on your post. You know your hero loves Hamas and is an anti-Semitic. Him, Blinken, and Sullivan. He needs the 'River to the Sea' voters in Nov. to win MI. You sound like you are not in full support of Biden who is trying to prevent Israel from defeating Hamas. In case you don't know Hezbollah still sends in between 300 and 500 missiles a day into northern Israel. Just hope Biden give Israel the munitions they paid for, let them destroy Hamas and Hezbollah if it needs to any maybe live in peace.
  21. Tug - Nothing to say about the totally botched withdrawal from Afghanistan by the Biden Administration?? Neither General Millie or Austin fired. No on gets fired in the Biden Administration. Maybe someone who would ware a MAGA hat would be fired. Just guessing. Who else would have been stupid enough to close Bagram AFB before removing or destroying our military equipment and getting our forces out first. This base was located where where the US could watch Russia and parts of China too. Now it is a void. But Biden is letting in thousands of Chinese into the country and has allowed the sale of US (farmland) that just happens to be nears our most secret and powerful military bases in America. How man US citizens have been killed there since we left? How many are still there? How many bad Afghanistan actors were airlifted out? I know Trump is the bad one in your eyes.
  22. Just for the fun of it I took the high speed line built by the Chinese that goes from Vientiane to the Chinese border. I did not go the whole way. I went to Luang Prabang in Laos. Train travels at 155 KPH which is around 96 MPH. The last 35 - 40% of the ride went through 35 tunnels. Some tunnels took 3 minutes plus to get through. At 96 MPH, they were long tunnels. You would see a flash of daylight and right back into another tunnel. The two day stay a Luang Prabang was OK too. Had a piece of the best cheesecake ever at a coffee shop. Spoke with the owner and asked if this a was a French style cheesecake and he told me that it was his own recipe.
  23. Isn't the USA now in the same shape? Glad my father is not alive to see where we are headed since the "Transformation."
  24. I had a great Uncle who was a consultant for Boeing, His last job at age 93 was to fly to Saudi Arabia to figure out why there was vibrations in a new plane delivered to one of the Royal family members. He stopped by for a visit after solving the problem. Flew back from Saudi Arabia to Philadelphia, rented a car, visited family still living in NJ and then flies to his home in OH. He had been flying since before WWII, in WWII, and spent a lot of time flying US made planes to Israel after the became a country. His only problem was getting up after he had be sitting for a period of time. His mind was much better at 93 than I am now at 76. He died a short time after "retirement."
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