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Everything posted by thaipo7

  1. Isn't she still the 3 1/2 year missing Czar. Trump set women back 50 years. Where do you go this? Your comical. Not very smart, but comical.
  2. I see Joe taught her well. Kamala can't be anything but a Democrat. The lying, taking credit for things she has not done. Copying from a competitor. Pure Democrat. Looks like she did learn something from Biden.
  3. NO - There is so much truth here. You don't get the truth from the Stalinist media.
  4. WTF is he still doing there? He was not properly appointed. 4 years will not be enough time for Trump to do what needs to be done to rid the Government of the Marxist infestation.
  5. The worst two Liberals in the whole US Congress and you are worried about a distraction. The country does not ever need two woke Marxist Communist people like these two. The country will not survive 4 years with these two in charge. Destruction will be complete without a shot being fired in a war with Russia or the Chinese. Walz and Sanders both spent their honeymoons in Russia. They both should have stayed there. Harris's husband is a Communist too. Tell us, what are the policies of these two.
  6. I am sure all the information given buy the experts is accurate. Look at all the other past predictions.
  7. So easy to see the Left Leaning author of the article.
  8. He won't have to worry. He is part of the protected class. Yes, I know about the gun charge. Know why that is the only thing they brought charges against him on this. On any other charge, the Big Guy would wind up being charged too. We can't have that happen.
  9. WOW Tug - This is the second thing I agree with you. Should have seen how animals were treated 53 years ago. Didn't even see a cat. Dogs were for guarding only. No need to feed them. If they stole some rice out of a dish or bowl, it was followed by a severe beating. t
  10. Probably was just going for his wallet.
  11. I will give you one. If you apply online which is very easy, they will tell you there is a special line for e-Visa. NOT TRUE, you will stand in line like everyone else.
  12. All you Marxist have the same mindset.
  13. That is all Marxist Democrats have against Trump.
  14. I could take Kamala in a debate. Why don't she even take to the press that will not even ask her a hard question. Empty pantsuit.
  15. If the country was operating under the Constitution and a Capitalist society, there would not be much need for communities in need. Democrats have created this welfare state with their policies. Yes, there will always be people in real need and will need help.
  16. You better listen more closely to the policies of these two radicals and revaluate and see who will be taking away freedoms. But if you did not recognize this under Obama and Biden then you don't understand the freedoms to begin with.
  17. In 1972 my wife and I went to ND to see a guy and his family. They had 3 young children. I think we were near Mt Rushmore and stopped for snacks and gas. We left his 4 year old daughter behind when we took off. Went maybe 20 miles before we realized what had been done. Went back, and she was just standing there.
  18. No - Shapiro is Jewish. Harris wants the Muslim and the River to the Sea crowd.
  19. You talk about Trump's bone spurs and here you have a guy who ran from duty. You should not be taken seriously by anyone. What, you in line for you tampons? Harris found some who is as radical or even more radical than her.
  20. Earlier this year, I was at a van pickup point in a small town outside of Korat to take people to BKK. There was this black man about my age with a Thai family. I told my wife that I was going to speak to him and find out if he was one of the children of a Thai woman and an American GI. My wife did not want me to ask him but I did anyway. He was in his early 70s and was left there by his American father. He said he had a successful Barbecue business, married with three children that he sent to college and they were all doing well. I told him through my wife that I made many donations to the Pearl S Buck foundation that gave money to the mothers to help raise their children. He said, for the longest time she only received 100 Baht a month. This guy had a great attitude on his life's story. I am really happy to have met him. He liked how I understood what had happened to him as a child.
  21. The Muslims must be protected.
  22. Correct Why does the Left control everything? Everything is in their favor. Can't imagine why Tug wants a debate so bad. In what subject could Harris even begin to talk about intelligently. I can only think of the crap the US does not need. Wokeness, CRT, and DEI.
  23. Not going to give this up.
  24. Especially the phony J6 Committee filled with people who were anti-Trumpers. Would you like to ask her why she refused 10,000 Guardsmen that Trump offered? She was responsible for the safety of the US Capitol, NOT trump. He did his job by offering the 10,000 men that she refused. Would you like to know why her daughter was in the area with a film crew on J-6? Would you like to know why no one was punished in 2020 during the summer of love, but were punished for walking on the grass around the capitol. Did you know the removed all the 'Keep off the Grass" signs for J6. Nah, you don't want to know. It would scramble your brain that carries all the narratives, and Democrat talking points.
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