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Posts posted by sonnyJ

  1. And thanks Sriracha John. Seems like a real news website.So are they officially in Thailand or..???

    /quote IPG was established in 1992 by Burmese citizens living in exile and is not affiliated with any political party or organization. The Irrawaddy seeks to promote press freedom and access to unbiased information.

    The problem is that we can apply this explanation to dozens of Anti-Burma web sites in Europe and US, which are completely politically biazed and going way over line.

    Guess I'll just have to study this one more, promising yes..

  2. Case closed. I respect the ruling.

    May I suggest a spesific line to be added to forum rules prohibiting posting images of death, or such. Since I wasn't able to find one. That would prevent it happening later.

    I am a bit disappointed though. My point to read news is to learn about the world, not to escape from it. In this case posting a link was not an option since the pictures are not from the WWW.

  3. I'm sorry, but is it possible to save the autopsy ruminations for the ogrish dot com forums?

    Again sorry, but the photo belongs there as well...

    Well said sriracha and spot on.

    The poster shows he is more than a bit sick in the head for not only sending the photo of the poor demised but also adding a commentary on it.

    I think T.Visa are worth more that being put at gutter level by your stupidity.

    You must be aware of the offensive nature of your actions as you suggest that they be deleted if need be.

    What,s the point sonny.

    The Thai news media are famous for this insensitive behaviour and o.k. we have to put up with it.

    T.Visa is not at gutter level like this and you are taking us all in to disrepute through your actions.

    Personally i was shocked that the photo in question along with your pathetic observations have escaped the moderators, possibly due to the timing.

    Again you are putting our ethics and standards at your level, which is in the gutter.

    This is my humble opinion only and i hope you will ask the moderators for censorship of your post and offer your sincere apologies to T.Visa.

    marshbags :o:D:D

    Well the point is that these pictures are directly related to the topic we are discussing here. The small part of the news that can only be a fact.

    I'm sorry if these pictures offend someone. I don't see any reason though nor any ethical problems. What is wrong with posting the truth? In anycase there is no point for personal attacks here marshbags. I'm sure administration will solve the problem easily if there is one. Whom I also tried to inquire about the standards, but still have no responce. I figured this is TV in Thailand, so let's go along the thai press guidelines.

    Also I personally prefer the Thai media way of publishing news over the western "hide all bad - let's watch war in our livingroom" media style coverage.

  4. Sure. That's why alcholol advertizements have been banned in most of the civilized world. Because it has no effect. One wonder how much these "experts" are being paid to say this.

    IMO advertising does not cause people to become drinkers, I think that is dictated more by the persons family situation and peer preasure. The only real relevance to advertising is that it portrays one brand or another as "Cool" or "Sexy" so therfore more desirable to a 'young and trendy' teen than another alcoholic beverage. Checking ID of all people who appear "underage" when purchaseing alcohol would seem to me to be a better, though by no means total, solution to the problem of youth drinkers.

    Agree. Even the Maekhong add on TV is very Cool. :o

  5. Just wondering if the blood on the right sleeve is from cuts there or from the wounds on the back of the head, trying to shield himself. Haven't heard about any blades involved, latter assumption is propably more accurate. Smoking Wonder green, bottle of medicine?, and whats those bags with green incredients on the lower belly??

    The stickers on the chest, looks like medics tried to get his heart running, or...? I didn't know it's possible in this state anymore?

  6. But if the guy for example was wearing some traditional muslim garp and a beard he was a potential target in the first place.

    Hope we will hear more news soon.

    Why is that?

    So far i have not yet heard of any spontaneous anti Muslim violence here in Bangkok, on the opposite i see Muslims going about their business completely undisturbed. I have even seen Thai Muslims attending rallies of both camps.

    I fail to see how a Muslim in traditional dress could be "a potential target in the first place" here in Bangkok. There just is no precedent.

    Maybe my expression was a bit strong. Apologizes.

    I have heard of the attitudes. Alone, that late at night... Besides Bangkokians living under the stress of current political events. All this might have played a big influence to the outcome. Just think about it OK. As I said I'd like to hear more facts about this.

    So I take it, there's been no following news about this yet? Hope this one doesn't turn out to be one of those forgotten cases.. As somebody said, it is disturbing to hear a man was beaten to death on the street in the very center of Bangkok.

  7. This, at least, should get some points for Thailand regarding the human rights score. :o

    Sorry I couldn't resist it. I do undurstand that this is a very serious topic for some.

    Thai plastic surgeants are also Very experienced doing breasts etc..

    Why don't we declare Thailand A Sex and Related Opps. Hub?

    There is no intervention yet by the government. Somebody should start to take care of tourism still. Even it looks like your loosing. :D

  8. As someone who is not in the slightest religious, I am deeply shocked by the whole thing. Shocked that someone gets killed in the centre of Bangkok, 10 minutes down the road from where I live, by a mob(?) of people who are so absorbed by their faith and believes that they don't think twice before ending the life of a fellow human being. Shocked that what in my opinion is cold blooded murder seems to be seen as an acceptable punishment by many people, as it was done in the name of religion. I know people get killed every day all over the world, many for much lesser 'reasons', but I still find it very scary. I know what a big part religion plays in the everyday life of Thai people, and I thouroughly enjoy visiting their sacred sites, for the CALM and TRANQUILITY I find there. I would never dream of disrespecting, let alone damaging, anything they worship - be it related to buddhism or royalty. But to think that a man, whether or not mentally disturbed, gets killed for an act of vandalism ( even vandalism of the worst kind) is deeply saddening. Maybe for those people who killed him religion is the only source of hope and stability in their lives- when someone attacked this they just lost it. Or maybe it's just a convinient excuse for an act of extreme violence. Either way, tension and anger built up over a long period of time was released and khun Thanakorn Pakdeepol paid the ultimate price. In the most violent, painful way.

    TanjaB, I agree with your post, except your conclusion.

    Well yes, the killers, they just lost it, but it's seen as a normal behaviour in Thai culture. Monarchy and the religion are seen as the holy cow. Referring to these and some other points we could say Thailand is still a very undeveloped society. In a few words, Thailand is still in the Middle Ages in many ways. Erawan shrine was and still is very important place of worship in Bangkok. This could be compared to attacks on the World Trade towers in USA. Or some old cathedral in Europe.

    Violence is not the answer in any of these cases. It will be counterproductive.

    Man's death is a tragedy, I hope the killers will get a punishement by the law.

    I didn't have time to read all the pages, but there seems to be very few real news articles about this. Still very little information of the facts, motives, etc. It's useless to speculate. But if the guy for example was wearing some traditional muslim garp and a beard he was a potential target in the first place.

    Hope we will hear more news soon.

  9. OMG!! It's amazing! A Thai that speaks Thai! Fluently no less! Luk ...

    Read it again... I said "3 of the 4 major dialects fluently." You continually take things out of context to try and prove your point, few Thai actually speak more than 2 dialects, their home province one and central. If their home province is a central dialect, like Nakhon Nayok, it's probably the only one they know.

    LOL Luk ... you were (and still are) being a language snob about something pretty basic for a Thai .... I mean c'mon Phayao is on the border of Isaan and the North .. and pretty much all Thais can speak central (they all understand it) ... so why would it be surprising? and quite a few people in Nakhon Nayok speak Isaan well. After all Khao Yai is in both Nakhon Ratchasima and Nakhon Nayok :o

    being in Thailand and not Canada ...

    Has nothing to do with anything this is the information age you know the one you think all the poor rural folk should embrace to get informed..

    Luk ... being inCanada limits your contact with People ... if you don't see that you are truly lost!

    But you are tight I am NOT fluent in Passah Pak Isaan ... but I was there with friends that are educated at Chula and speak the local dialect as well as central Thai and didn't need to rely on them.

    That's because they were polite and speaking central to you. Go to Nan and sit down with some rural people and see how much you understand, especially if you tell them how uninformed they are..

    Luk ... they were talking amongst themselves and I understood .... you couldn't get that from the sentence?

    As for people from Ubon etc considering the rice fields of Nakhon Nayok upcountry ..... is there a point there? The same would go for the area outside HuaHin :-)

    Yes... The point is you used your other half to show you are in touch with the upcountry side of things. It's not close to upcountry at all or their upcountry views..LOL

    OK ... you got me ... the Province adjoining Nakhon ratchasima is NOT close to "upcountry" :D:D:D:D

    Your reverse snobbery is getting pretty interesting though ..... starting with "those bangkok people sure are ....." and developing into "those people that are in agricultural provinces that are too close to Bangkok are ......" WOW!

    Nice quote there. Where did you find that? Although you put that in "quotes" and associated it with me maybe you should show the whole quote to the rest of us. Otherwise it's just so much more made up BS.

    This one could almost be valid ... except you have generalized the people supporting PAD and BKKians often ... so ... no go here either.

    It's just like me trying to get the forum to believe it is you saying, "being in Thailand I happen to be lost on purpose, but then again I had friends." They are all your words from your last post but put together to prove another point. WOW!

    lol .... glad you have a finger on the pulse of people in the street from Canada Luk ... it gives me hope!

    Come on guys?

    I'm completely lost between your lively coloured paragraphs to the point being comletely lost.

    This is a forum and everybody should be able to read the contense. Including your lingo/replys too!

    Guess we should have some amendments done here. And that won't require a vote, just the benefit for the readers.

  10. Was talking to a Thai friend of mine here in the UK last night. He's from Bangkok and he says that Taksin is sending 5-6 buses into the part of Bangkok where he lives every day. Anyone who climbs on the bus to join the 'Taksin Supporters Club' gets 300bt a day.

    I've heard similar claims. Anybody going to support him will have to be "compensated" for the daily work they're missing back in their home towns.

    Unlike the people in Sanam Luang who just want him out.

    I stood on the jetty at Pin Klao crossing over to Sanam Luang late afternoon on March 3 when Taksin had his rally. People from buses from Ang Thong, Ayuttaya were crowding on the pier to go to the rally. One or two got on to the ferry when their leader shouted out,' wait, not everyone's here yet', they got off immediately. Every bus was plainly controlled by a kamnan or local councillor.

    And once Thaksin finished his speech it was straight home on the bus, no need to listen to other speeches, they weren't paid for that.

    Please friends, let's not get blind here. Corruption is a way of life in Thailand that no politician can live without if he wants to survive. 2 weeks ago in Saraburi Sondhi offered 500 B against Thaksin's 200 B for attending the festivities. For me that makes a message of Sondhi's desperate situation...

    I gather that change for better is always good. But will it be that. The opposition seems to be talkin gfor great noble ideas like freedom of speech, human rights, all basic democracy... Mayby they will be remembered for that. In a good way I hope.

    Just what makes people think that they are in anyway better than the previous government?

    How will they succeed in their noble tasks for better Thailand = not, ore money for themselves, when they surely have not the same experience as the present government?

    Many accusations towards Thaksin are true, and he's done countless mistakes, yes.

    I think in this case it's dangerous to shake the cardhouse too much.

    What is the plan for the Future?

  11. There may be as many as 100,000 missing people in the records in Thailand accumulated over the past several years, celebrity forensic scientist Porntip Rojanasunan believes.

    Guess that's the estimated figur for the whole country.

    Sorting out the trouble in South seems most important for everybody.

    Way to go Pornthip!

    Large part of missing bodies are propably due tsunami, and are kinda lost I think.

  12. Maybe these fishermen did it..I don't know of course. But I for one would have felt a lot better if Khunying Porntip handled the sampling and examining of DNA.

    Yeah, I saw her there Wat Yan Yao. She was sitting there and handing out these signed books of her for many fans.. In TV they said she did something important too.

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