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Posts posted by sonnyJ

  1. If you don't like it, don't come to Thailand.

    Do you have any more pearls of wisdom such as the above? :o

    Please share them with us. Drongo!

    Ahh .. so he's a nong then... :D:D

    BTW... what type of "smoking" are we talking about... :D

    totster :D

    Exactly. If I were smoking a pipe there wouldn't be any 'littering' problems. As all that goes in and comes out of my pipe is natural products... Is That illegal in the parks too?

  2. as long as the people who are murdering people down there continue doing so, how can you implement the steps you suggested?

    you can't.

    the first step is to stop these murderers.  find out who they are, where they are, and punish them for the 800 murders that they have already committed.

    then, you can plan for the future.

    otherwise, anything you try to built, they will destroy.  do you remember the schools that they burned down?

    I my first post I asked for ideas of reform that could be used after the violence had been dealt with or at least calmed down enough, like when schools stopped being burned.

    You posting about solar power, I wonder, do you think solar collecting stations could bring in some much need growth if they were place with in these troubled provionvces?

    I think the world is full of other people who would like to help others.

    the key is to ask. nobody can read minds.

    with the internet, you have this ability to ask all you want. maybe some people won't reply. you just need to keep trying.

    with the internet, you have unlimited possibilities. solar energy is just one of them.

    like I said, thailand has the manpower. and they are probably willing to work for a lot less than many other countries. with globalization, you have access to the world.

    go look for a niche. that is what india did, and look at them now.

    in regards to solar power, these inventors in the EU said they could produce the new flexible solar panels for about 1 dollar a watt. with the low labor costs here in thailand, don't you think you could get the cost even lower?

    you won't know until you ask.

    ...on commercial size systems, I would ask the people who build them. get their feedback.





    each website is a potential customer, a potential partner. ...talk to them to find out if they could be.

    there must be over a million people in the south of thailand. form a committee to represent that area, and then, roam the internet to find business partners.

    note: I am just a simple person with humble desires. so, I cannot profess to know all the answers to your questions. I can only offer what I know. but in my heart, I wish people the best in their endeavors as long as they are honorable.

    That's great if it is feasible soon.

    Going to the colonial era...1850..

    British stopped the sucicide attacks simply burying the attackers in pig skins. Maybe wouldn't work anymore. How could you recognice the pieces? But pigs are an effective weapon against muslims.....hhhhhhhhhmm. It's true, body touches a pig, no paradise anymore....

  3. My point was that I've never seen so many stupid laws like in Thailand, which are applied to some, not everybody. And usually not 'by the book'. They seem to exists only for monetary purposes. And many make no sense what so ever..

    Thailand has his laws (maybe some very stupid to you), you don't like it? DON'T come to Thailand.

    We reach a very depatable issue here. The time.

    I believe in evolution, developement, progress...

    (sorry my spelling english is not my first languge)

    Different people measure time in meny different means: by the sun, by the stars, by their crops, by their actions, by their watches ofcourse, and ofcourse by cigarettes etc..

    I like Thailand. Thats why I come here. But like some famous thai author wrote; people who stay two days here love it the most, the others.. :D

    Good the laws are all fine to you Dirk3.

    RDN it's great you can give up. :D Good it's almost fine with you with the traffic. All us smokers are smoking in front of Emporium on the benches. Just can't give it up. :o I'm totally hooked on inhaling that smoke. Wonder what's the difference with BKK traffic. Which is worse? Sure I am wrong, noo need to tell me that. I'm just hooked. :D Yeah.

  4. I choose to copy my pre-educational reply here too.

    Maybe it will grove something fruitful. :o


    Let's state and announce it again, this is not a crusade (what ever Bush says).

    The problem is not about religion/s.

    We can look back to history and see during 400 years at least, continuous and expanding supression of the muslim regions in Thailand. I would like to see southern states having more autonomy, yes. This is completely another matter though.

    I say this is not independece fight. This is terrorists, who happen to be muslims, and in mood for jihad. Escalating situation in the world wide scope. And can be on my opinion blamed mainly of G.W.Bush jr. policies and actions as a world police. Few words from him can make world go crazy. Most blame to him. Sure there is and has been illegal activitives happening on thai/malay border always. So what. Has very little to do with this.

    The solution? Cannot give you any answers directly. This is mainly about the worlds happenings. Afghanistan, Iraq, what next. This inspires extremists (in this case muslims) around the world. There have been active, extremists groups for decades, now it is their prime time.

    Negotiation is very difficult. We are living a new era. I don't think in Thailand there is much to negotiate about. Still I stress that as THE BEST OPTION. But this is not freedom fighters. Most local southern muslims are completely not supporting them.

    Arrest the hardline religious teachers would be the best alternative. Hope this would be the end of this crisis.

    Old era. Muslim states as super power of the world in early middle ages when The whole Europe was in, how should I put it, in very undeveloped state (barbarians). Muslim states of Persians and Ottomans were the world super power. (I disregard China as it's not really relevant). After European Renessance these powers fell, cos they didn't observe European happenings/rapid developement in anyway... That's a historical reason for lot of hatred. But ofcourse justifies it non what so ever... What I'm saying it's a global problem. Dilemma. I have no solutions for...

    I can say that violence creates violence. When will the world leaders get smarter than that. Maybe it's all about face after all, globaly too?

    Hoping for the best. Does the leaders listen some humanistis/sociolocist guys trying to explaing them what's going on? I think very few. And I see even less..



    On a very pessimistic point all humanrace is doomed for devastation and destruction.

    So is all pragmatism only about who survives the last???

    I don't need a state nor a city. Just a small place, like a tropical island where we can live and enjoy our lifes together. In peace.

    Is that too much to ask?

  6. Wow Thaksin is from chinese background... chinese are communist... is he really trying to start communist Thailand.

    yOU DONT THINK IT IS ALREADY ? Might as well be , its pretty close i would imagine only speculation never lived in a communist country. I cant believe this guy is chinese and runs Thailand , how did he get to buy land and everything else .

    ALL CHINESE ARE NOT COMMUNISTS. How can some one say that? Go to visit Mae Salong or maybe some other northern town build by chinese. Or Taiwan. Hong Kong....Or just talk with some exchange students from China in Bangkok.

    Yes Thaksin is chinese ehthnicity (100% I have learned?). Laws were different 100 years ago..

  7. Let's state and announce it again, this is not a crusade (what ever Bush says).

    The problem is not about religion/s.

    We can look back to history and see during 400 years at least, continuous and expanding supression of the muslim regions in Thailand. I would like to see southern states having more autonomy, yes. This is completely another matter though.

    I say this is not independece fight. This is terrorists, who happen to be muslims, and in mood for jihad. Escalating situation in the world wide scope. And can be on my opinion blamed mainly of G.W.Bush jr. policies and actions as a world police. Few words from him can make world go crazy. Most blame to him. Sure there is and has been illegal activitives happening on thai/malay border always. So what. Has very little to do with this.

    The solution? Cannot give you any answers directly. This is mainly about the worlds happenings. Afghanistan, Iraq, what next. This inspires extremists (in this case muslims) around the world. There have been active, extremists groups for decades, now it is their prime time.

    Negotiation is very difficult. We are living a new era. I don't think in Thailand there is much to negotiate about. Still I stress that as THE BEST OPTION. But this is not freedom fighters. Most local southern muslims are completely not supporting them.

    Arrest the hardline religious teachers would be the best alternative. Hope this would be the end of this crisis.

    Old era. Muslim states as super power of the world in early middle ages when The whole Europe was in, how should I put it, in very undeveloped state (barbarians). Muslim states of Persians and Ottomans were the world super power. (I disregard China as it's not really relevant). After European Renessance these powers fell, cos they didn't observe European happenings/rapid developement in anyway... That's a historical reason for lot of hatred. But ofcourse justifies it non what so ever... What I'm saying it's a global problem. Dilemma. I have no solutions for...

    I can say that violence creates violence. When will the world leaders get smarter than that. Maybe it's all about face after all, globaly too?

    Hoping for the best. Does the leaders listen some humanistis/sociolocist guys trying to explaing them what's going on? I think very few. And I see even less..

    Cheers :o

  8. If you don't like it, don't come to Thailand.

    Please correct me if I've misunderstood.

    People like you come to Thailand cos with money you can get away with anything???

    My point was that I've never seen so many stupid laws like in Thailand, which are applied to some, not everybody. And usually not 'by the book'. They seem to exists only for monetary purposes. And many make no sense what so ever.. :o

  9. If you care for Thailand, or just social development in more free, democratic, sivilised and/or law abiding way. Then you must stand up to these thieves who pose as cops and go to the station if they choose so. Don't worry about criminal records or some.. that's nothing wrong your doing. Thats what many thais do too.

    The only way to start to change the system that is eating up and preventing the developement of a country.


    Go to the station for having a fag :o in the park!

    Say something like, if you can learn a little Thai, I have no money, I'm not a rich farang etc etc and say the most you can give them is 20-50 baht.

    Don't be scared by them, like many tourists I have seen.

    What I meant was, that they might force you to the station , in rare cases, just on intension to wast your time, so you will make the better deal with them. I'm not suggesting to get in combat with these guys. It will be very unlikely too that they will shoot you in Chatuchak on open daylight, if you walk away. And they are very not likely interested to go to station just cos of that so....Usually they will just let you go..

  10. Forgot to mention on previous. On the spot fines are not legal in Thailand. Mean mandatory for anybody. You have the right to get the ticket and pay later.

    Sure it's more easy/faster/cheaper to just go along with the corruption.

    If you care for Thailand, or just social development in more free, democratic, sivilised and/or law abiding way. Then you must stand up to these thieves who pose as cops and go to the station if they choose so. Don't worry about criminal records or some.. that's nothing wrong your doing. Thats what many thais do too.

    The only way to start to change the system that is eating up and preventing the developement of a country.

  11. I was with a friend at Chatuchak market the other day. On the way back to the skytrain, we took a shortcut through the park where she lit up a cigarette. A policeman called her over and pointed out to her that it was illegal to smoke in the park. She was obliged to pay 1,000 baht (without receiving a receipt in return).

    We were both taken aback at this. Yes, there was a road sign (on another path) showing a crossed-out cigarette to denote no smoking. We also did subsequently notice a very small sign at the entrance to the park (where the metro comes out) that stated there was a 2,000 baht fine for smoking. So I suppose we should have known.

    I don't think there were any signs where you enter the park on the market side, but the signs at the main entrance were already so small that we could have easily missed them. Next time I go to the market, I will have a closer look.

    There were several things that disturbed me about this incident.

    Firstly, the fact that smoking is banned in an open-air space. I personally dislike cigarette smoke intensely, but I don't see how smoking in the park is going to be at all discernible, especially when the air is already choking with car, bus, truck and tuk tuk fumes. It might make a bit more sense to fine people for dropping stubs on the ground. And it makes sense to ban smoking on trains, at the stations underground (perhaps not so much on the skytrain stations) or other indoor public spaces. But outdoors!?

    Secondly, the fact that the signs were fairly obscure. If it is to be deemed illegal to smoke or drink or walk on the grass or whatever, in a place where one would not expect it, then I would suppose that huge signs would be put up to draw one's attention to the fact.

    Finally, the fact that the policeman didn't issue a receipt or provide any information about an appeals process or a way to query the fine. Obviously the money went straight into his and his cronies' pockets.

    Who would one contact to complain about this or at least have some influence in reducing this kind of activity? My friend was quite shaken by the experience, almost expecting to have to fill in forms, go to the police station and register her passport, etc. etc. Which is why she gladly gave the policeman the 1,000 baht, without making any fuss.

    Or is this the price we have to pay for visiting or living in Thailand?

    Yes, sad but true. Still the regular "park bum" sits there with his sang som and cigarettes and no problem.... :o

    I think the fine is 2000. If you want to do this by the law, insist a REAL ticket and pay 2000B. Better go to take care of this at the police station. In this case there wouldn't be any corruption, or maybe the cop will let you just walk out for free.

    People in Thailand must learn to do things by the law!

  12. If he is admitted to the hospital, he can request the hospital contact immigration and they will arrange an extension. Otherwise he needs to contact them with documentation from the hospital.

    I once overstayed my visa by three days (the only time I ever did) due to being hospitalized. The immigration police at the border laughed at my medical certificate and made me pay the fine anyway.

    On medical certificates in Thailand.

    The public swimming pool/sports center required medical certificate that I don't have any communicable diseases for the membership.

    My girlfriend called her maid to go to get the documents for both of us from the local Bangkok neighbourhood doctor.

    No problem. :o

  13. A tragic accident.

    It's a good point why they were driving around 2 am.? Realising the risks..

    These kinda accidents happen in Thailand a lot.


    -no proper driving learning/education

    -no helmets

    This is my over all oppinion, not only in this case, but on every day cases.

    I hope there will be some real consequenses for this driver. For the nanny too.


    But the problem is not solved sending this guy to prison. Like I pointed out before Thais should get some driving education going on!! Seriously!!!

  14. I wonder if anyone at the top is bothering to research actual energy consumption in Thailand. Approximately 85% of the national energy budget is consumed by air-conditioning. They could save a ton of money by simply installing thermostats at Bangkok International Airport to keep the temps at a reasonable 25-deg level. It's freezing in that airport, esp at night. I've been in many banks and gov't offices in Bangkok where there's a similar arctic chill.

    The general rule now seems to be to run the air at a level that allows everyone to wear thick polyester jackets and ties. Setting the thermostats at reasonable levels and letting everyone wear lighter, more casual clothing could save millions of baht.

    Exactly what I've been trying to say. But been out of words, it's the words saving time too, not the hub of words saving, but anyway.. :D

    Don't save your words here.

    Great point by Sabaijai. :o

  15. Forgot to mention on my last post. All last month they were giving samples of the new whiskey brand, Benmore?, to all customers, at the Big C on Saphan Khwaai. Yes, all day long. Some whiskey in a plastic cup, mixed with soda by attractive sales girl, for free. I would have tried it too but figured there was too many people on the line. :o

    Maybe a good tactic on retailing, let's get the customers a bit drunk, then the will buy more???

    They have never refused to sell me alcohol at the big supermarkets. I figured that the cahsiers didn't know what time it was.

    7/11 and Family Mart are strict about this nowadays on my experience in Bangkok. Few times they have even made a mistake about the time, refusing to sell at 6 o'clock. That was ofcourse cleared out easily.

  16. My first thoughts were that this got to do something with the booming alcoholism in the Thai society. But, cannot by one beer, must by 12 plus...???

    Dosn't make any sense. :o

    It might have something to do with this governments war on poverty. Now, more money is going to the private mom'and pop's shops........they never follow this law, it's 24/7.

    Beats me.

    And by the way, I'm not drunk writing this message. :D

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