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Everything posted by thaipo7

  1. I did not know there were sex workers in Pattaya.
  2. Yeah, we need more Austins and Gen Millies right?
  3. “All foreign income must be declared but this doesn’t always mean a tax liability.” If there may be no tax, why must they know about your income.
  4. LOL Porkers in Thailand? No such thing 50 and more years ago. Thanks for the laugh.
  5. I went to get money today on my Schwab account and it was denied. Used it 3 times already with no problems. Bangkok Bank showed me the error message as "Settled." Will have to call tonight.
  6. How about all the Left Wing groups being funded by our taxes? Obama started this. It has only gotten larger.
  7. Yeah - Biden or Harris could do so much better, Right. Seems to me the early showing of weakness by Biden is what led to the war in the first place. Did you forget. Putin did not invade while Trump was in office. A flame has been removed by Admin
  8. Due to Biden failed policies the past 4 years and his weakness, the us is being surrounded by our enemies, the Iranians are allowed to get the Nukes and fires have been lit everywhere. Trump is trying to get places where we can project power when needed and quickly. But we will have to get rid of DEI and Wokeness in the Military. We can send the illegals to Greenland. They have the space.
  9. Democrat policies at work. Republicans may not be able to fix all the problems but the Democrats are sure the cause of all the problems.
  10. You Leftist love to project and hang onto every word and move Trump makes. So far, nothing has happened, On the other hand look at the actual fires Biden HAS created and a burning and you don't see it. Just a bunch of Marxist losers inflamed by a Marxist media.
  11. There is no climate change. Another ill informed idiot. Did climate change cause no water in the fire hydrants. Did climate cause the fact to save a smelt fish that the fresh water is being diverted to the ocean. Use you head for something other than a hat rack.
  12. I just paid 50 Baht, and all I had to do was give my weight, how tall, and how do I feel.
  13. When did this happen before or after Schiff's lies?
  14. Why should he? Because the Marxist Judicial system came up with phony charges and kept his cases in the Democrat gulag. Where is the real Judicial system? Not used for Trump.
  15. Good question. No alcohol involved?
  16. Biden, a puppet president whose tyrannical administration prioritized foreign wars and illegal immigrants, still thinks Americans should remember him fondly.
  17. Biden, a puppet president whose tyrannical administration prioritized foreign wars and illegal immigrants, still thinks Americans should remember him fondly.
  18. He has been on the wrong side of History for his whole time at the Government teat. Not just the last few years.
  19. But because you could not kiss her ass with a cane and Bible is both hands, you get smeared by the Leftist media. The Bible met more to the Congress person being sworn in than it meant to Biden and Harris when they were sworn in. Harris placed her purse on the Bible before placing her hand so her hand would not tough the Bible.
  20. We know Marxist/Communist like you will never forget. So, I will just wait for you to bring it up yearly until one of us is dead. It is seared in your brain by the Democrat controlled Marxist media.
  21. I went yesterday after two days of running around to get my drivers license. I was where you have to show you can place your foot to the brake pedal after you see a light going from green to red. Thai males had a hard time grasping the concept. Another test was lining up one stick with another stick. One guy got hollered at for just playing with the machine instead of lining up the sticks. LOL
  22. Who is the Dictator? Did this go through Congress. Did any of Biden's "weaken and kill America" policies go through Congress? NO Marxist Dictator.
  23. Don't forget he had dinner with Trump in FL. Trump must have had a point for this. Go Trump.
  24. Why is it your business to comment on this?
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