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Posts posted by sonnyJ

  1. I personally was talking about the US MEDIA, namely FOX and CNN.

    They have been thoroughly embarassed by this rush to judgement and they deserve to be reviled for their shameless folly. These are truly not news outlets, but rather delivers of propoganda and infotainment.

    As far as crediting the American media with anything, you have really got to be kidding. This guy will write at least one book or have a ghostwriter write it, and the world will eat it up. I would bet the house that within 2 years this guy will either be filthy rich or dead because I also think he is a serious suicide risk. He badly needs a very good psychiatrist and also probably a wealth management advisor.

    Actually it was the media that first began to question Karr's story. Jeff Tubin on CNN raised doubts especially after the Boulder D.A.'s press conference in which she basically said she wasn't sure about the facts in this case.

    The Governor of Colorado has called her (the D.A.) on the carpet, saying it's "the most expensive DNA test in Colorado history."

    I think she figured Karr's a true pedophile and learned he was about to begin a new teaching job in Bangkok and decided to move on the arrest. I think it was supposed to be done more quietly, but the Thai police saw a chance to enhance their image before the TV cameras and paraded the guy around -- then the media frenzy began.

    If the Boulder D.A. saw her function as protecting the children of Thailand, man she's way out of her league and element. The Ramsey case is a true beauty pageant compared to the stuff that goes on here...

    In all, another case of cultural disconnect -- she don't understand Thailand and the Thai police don't understand that in the U.S. you actually have to prove the case, and you don't announce the ramblings of a whacko as believable facts.

    It does draw important attention back to seriously unresolved issues: Who did in fact kill JonBet, and why are children so easily exploited in Thailand. Both governments have a lot of work to do.

    Well media is media and has stopped researching basis on their stories properly a long time ago. Having their interests. Money.

    I don't see any mistakes actually here by the thai police force. They just co-operated with foreign agents. And did a good job.

  2. Karr's "deportation" form Thailand was due the USA investigators asking for it. Wheter he wanted a free public ride home or really wanted to escape something. I don't know? Theres no evidence he being charged of anything in Thailand. He claimed to have some sex relations with a student in Thailand? Wonder if he wants to do this same thing in Thailand all over again, and see if he will be convicted. What I seem to remember from thai authorities, if he's not guilty he's welcome back. He could be back in Thailand soon. Even teaching again, who knows?

  3. According to recent statistics, more than 50,000 girls between 14 and 19 years old have unwanted pregnancies each year.

    The same report said 30,000 cases of youth-related crimes are recorded annually.

    I dont have any statistics here but I take it theres avg. 60,000,000 people in Thailand.

    So the unwanted pregnancies figure would gather about 0.08 %.

    I presume half of the population are men.

    Also taking it that the birth rates might be high, and the pop. growing.

    So lets say 30,000,000 women. 20% would be teenagers.

    That figure would close to a 1% of a teenage population have unwanted pregnancies yearly. Seems quite high to me.

  4. "unhealthy places" and "unsuitable activities" seems a fairly unhelpful response to this BIG (pun intended) issue:

    some more pertinent considerations would seem to be

    >an evident need for sex education in schools & at home

    >how condoms could be distributed at these so-called and mysteriously "unhealthy" places

    >how many of these girls/women have safe/unsafe abortions?

    >what provisions are there for young women who keep the babies to continue their education?

    >how many contract AIDS through unprotected sex?

    >what are the social consequences for young women who transgress societal norms in regard to teenage sexual behaviour?

    These would be some good points to begin with. :o

    So are the crimes 30,000 including the abortions or not. Is it a crime to commit one? It seems to be a crime to perform one...I think. :D

    Thats exactly what you want. More unwanted children and then you have doubled the crime rates in 15 years..

    When unions ( the students) :D at college campuses say no we can't have condoms sold here, you find out how big a taboo they have created for them selves. It's very different, unpublicly.. But

    I'd like to know more about how to get abortions done. Costs...

  5. Been there the first four days after the tsunami. We stayed in some monks quarters in Wat Yan Yao, next to the corpses. Slept not more than 8 hours during my whole stay there. Occasional styro boxes with rice and something.

    Corpses everywhere on the beaches and often up to three kilometers inland. Lorries and pick up trucks full with corpses waiting to unload at the temple. Incredible chaos. Never gonna forget that.

    Yes same temple. Was a chaos indeed. Maybe we should get back to the topic now.

  6. Yes, been in Khao Lak as well, Por Teck Tueng and affiliated groups were responsible for the corpses there - it were terrible conditions. Not many people are aware that during the first four days there were only about 200 rescue volonteers for the whole Pangnga province available, no army, no police, insufficient food.

    And in this condition it was rather ironic when foreign organisations were there but did nothing else than getting corpses out from employees of some multinational corporations and did not assist the Thai organisations in getting corpses out.

    I think everybody was doing their primary job there. Only saw it after 1 week though. I was with TTT, Tow Tow Tow, or what ever it's called in thai. Nice fast flight on military from Bangkok to phuket, Norwegian donated spring water from Iceland, great accommodation on the few surviving resorts on Khao Lak, and then nothing much to do at the scene. They told me to go eat some free food when I tried to help. You had to find your own way over there to get something prioritised/useful.

    Then we decided to take more observational role and go donate stuff like redbull, mamas and water to villagers. Play with the kids at school. And after got back to the truck, someone had stolen all of our supplies.. Well maybe the foreign workers, maybe not. But I can say they were mishandled, the minorities. I could go on and on..

  7. ColPyat. I think some people here are just critisising the government not being able to do better job, that goes to the tsunami handling too. I was witnessing it at KhaoLak and it was terrible. How can they improve without critisism? And why should foreign country have to do all their work to get foreign bodies out? It's simply can do but don't know how attitude here, as we all know.

  8. Foreign maids, as burmese for example are more reliable. After all they have more to lose and being foreigners police will be motivated to process with them. Problem being it's usually difficult to find out where are they actually from, their homes, if/when they decide to leave. Agencys can arrange them for you, but you need to pay a big deposit for the maids, as a proof they will be not harmed etc. I would never leave the maid run the house alone. And get a good friend at the police.

  9. I would make a serious complaint to the area's police to clean this scum out, face to face at the station, Lumphini district I guess, maybe not.

    Iknow , Iknow, I know. But it might help the situation.

    If its the case of hardcore glue sniffers. They won't get too far in a day and are pretty simple to locate farther down/up on Rama4 slums. Propably just isolated incident.

  10. THB has been strenghtening against not only USD but EURO and other European currencies for a few years now, at a similar rate i guess. So does Yuan explain this all or... Sure Europe's economy is not in a great state either, but.. Can someone explain me please.

    In Thailand, economists are expecting a new crash soon, right, maybe, a little? So is it just the big spending going on for years, on credit that is, having a big effect on THB? I'd like to hear your theories.

  11. OK. Now I've had it with Fox they interviewed an elderly lady, no idea who she was, my holiday to Bangkok was shocking, my 9 y-o was aproached by pimps trying to sell him an 7 y-o girl. :o

    If you go around Bangkok and believe everything you hear you will end up to be tried to sell a ... Baby elephant who has an emphasis on boys under 10 y-o.

    Where is the address on web I can send mail to Fox?

    I know it won't matter at all, but the only thing I can do. And believe me I want to give them some reply.

  12. SonnyJ ... Southern Thailands issues are far different from any Jihad

    you only have to look at a map of SEA <Thailand and Malaysia in this case> prior to 1902 to get it

    What I'm stating is that southern problems are caused by the world wide Jihadists, the time being right for that with all this anti westernism going on already.

    Do you see many local people causing problems in S.Thailand? Who are they? Nobody knows really? Where does the money come from? All we know it's all international thing going on.

    Malaysia financing to get some extra land? Come on. This is a great opportunity for the world wide terrorim to have a new front. And they use history as an excuse, guess thats the human nature.

  13. Great Plan. Instead of "Thai" Thailand can be multi-cultural like Singapore.

    I got this email the other day. Pretty well sums it up:

    (I of course blame the authorities for allowing this cockamamie plan to ever get past the "wish" stage. :


    IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some

    individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali, we

    have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.

    However, the dust from the attacks had barely settled when the

    "politically correct" crowd began complaining about the possibility

    hat our patriotism was offending others. I am not against

    immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who is seeking a better life by coming to Australia.

    However, there are a few things that those who have recently come to

    our country, and apparently some born here, need to understand.

    This idea of Australia being a multicultural community has served only

    to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. As Australians,

    we have our own culture, our own society, our own language and our own lifestyle.

    This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles,

    trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought

    freedom. We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic,

    Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you

    wish to become part of our society, Learn the language!

    Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right

    wing, political push but a fact because Christian men and women, on

    Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly

    documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, Because God is part of our


    We will accept your beliefs and will not question why, all we ask is

    that you accept ours and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.

    If the Southern Cross offends you, or you don't like " A Fair Go",

    then you should seriously consider a move to another part of this


    We are happy with our culture and have no desire to change, and we

    really don't care how you did things where you came from. By all means

    keep your culture but do not force it on others.

    This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done

    complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our

    Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take

    advantage of one other great Australian freedom, "THE RIGHT TO LEAVE".

    If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here.

    You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.

    Pretty easy really, when you think about it. I figure if we all keep

    passing this to our friends (and enemies) it will also, sooner or

    later get back to the complainers, lets all try, please.




    If you are going to quote stuff like that then I suggest that all farangs in Thailand should do the same. Unfortunately 95% of farangs would have leave because most are not conforming to Thai culture and most can not speak Thai. All non Thai speakers are invited to pack their bags and leave according to your email.

    I'm not asure if I read the original post correct but it sound like you like to have a homogenous cultuture in Australia. So it will be possible in democracy to pass the laws that forbid any outsider to land there. (Kinda reminds me of this pure Aryan thing). It's up to the people to vote, right. I thought Australia is very happy with the foreing cheap work force, as most countries are. It's not the borders anymore man, it's a planet where you're living on. Progress.

  14. How long will it take for the this London scene to play out in Bangkok?These Pictures tell it all!

    Muslims have stated that England will be the first country they take over!

    These pictures are of Muslims marching through the streets of London during their recent "Religion of Peace Demonstration."

    I'm not meaning to insult anyone here but will just say it out loud and straight.

    Maybe these muslim people feel isolated in U.K. and many other places caused by the locals oppinions of them. They're already hated so this is what some of them can grap on. It's a two way street, remember?

    It's very different situation in Asia, where muslims used to travel even before European colonialists. To trade and live in, not to kill and rob and pillage. In Burma, Singapore, Thailand etc. you will meet so many muslims. Very nice people. Sometimes there's always a trouble or few with the local population but people have gotten used to it. Basicly all the different groups in Asia like to have their privacy and won't go to get involved with someones culture of which they have not much knowledge about. I have been invited and visited mosques in Thailand and Burma.

    South Thailand problems are part of the world Jihad. Terrorists fighting against USA for pretty twisted reasons mostly. Then again USA's strategies are kinda twisted too.

    IT'S NOT SO DIFFICULT TO STOP FIGHTING. Hope it's not too late.

  15. there's too many holes in this case - some of them big enough to drive a truck through.

    He said he had chloroformed her and had sex with her and then realised she was dead from too much chloroform, and so it was an accident.

    YET... :

    * the autopsy said there was no drugs present in her blood system

    * there was no evidence of sex just before death

    * she had a head wound which would have rendered her unconcious

    * cause of death was strangulation by a nylon cord around her neck, tightened by the handle of a paint brush [how do you "accidentally" tighten a rope around soneone's neck???]

    * she was NOT a virgin [yet had not had sex just before death] indicating she was sexually active in the months/years BEFORE she died.

    remember, this is a SIX year old girl we're talking about...

    Oh and Thailand is the pedo's paradise.

    yeh right.

    I'd like to challenge some of these points. On basis of what info i have collected from media.

    The drugs tests performed were only basic and might not have found chloroform, being it not being searched for.

    Huge skull fragture could have caused the death.

    There was no signs of sex recently (as a penetration), but she had many cuts and bruises inside her genital areas, like caused by insertion of a small wooden object (paintbrush).

  16. whoops, sorry about that double post. That is one of the main problems: the teachings at the mosques. Will they have their own schools seperate from the other international schools? I'm waiting for someone to comeon here and badger us for being insensitive and insulting. I lived in the Middle-East for about 14 mos. It is a different world.

    I believe alot of Islamic teachers in the south, go to Saudi Arabia and learn their skills at Wahabbi institutes of higher (giggle) learning. It always starts with the Mosques, and works its way into unrest and social disorder. A slippery slope it is.


    In the context of this toppic, it may interest some of you as to what some well-known and proven visionary said on this subject over 107 years ago:


    "How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities - but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome."

    -Sir Winston Churchill (The River War, first edition, Vol. II, pages 248-50 (London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1899).

    Man your doing it again. Last time you send this Churchill's hate rant it got DELETED.

    Do you really believe in it. I can see many embarassing mistakes on his comments from commerce, to science and culture.

    Bangkok is a huge metropolis, which usually are colourful MULTIcultural places. So what's wrong with it when someone wants to live here. You can, why can't they?

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