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Posts posted by johnh101

  1. It is not the most expensive car so you cannot expect the most expensive style and performance I had one for a year as a company car and it was fine, never had any reliability problems, fuel consumption was great, comfortable although on long journeys up north you need to stop to get some bloodflow back in your butt. The only criticism, which can only be expected at that price, is it is a bit underpowered for overtaking.

  2. I am not afraid..the chances of being blown up in London is about the same as being run over by a bus"

    When 500 chinese tourists (en masse) decide to walk straight across The Mall. Piccadilly Circus, Oxford Street or the M1, I am quite sure this will become ever so more likely to happen ! !


  3. Marigolds - Native marigolds can grow almost like a small tree, I have some 2 metres high and stem about 30mm diameter. These seem to be similar to African marigolds. Other marigolds that I have bought in from seed can tend to grow  on the spindly side. If this is the case, then I have found the best thing is to take tip cuttings and root them in half sand and half cow/buffalo dung ( dung should be left for at least 3 months before using and kept moist). That way you get stronger plants. I use yoghurt pots for this.

    Please educate the ignorant.

    I was under the impression that Cow Dung could not be used, what does leaving it 3 months do ?

  4. I am told that a Thai National can get a 30 day visa on arrival in Malaysia, but what if they want to stay 90 days (same as a UK national gets).

    Can they extend their visa ?

    Can they apply for a 90 day visa ?

    Do they have to do a visa run every 30 days ?

    Any help on this appreciated.

  5. There is a farang getting around Bangkok for some time now with floppy ears (he can tuck them into his ears :D ) Have you seen him? Do you know the guy?

    You should lay of the Thai Whisky, that is an elephant ...... :o

  6. Farang roo mak....mai dee!!!

    That's a stereotypical bar girl response to a farang who can speak Thai, in other words they can't pull the wool over your eyes. If you speak Thai with a 'normal' Thai they are more than impressed that you've taken the time to learn the language.

    My wife would disagree with you on that one. She has told me that many Thai's do not like Falangs who know too much about anything, not just the language. You could be talking about car mechanics, farming, breeding dogs, anything really and when you display a superior knowledge to them they back off and do not want to know any more.

    I have seen this once or twice but know it does not apply to most. :o

  7. Ditto that Ivan. Also, my Mrs won't teach me. She wants to spend the time improving her English, not improving my Thai. So now i've found a teacher but 1 lesson a week doesn't really help you to improve at great speed.  :o

    They want you to learn Thai to communicate better but do not want you to understand when they are talking about you

    Farang roo mak....mai dee!!!

  8. don't mince your words, get to the point


    Yeah , dont hold back , tell us how you really feel :o

    One must assume that at some point previous he was taken for a <deleted> :D:D:D

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