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Everything posted by thaipo7

  1. Kamala Issued Ludicrous Quote on Police - Get Ready for Massive Crime if She Wins
  2. Are you well, Tug? Seriously. Her superb team only has one thing in mind. Destroying what Biden left of America and making sure we become a one party country like CA is a one party state. Under Newsome, those who can have left the state. No one is moving in. Only the illegals.
  3. Tug should be working for CNN, He would fit right in. Tug - You missed your calling.
  4. Talk about empty suits - just look to the Left. Who isn't an empty suit? Another Leftist who dislikes Trump but never mentions why. You all have this in common.
  5. Trump is NOT a felon until the all the appeals rejects his appeals. This is all the Left wanted. Just a conviction at the time of the election. If you have any money, you would like to lose put it up and bet Trumps appeals will NOT be successful. We should have never gotten to this as it is. But when radical Leftist control the whole process from US AG down to to the Judge who was taken out of turn because he was the best bet to find Trump guilty in Manhattan when 96% of the voters vote Democrat. Then we put an unconstitutional gag order on him so he can not defend himself. But you know this and don't care.
  6. The Great Prosecutor against the Convicted Felon Soros Prosecutor Bragg and Biden's acting state judge Merchan gave the Democrat Party what they wanted to run on. The media is fine with this but much of America is not. Kamala Harris gets the nomination without a challenge. If they held a real Democrat nomination process, she would not be the nominee. The media wants Harris because they like the Biden Harris policies. They want Harris because they want the extreme Marxist, Islamic agenda. She has made it very clear that she stands with the River to the Sea crowd. She made it clear she would not meet with Netanyahu. She is a radical and this is why she can get the nomination. The media that lied to you about Russian collusion, Hunter's laptop, and Biden's sharpness, are lying to you again. The NYT has the story that they wanted years ago against President Trump. It is the Great Prosecutor and the Convicted Felon. First the felon is appealing his conviction. It will probably be overturned but not before the election which is all the media wanted for this election. Second, what is the true history of this Great Prosecutor? It seems that it is not so great. Mark Levin went on the Internet to see how many cases and appellate cases Harris has tried herself. CNN does not have an answer. MSNBC does not have an answer. The NYT and the Washington Post don't have an answer. CBS, NBC or ABC don't have an answer. We are waiting for the Harris campaign to give us an answer. We were told that she was a tough Prosecutor or maybe not. Just want to know what did she personally prosecute. What were the cases? Maybe someone would like to look at them. We all know how tough on crime San Francisco is. So what cases? What we do know is that cases prosecuted by her were a disaster. 5 times, Prosecutor Harris, got the wrong guy and she did not give a damn. Alana Goodman of the Washington Examiner. This is from a few years back stating Kamala Harris has been receiving criticism from fellow Democrats when she was a top prosecutor. During last month's Democratic debate Harris was slammed for blocking DNA testing that could have exonerated Edwin Cooper on death row. The murder took place in 1983. This was not the only case like this. There are 5 other cases where Harris fought against prison reform. In 2010, Reality Star Jamal Truelove, was convicted of murdering a 28 year old woman based on only one witness. He received 50 years and Harris praised the lone witness but failed to mention that the witness was paid $60,000 by the Prosecution and given new housing under the Witness Protection Program. An appeals court overturned the conviction after finding out prosecutors working under Harris the DA had mischaracterized the witness to the jury. Truelove received a $13 million settlement from the city. This was not mentioned by the media today. There are 4 others like this I am not going to write about. You get the idea. But today in the NYT we have the story that she is a tough Prosecutor against a convicted felon. See how phony this is? First, Trump is appealing the case. The whole case was a Stalinist farce by the Democrat Party. They do this for her and then name her this fierce prosecutor. The media should investigate this but they won't. This is not too old. Kalama Harris backed the Freedom Fund that put murderers and rapists back on the streets is still up and running. This started back in 2020 and is still taking donations. Back in 2020 when BLM was rioting in the streets of MN, $41 million was donated with a fraction actually being used to free the rioters. Oh, she is a tough Prosecutor. Soros who backs these soft prosecutors says lets all get behind Harris. What does he know that we don't? Now she has the whole Democrat machine including the Democrat media as one machine trying to get her elected.
  7. Had to make sure the First Lady was the most protected, who we have all the looneys out there who want to kill Trump. Then we have Iran wanting to assassinate him too. Personally I don't know how Trump has made it this long. He is not protected enough.
  8. I can see why her lack of intelligence has you all excited.
  9. Biden Gets the Chicago Treatment Barack Obama, an old-fashioned ward boss, orchestrates the president’s removal. By Rod R. Blagojevich Wall Street Journal Democracy took a devastating hit on Sunday when President Biden withdrew from the presidential race. Along the way, he got it wrong. It isn’t Donald Trump who is an existential threat to our democracy. It’s Barack Obama. In the old-school way of Chicago backroom politics, Mr. Obama was the conductor of the band that successfully orchestrated the removal of the presidential candidate chosen by more than 14 million Democratic primary voters—to be replaced by someone he and the party bosses choose instead. It’s classic ward-boss tactics. I’ve known Mr. Obama since 1995. We both grew up in Chicago politics. We understand how it works—with the bosses over the people. Mr. Obama learned the lessons well. And what he just did to Mr. Biden is what political bosses have been doing in Chicago since the 1871 fire—selections masquerading as elections. Mr. Obama and I know this kind of Chicago politics better than anyone. We both rose up in it, and I was brought to ruin by it when the Illinois Legislature impeached and removed me from the governor’s office in 2009 for conversations initiated by Mr. Obama himself. A common element in my case and now Mr. Biden’s is Mr. Obama’s involvement. He’s the central figure who played a behind-the-scenes role in both stories. While today’s Democratic bosses may look different from the old-time cigar-chomping guy with a pinky ring, they operate the same way: in the shadows of the backroom. Mr. Obama, Nancy Pelosi and the rich donors—the Hollywood and Silicon Valley elites—are the new bosses of today’s Democratic Party. They call the shots. The voters, most of them working people, are there to be lied to, manipulated and controlled. All along, Mr. Biden and the Democratic politicians have been claiming that this year’s presidential race is about “saving democracy.” They are the biggest hypocrites in American political history. The party that says it is running to save democracy has already deployed the criminal-justice system against the leading candidate of the opposition party. And now they have successfully maneuvered to dump their duly elected candidate for president. Mr. Biden’s withdrawal proves something even more sinister. They’ve been lying to us the whole time. The president’s unfitness to run for re-election today didn’t just happen. The Democrats have been covering it up for a long time. They hid him in the basement when he ran for president in 2020, and they got away with it because of the pandemic. But when Mr. Biden’s cognitive issues were exposed during June’s presidential debate, Mr. Obama and the Democratic bosses could no longer hide his condition. The jig was up, and Joe had to go. The Democratic National Convention in Chicago next month will provide the perfect backdrop and place for Mr. Obama to finish the job and choose his candidate, not the voters’ candidate. Democracy, no. Chicago ward-boss politics, yes. Mr. Blagojevich, a Democrat, served as governor of Illinois, 2003-09.
  10. Not a win. What did he do wrong in the first place? The Trump family have spent over $100 million defending against things they never did. Think this is right?
  11. He is smarting along with his supporters over all the lies the Biden Administration was able to make up against him with the help of the Corrupt FBI, Corrupt CIA, and the Democrat compliant media who would repeat all the lies with no investigation. Imagine if you will this happening to a Democrat. Don't you care about anything being legal with how Trump is treated?
  12. It would be different if convicted of an actual crime. But Dictators don't need a crime. Just ask Putin.
  13. But there is a legal way, and not all coming here are honorable.
  14. For him? Have you lived through his policies?
  15. Being in a league with Ronal Reagan does not make you the worst President. I would chose Biden worst than Carter because Carter was not out to destroy the US like Biden. Democrat or Republican, no one hates the US more than Biden as far as Presidents go.
  16. Why so many people here in favor of a Tyrannical government here for the US?
  17. What a crock to compare the two. Hunter did in fact lie on a Federal form when filing for a gun permit. The prosecutor in Hunters case was properly chosen to prosecute the case. In Trump's case that was dismissed, Jack Smith was brought back from the Hague. He was a civilian. Corrupt Garland brought Jack Smith back to the US for the purpose of being a Special Prosecutor against Trump. He was chosen because he is good at bending the laws to fit the case he prosecute. Everyone with any experience at the Justice Dept. knows that any case against Trump by Jack Smith will be thrown out by a higher court. But there goal was to get Trump convicted of anything and sentence to Prison so Democrats would win the election. This be the same as Obama's 4th term with his apparatus in place to complete his goal of Transformation of America. There would only be a one Party system. The Marxist Democrat Party. Look up Jack Smith on the Internet and note how he went after a Republican governor of VA. In the end, the Supreme Court ruled 8 to 0 against Jack Smith. But the damage was done. The Governor went bankrupt from legal fees. Jack destroys Republican lives.
  18. The ICJ is just as useful as the Justice Department in the US under Biden and Garland. Both corrupt as hell and run by Marxists and Communists. Yes, Marxists and Communists.
  19. What is this fear mongering? Biden is a war arsonists. He sets the fires. Why is he not helping our best friendly country in the Middle East? Why is there a Hamas wing of the Democrat Party? Why does he need the Muslim and the River to the Sea crowd in MI and other places. There were no wars started under Trump. When we have a strong leader and a strong military, the world is safer. Are you really not very smart or just uneducated? Instead of funding our enemy like Biden is doing with Iran, Trump heard from Obama that it will take YEARS to defeat ISIS and Trump did this is less than 6 months. Trump did not lie and said he put NATO together when he was 6 years old. I guess you bought into this BS from Biden?
  20. If laws were followed this should have never happened. It was lawfare and Trump will now put an end to this. The Supreme Court just needs to do their job. Too bad for the 3 Leftist who ALWAYS vote for what is good for the Left and not for what the law calls for. Real shame. Democrats only want radicals that will help them get their way. Right now with Garland and Biden the Judicial Branch is so corrupt. But it seems to suit you and other on this board well. Jack Smith was not appointed as he should have been. Biden always wants to act like there is only one branch of government. Him only. This is the Dictator you need to fear, not Trump.
  21. In case you don't know it, we are in a war with Iran through their proxies right now. Trump had them in a box where they could cause little harm. Their cash reserves were down to $4 billion. Then your Dear Leader get in and removed the sanctions. In addition, gave Iran billions of dollars, and lifted restrictions on selling oil. Now they are sitting on $200 Billion. WTF. Ever here of Peace Through Strength? The world sees a week ass leader, who has caused wars to break out all over. Then the dumb ass is holding back on munitions that Israel has bought and paid for. 82% of the people of Israel want nothing to do with Hamas and giving up 30% of their land mass. Use your head and quit being an appeaser and rewarding our enemies. You looking forward for Iran to get the nuclear bomb because of Dear Leader and threaten us with it? Israel is a staunch ally in a bad area. Let them wipe out Hamas and arm them to where they can take out Iran's nuclear capability. Quit being the useful idiot that you are. You missed the part where Biden said he put NATO together when he was 6 years old? Get rid of your Pravda news sources and find somewhere where you can get the truth.
  22. Democrat Convention in Five Weeks Remember Biden changed the Primary System for himself. NH has always been first state to vote in the Primary and Biden changed it to GA. Now with the Democrat Convention five weeks away he wants the Democrat National Convention to nominate Biden weeks BEFORE the Convention so that they can not pick someone else. Is this not a Fascistic move? Yes it is. Five days ago the Democrats wanted to replace him. Now he wants to make sure he can not be replaced. This could take until maybe 08-05 to do and then Biden would only have to outlast his critics for about 2 weeks. This was secretly planned but it leaked out. See how corrupt he is? He wants to take down the Supreme Court too. He does not care what he destroys.
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