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Posts posted by Chopperboy

  1. You know in a way the English are now getting payback for their Tory government of the 80s....who treated Scotland with contempt. Its this distrust which is leading a lot of us who were around then to vote for independence....not a few barrels of oil.

    We don't trust our so called partners not to repeat what happened then and the Bedroom Tax has not helped matters.

    Add on the threat of student fees and we are appalled at the future gap in the UK between rich and poor which can only get worse with these policies.

    Thatcher in the 80's just did the biding of the Bilderburg group. They put her in power and when she started asserting herself over Europe they got rid of her - she publicly stated that in Jim Tuckers Spotlight magazine. One of the key policies in the 80's that she did particularly well in was Asset Stripping (AKA privatisation) selling state assets for pennies on the dollar. Its a long term goal of the globalists to leverage out the Western Middle class and leave behind just the mega rich elite and an underclass - the policy dates back to Club of Rome 1968.

    In my opinion Scotland will have a chance if it gets independence - without it I believe that by 2036 there won't be a British middle class left.

    Ref: DCDC Global Strategic Trends

    • Like 2
  2. "Scotlands vote is not about Braveheart or kilts or tribal nationalism. Its about democracy"

    "Even more startling, Scotlands independence can be consensual. England and Wales, to their enormous credit, have already accepted Scottish sovereignty, and whatever happens in the referendum there is no going back on that decent and gracious decision. Scotland may or may not become an independent country but it is already and without argument a free country."


    Most countries in the West are not free, its just a fake left/ right paradigm creating an illusion of control. In reality most of the politicians are just shadow government puppets. It doesn't matter if its Blair, Brown, Bush or Obama they are all just well paid actors there to assist the globalist psychopaths relentless agenda - war, power, wealth, control & eugenics....

    • Like 2
  3. The film covers Professor Robertson’s meticulous approach that overall did uncover general evidence of bias and particularly repetition of 'bad news'. The techniques used such as sequencing of stories, reliance on sources such as the Treasury, OBR and IFS, demonisation of First Minister Alex Salmond and use of 'experts' were all more telling.

    Professor Robertson promotes the idea of greater political transparency of those offering media opinion on the debate.

  4. As far as I am concerned what we all need is independance from a bunch of Psychopathic Elites who control most of the planet and its resources via their military, intelligence networks, secret societies, banksters & fraudulent markets. Scottish independance will likely do nothing to help achieve that, as all that will happen is the banksters and their front institutions like the IMF, World bank, Bank of International Settlements etc.. will just role up with the first tranch of indebtedness.

  5. Will this include the same companies being contracted to do the same cheap job of repairing the roads then given another contract to do it all over again ?

    Highway 2, for example, is a main artery but Korat - Khon Kaen on both carriageways is like a ploughed field in so many places.

    The roads here are built without foundations - they just follow the US army road building manual from 1960's.

    Even in Burma they hammer rocks into the ground before laying the tarmac.

    No foundations means the roads will always break up and need expensive repairs.

    • Like 1
  6. I selected it at random from a Google search. There are more.

    If you really want to find out what the rebels stole from the Ukrainian military (which you seem not to want) go and do your own search.

    Do you always rely on unfounded speculation (or propaganda) for your juvenile attempts at an argument?

    This is my last attempt to point you towards a semblance of knowledge.

    There is no need to argue who shot the plane as it is obvious. It was shot down from rebel controlled area. And if it is going to be proven that the missile came from the ground then there will be no doubt that it was sot by pro Russian separatists.

    Oh so that's all settled then - is that what the lying, complicit, mainstream media propaganda machine told you?

    Did they also tell you where MH370 is by any chance ??

    You are mistaken. I don't follow only western mainstream media. I've been following the Ukrainian conflict from the start of it. I read also mainstream Russian media. And yes so far many planes were exclusively shot by pro- Russians rebels in that area. And the first news that came from separatists was acknowledging the deed of shooting down the plane. But to their surprise it was an MH flight. Even rebels were wondering why on Earth was the commercial plane flying over the war zone? Russians are trying to cover up as much as they can, but their theories are ridiculuos and don't add up.

    That video of the rebels talking to the Russians was time stamped on the day before the crash.

    Ukraine had a democratically elected government - before the take over by a bunch on neo Nazis funded from the West.

    They claim they can't find MH370 but yet within one hour start the media machine blaming the Russians for MH17.

    The Russians have nothing to gain while the west clearly does - no fly zone to aid their rebels.

    Reports and video footage taken at the time of the crash showing that the corpses were already in stages of decay.

    The plane is destroyed yet the passports that were found are pristine...

  7. I selected it at random from a Google search. There are more.

    If you really want to find out what the rebels stole from the Ukrainian military (which you seem not to want) go and do your own search.

    Do you always rely on unfounded speculation (or propaganda) for your juvenile attempts at an argument?

    This is my last attempt to point you towards a semblance of knowledge.

    There is no need to argue who shot the plane as it is obvious. It was shot down from rebel controlled area. And if it is going to be proven that the missile came from the ground then there will be no doubt that it was sot by pro Russian separatists.

    Oh so that's all settled then - is that what the lying, complicit, mainstream media propaganda machine told you?

    Did they also tell you where MH370 is by any chance ??

  8. "Suicide

    Firearms were used in 19,392 suicides in the U.S. in 2010, constituting almost 62% of all gun deaths"

    My understanding is that a lot of the rest were gang related particularly in cities with tight gun laws like Chicago.

    There are also statistics which show the gun violence in decline over a 20 year period, and that guns actually save lives and prevent crime.

  9. CNN just did a live interview with a former CIA spook based in Bangkok who runs a political risk consultancy...

    Wow! I wonder what bar in NEP this ex-CIA wonk runs his 'consultancy' out of.

    I like to get all my news from Tel-Aviv Nevo's CNN ....

  10. What is happening here is not a coup but is a counter-coup. The PTP and UDD (an insurgent movement), conducted the actual coup a 3 years earlier when it highjacked democracy.

    The Thai military, backed by the people, preserved their nation, countered the insurgent coup, and reclaimed their country.

    The Thai military and much of the populace recognized this and so this is actually reversing the coup.


    It's worth pointing out that it is shin clan who are slaves to the western elite puppet masters and try to advance thier interests like patents, big Pharma, GM crops and Agro biz, chemicals companies and rape of nature and the people for profits.

    That is why west now cries about democracy in Thailand but can support Saudi Arabia and terrorists in Syria at the same breath. All is game play for the global elites.

    Or spend $5Bn of US tax payers money overthrowing a democratically elected government in the Ukraine while installing a bunch of Neo Nazis to asset strip the country.

    • Like 1
  11. As I Thai, I feel so ashamed that all this is happening. Yes, let them all go home and sit in their time-out corners.

    The globalist cabal in the west controls the politics/ banking/ military/ spying and no one does anything about it... that makes me feel ashamed! The NSA/ GCHQ illegally spies on us and thats OK?, a plane with 200 people goes missing and thats OK?, the oil, gold, shares, commodities and Libour rates are all fixed and thats OK? nearly a trillion dollars of drugs get moved round the planet and the money laundered by the elites and thats OK?

    At least Thais do something when they don't like it...

    In the West we have a lot more to be ashamed about believe me!

    • Like 1

  12. If Thailand wants this to go away they need to adopt the psychological warfare tactics of the western shadow government...

    Behind the scenes control of all political parties (fake left/ right divide)

    Total control of the mainstream media, blending fact with fiction in the news

    Propaganda & mind manipulation through TV/ film/ media/ music/ publications

    Use of pressure groups and think tanks to assist in the manipulation of public opinion

    Wide spread use of psychotropic drugs both prescription and "illegal"

    Fluoridation of the water (dumb down the host population)

    Total intelligence spy grid monitoring all internet, emails/ phone conversations

    Paid SHILLS to control/ hijack on-line decent

    Use of weaponized cancer, plane crashes, accidents, fake suicides and other techniques to eliminate potential threats.

    Use of divide and conquer tactics i.e. mass immigration, promotion of "rights" groups
    • Like 1
  13. ^ both the British and Thais were correct to use Un democratic means to suppress communist insurrection. You need only look at neighbouring countries to see the results Thailand might have faced if nothing done- pol pot; maybe you prefer something like Myanmar for past few decades or loas and vietnam? Last two being bombed by that most democratic country of them all - good ol USA ; yeehaa we love democracy so much we support terrorists and dictators across the globe - fact.

    Wake up to the real world sunshine.

    Democracy is just convenient mirage of freedom to keep the western masses placid.

    Pol pot was put in power by the CIA - just as they admit Al Qaeda are our "friends" in Syria today..

    "Mr Richard Nixon and Kissinger allowed the Khmer Rouge to grasp golden opportunities," the 66-year-old former jailer said at the start of the second week of his trial by the joint U.N.-Cambodian tribunal.


    • Like 1
  14. If Thailand wants this to go away they need to adopt the psychological warfare tactics of the western shadows government...

    Behind the scenes control of all political parties (fake left/ right divide)

    Total control of the mainstream media, blending fact with fiction in the news

    Propaganda & mind manipulation through TV/ film/ media/ music/ publications

    Use of pressure groups and think tanks to assist in the manipulation of public opinion

    Wide spread use of psychotropic drugs both prescription and "illegal"

    Fluoridation of the water (dumb down the host population)

    Total intelligence spy grid monitoring all internet, emails/ phone conversations

    Paid SHILLS to control/ hijack on-line decent

    Use of weaponized cancer, plane crashes, accidents, fake suicides and other techniques to eliminate potential threats.

    Use of divide and conquer tactics i.e. mass immigration, promotion of "rights" groups

    • Like 1
  15. Boeing's patent for auto-land system for hijacked airliners

    Could this have been used to fly the plane?

    (Dec 2006) Boeing last week received a US patent for a system that, once activated, removes all control from pilots to automatically return a commercial airliner to a predetermined landing location. The uninterruptible autopilot would be activated either by pilots, by onboard sensors, or even remotely via radio or satellite links by government agencies like the CIA

    To make it fully independent, the system has its own power supply, independent of the aircraft's circuit breakers. The aircraft remains in automatic mode until after landing, when government security operatives are called in to disengage the system.


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